Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Saw a Uni student the other day with a 520 at the till while out shopping, her mates had iPhones (all cracked screens - LOL), but she seemed to know how to use it & quick!

Yes, I am using Windows phone and I am very happy with this phone. Windows phone easy to use and familiar.
Saw a lady pull out a (beat up) HTC 8X. I almost felt bad knowing her phone was likely never going to receive any more updates (assuming it has received any updates so far).
Saw a lady pull out a (beat up) HTC 8X. I almost felt bad knowing her phone was likely never going to receive any more updates (assuming it has received any updates so far).

Should still work pretty decent though -- WP8 is a nice platform!
I have gotten 4 people to buy a wp device: A Lumia 630, 830, 520 and a 930 and my brother has a 930 and my mother wants a 1330 when it comes out she loves big screens. And i see 520, 925, 920 and 630 all the time here in Berlin. Have also seen a 820 and a friend has a 610. But i think wp's have a high marketshare in Germany right? Oh and my teacher has a 630
Saw an oldish bloke (early 60's) today with a 635, I asked him how he likes his phone. He said it was better then the last (520), and better then the one before that (some Samsung android rubbish...). He seemed very happy and he recommends it to people.

Saw one person two years ago with a 920. :)
Oh, and an IT guy at work hard a 900 the day they came out.
Sadly, it's been a few years since I've seen one in public.
Seen 2 people at school with 521s, and a parent with a Lumia with a green back, didn't have time to recognize it. Not sure if it was running 8 or 8.1, and they said they hated it. The screen size was between a 521 and a 1520. :3 Wouldn't have known it even existed next to me if they hadn't gotten an email.
Yep. 4 of my friends switched to windows phone after they saw my L720. And another is considering a Lumia but I think he's waiting for the Win10 flagship.
To be honest, the few people I've spoken to who want to jump to WinPhone, I've told them to hold off until Win10. Or get a cheap throwaway for now, if their current phone was dead/dying.
As I knew they'd moan if I told them to get a 930, and a 940 gets released... (for example)

Kinda pre-mature to post. My spare 720 will be given to my sis-inlaw who is using a iP4. She got that from her nephew and has been using it for past six-months. .. and I've been hearing endless complains.
She has been eyeing the 1520 but the size is unwieldy for her. She was wowed by some of the picts taken on my 920.

And she loves the elegant simplicity of WP8.... in short she hates her iP4.

Chalk this down as a WP convert !!

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