Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Just bought a lumia 620 for my elder sister. She was android user from past 5 years. Yesterday she said that windows phone is much better then android no lags, fantastic camera. My sister is 45th person now who is using windows phone. Microsoft is now showing love to India. I guess windows phone have beaten ios market in India.
Lumia 925 India
Sadly i'm still the only one amongst my tech savvy friends that is using Windows Phone.
Just bought a lumia 620 for my elder sister. She was android user from past 5 years. Yesterday she said that windows phone is much better then android no lags, fantastic camera. My sister is 45th person now who is using windows phone. Microsoft is now showing love to India. I guess windows phone have beaten ios market in India.
Lumia 925 India

This is due to Windows phone being cheaper to ios iPhones.nd it being smoother than android in low end.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Two of my best buddies have a Windows PHone cause of me..third one is on his way to get one, 1320.. :)
Amazing how the tables have turned. Apple was unable to compete with Microsoft because they lacked desktop software and now Microsoft is unable to compete in the mobile market for the same reason.

My wife and I were Android users before switching to WP8 (HTC 8x and Lumia 928) couple of years ago.

WP8.1 OS has lots going for it but lacks high quality apps. For example, I installed a Q-See security system at my house over one year ago and I still cannot find a single WP8 app (free or commercial) for remote viewing. Meanwhile, there are dozens of compatible free remote viewing apps for Android and iOS. Inability to find apps like the Costco app, bank apps and such is a major problem with WP8. Also, many of the WP8 apps that do exist are simply crappy compare to their Android and iOS counterparts. An example is the WP8 Amazon Kindle Reader which lacks 75% of the basic functionality that exists in the Android and iOS versions.

We I have finally given up on WP8 and are switching to iPhone 5s and Galaxy s5 phones.
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I've turned heaps of peeps onto WP but I didn't think it thru very thoroughly as now I'm their official troubleshooter lol
Sent from my Lumia 925 8.1
My GF has a 920, wait, isn't that the one I gave her?! ...Seriously though i do a lot of business with Nokia device (Now MS) in Espoo Finland and know a lot of the guys there with WP.
One of my friend has one (gone through several from Focus to white Lumia 800 to 1020 now), and he buys WP for his family as well.

Once at work I was dealing with people from different companies, when we were checking our emails out of the team of 6 (including me) there were 2 other guys who whipped out WP, specifically Lumia - one guy has the special grey 920 the other has a yellow 1520 and I had a yellow 1020. That was an amazing moment as we all held a flagship from different times. We talked about our phones and we all loved them. They didn't know about the Dev Preview so I showed them 8.1 on my 1020.
Over time I see a few people who have wp devices, mostly Lumia 520's as replacement phones when their iPhone or HTC/Samsung breaks as it has all the basic stuff they need while saving up for a new phone. But I still see way more HTC Ones than Windows Phones, which is a pity cause frankly speaking I find wp THE most personal OS (also not being as expensive as other top phones) 😏
One person I know w/one recently switched to an HTC One M8. The only other person I know is a phone addict w/several phones. His latest are an M8 and G3. I haven't actually seen him w/any of his WPs in months.

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I had a friend who wanted one for the longest time but was stuck with a Galaxy S3. He finally got a L928 and cracked the screen from dropping it a week later.

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