Well, here in Mexico I see a couple Windows Phone here and there, but are really really small the amount. I still see some Lumia 610 and 710 with WP7.
I used a Lumia 520, so I convince a friend to buy a Lumia, he got a Lumia 720 and he loves it. My girlfriend used a Lumia 610 before I get my 520. I buy her a 620 and she loves it. I actually use a 625.
A friend of mine used a 710, her phones died and she got a 720.
A friend of mine uses a 710.
A friend of mine used a 620, his pone died and he got a 630 (and a 925 locket from the US, he still looking to see who can unlock that one).
A friend of mine uses a 520.
But, not everything is cool.
A friend of mine uses a 510, a terrible, terrible phone, with WP7 (and I believe this was a Mexican-Only ****), it's slow, it's bad, with a terrible camera, just 4 GB of storage, 256 MB of RAM, pure ****. He got a terrible experience with WP, and he is looking for an Android or iPhone, also, the lack of medical help apps (for nurcery and medical use) in WP is making him to go away.
A friend of mine used a 710, her brother used a 710 too. I don't know why, but now, she uses a Galaxy S4 Mini, her brother uses an LG don't-know-the-model.
No one in my family use a WP, just Android or iPhone.
No one of my current friends wants to get a WP.
A lot of people I know believes WP is crap.
It's really hard to see someone in my University using a WP (not even Teachers).
In the streets, in the bus, if I see one WP outside the ones I listed, lucky me. And the models are just around the 520, 610, 710, 625 and that's all folks, here in Mexico the adoption of WP is going slowly, and the big stores (BestBuy), right now, just sells 530, 630 and 1320 Lumia models.