Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

About 4 people I saw before 1 has 920 other 1020 ..other has 1320 and last one who I actually knew personally has 820 ..
It actually helps if you guys include area location. Only people I know that uses windows phones are me, my sister, and one of my friend. Location: Chicago, Illinois. Much like the ghetto here, I doubt people would even notice about windows phones unlike California (mostly tech savy people). A lot of people here use iPhones. Mainly iPhone 5's tho. I remember back in 1-2 years ago, a lot of people own Samsung phones.....I hope one day these windows phone will take over iPhones.
Yes, I've seen quite a few all over the US... but I work in the tech field, so I think that is why I might see them more often.
I have a black 1020, there's a yellow 1020 in the family, and I know someone with an orange 830.

In the wild, I've seen a yellow 1020 and a black 1020 at school, and on the bus I've seen a 520.

We don't get many Windows Phones in Canada, so that's about it.
Saw someone holding a Lumia. Don't know which one it was. And also "heard" a Lumia in the mall.
Yes I've seen multiple people around my town with windows phones. Specifically a guy that was fixing my brothers cracked screen he had a 920 and I had a 930. He said "We are like a lost breed, when you see one another you automatically have something that unites one to another). Later a girl that worked in the Microsoft section of best buy, she said the same thing. I got my family to try out a windows phone and they haven't switched back to their old phones yet.
This is such a stupid question, it shouldn't even be in this forum.

I would like to ask the person who started this question: has he ever come to India? Or for that matter, has he ever gone to any developing country? In all of these countries, no doubt Android is the most popular mobile OS, but Windows Phone, not iOS, not Blackberry OS, is the 2nd most popular mobile OS in these countries. Especially in my country India, 12% of smartphone users use a phone running the Windows Phone OS, with a majority of these phones being Nokia Lumias. Everywhere I go, I see at least 3-4 people having a Lumia. Less than 1% of smartphone users use iPhone or Blackberrys on the other hand, because they are so expensive. Mostly the IT professionals who earn a lot as well as the filthy rich buy iPhones and Blackberrys in India, not the common man.

Maybe in USA or the developed world, the situation may be different, but these type of questions should never be asked in the forum, because the fortunes of Windows Phone are different in different countries.
Never seen one in the wild, in West London or Canary Wharf or Devon. Or Eastbourne. My 1520 is rather conspicuous but no one has ever commented on it either. And certainly no one has been derogatory. None of my friends care (though I've a gs5, passport and an iphone 6 plus).

Now cars... That's a whole other level of incivility lol
I have seen a couple. I think there's someone at work with one, and I did spot someone at my children's school with one.

Oh, and in the film The Inbetweeners 2, Simon uses one.
This is such a stupid question, it shouldn't even be in this forum.

I would like to ask the person who started this question: has he ever come to India? Or for that matter, has he ever gone to any developing country? In all of these countries, no doubt Android is the most popular mobile OS, but Windows Phone, not iOS, not Blackberry OS, is the 2nd most popular mobile OS in these countries. Especially in my country India, 12% of smartphone users use a phone running the Windows Phone OS, with a majority of these phones being Nokia Lumias. Everywhere I go, I see at least 3-4 people having a Lumia. Less than 1% of smartphone users use iPhone or Blackberrys on the other hand, because they are so expensive. Mostly the IT professionals who earn a lot as well as the filthy rich buy iPhones and Blackberrys in India, not the common man.

Maybe in USA or the developed world, the situation may be different, but these type of questions should never be asked in the forum, because the fortunes of Windows Phone are different in different countries.

this guy is quite correct about it.
i mean in India, nowadays i find WPs in definitely noticeable amount. one of my friend and one relative owns mobile showrooms, and both said there are people to buy WP. though in smaller towns, people prefer android based phones (as there are many to guide them for initial usage), many users now go for WP due to various reasons such as music, camera, performance (520 can play HD), etc. Some buy basically for battery backup. 3 of my friends (they are brothers), bought WP as a second phone to their iPhone, to try new instead of droids, and now happy.

being in India, i feel this question is out of question now. in other countries, the scenario might differ.
But India land of androids.with the missile of budget oem like xiaomi moto Asus I doubt people will go for wp.
It was nice to go round my uncles who are as Microsoft as me with 530, 820, 710, between kids and rents, and tablets etc!
this guy is quite correct about it.
i mean in India, nowadays i find WPs in definitely noticeable amount. one of my friend and one relative owns mobile showrooms, and both said there are people to buy WP. though in smaller towns, people prefer android based phones (as there are many to guide them for initial usage), many users now go for WP due to various reasons such as music, camera, performance (520 can play HD), etc. Some buy basically for battery backup. 3 of my friends (they are brothers), bought WP as a second phone to their iPhone, to try new instead of droids, and now happy.

being in India, i feel this question is out of question now. in other countries, the scenario might differ.
The question was asked almost two years ago.....and guess what, for many places WP has hardly moved upwards after the initial pushes (read: Nokia WP-days).

In my office of about 500people, I see those people who own a WP 1 1/2 years ago still owns a WP. Those on dumb phone went to Android, while those on Android stayed on Android and very few made the to/fro iOS/Android switch.
Hard a rosy scenario.
Is the question relevant??.. of course it is
Lets answer the question in 2016 and hopefully the answer is better
The question was asked almost two years ago.....and guess what, for many places WP has hardly moved upwards after the initial pushes (read: Nokia WP-days).

In my office of about 500people, I see those people who own a WP 1 1/2 years ago still owns a WP. Those on dumb phone went to Android, while those on Android stayed on Android and very few made the to/fro iOS/Android switch.
Hard a rosy scenario.
Is the question relevant??.. of course it is
Lets answer the question in 2016 and hopefully the answer is better

i really hope and expect the answer would be much better.
with windows 10, i feel that will change the game.
anyways, every one is moving towards one OS concept. google is incorporating apps from android to chrome, apple is trying to unite iOS with Maverick, same MSFT is doing in windows.
by 2016, that will be like war of Titans. and generally in war of Titans, either all lose and some small boy wins or all survive living along.
around me no one uses windows phone, but I convinced 3 of my coworkers to switch to windows phone (920, 1020, 635)
they all love the system and happy with it,
in fact more of my coworkers are waiting for windows 10 to switch.
I've seen hell lot of 520 guys, 720, 920, 1020 & one of my friends had a 625. Lastly My girlfriend got a 635 :-)

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