Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Yes I have seen , every 10th person have a Windows in India( I guess) ..... Idk about others .
In my part of the world (western Canada) I have not seen a single person with a WP ever, my son's and mine not withstanding, we're going back to 2007 when I purchased a phone w/Windows Mobile Professional 6.0. My son just recently went back to Android due to our selection being so dismal so it appears it's just me now LOL, getting awfully lonely in here.
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a classmate of mine bought a 930. That teacher that previously owned a 720 now has a 930 as well. Interestingly, the 930 doesn't look THAT big or thick seeing it closely, and it's very well-made
In one of my local phone shops I was chatting to the manager yesterday about the 640 announced at mwc , and I commented on the fact that there were so few windows phone's on display only a 535 630 635, he then told my that the high number of returns on windows phones especially the 535, which made me think this my be why so few windows phones are displayed in the shops in the UK you very rarely see a 930 830 735 on the same display, how Microsoft hope to grow market share with this happening there marketing department needs to sort them selves out.
I've seen a few in public, you really can't miss that Yellow or Red used in the polycarbonate back plates. Apart from that have a fair share of wp converts under me belt, unfortunately some have wondered off due to peer pressure in their social circles. The excuses from some these numpties are just ab-stitchingly-hilarious for instance "windows phone sucks because it is a virus magnet", "it always crashes that's why there are no apps for it"... Lol... And no they were being serious, I to thought they were being sarcastic but since they have maintained that stance more than a dozen occasions... (they couldn't give any coherent or compelling arguments why their favourite platform is better, the debate more less always starts with them saying "your still using that crappy phone", referring to my L920).
I live in the Seattle area, so yes, I do see them out in the wild.
But even without asking, I know most are Microsoft employees, lol
Yeah I know a few friends of mine with Windows phones but two of them left for Android. They say that apart from the camera 📷, WP is not so good
Well, here in Mexico I see a couple Windows Phone here and there, but are really really small the amount. I still see some Lumia 610 and 710 with WP7.
I used a Lumia 520, so I convince a friend to buy a Lumia, he got a Lumia 720 and he loves it. My girlfriend used a Lumia 610 before I get my 520. I buy her a 620 and she loves it. I actually use a 625.
A friend of mine used a 710, her phones died and she got a 720.
A friend of mine uses a 710.
A friend of mine used a 620, his pone died and he got a 630 (and a 925 locket from the US, he still looking to see who can unlock that one).
A friend of mine uses a 520.
But, not everything is cool.
A friend of mine uses a 510, a terrible, terrible phone, with WP7 (and I believe this was a Mexican-Only ****), it's slow, it's bad, with a terrible camera, just 4 GB of storage, 256 MB of RAM, pure ****. He got a terrible experience with WP, and he is looking for an Android or iPhone, also, the lack of medical help apps (for nurcery and medical use) in WP is making him to go away.
A friend of mine used a 710, her brother used a 710 too. I don't know why, but now, she uses a Galaxy S4 Mini, her brother uses an LG don't-know-the-model.
No one in my family use a WP, just Android or iPhone.
No one of my current friends wants to get a WP.
A lot of people I know believes WP is crap.
It's really hard to see someone in my University using a WP (not even Teachers).
In the streets, in the bus, if I see one WP outside the ones I listed, lucky me. And the models are just around the 520, 610, 710, 625 and that's all folks, here in Mexico the adoption of WP is going slowly, and the big stores (BestBuy), right now, just sells 530, 630 and 1320 Lumia models.
I'm using L625 for around a year now.
Convinced my gf, to go for L635, and she loves it after android.
Then, my best friend also bought L630.
My mom is about to change her phone, and i'm pretty shure that i'll take windows phone for her.
And what is more surprising, is that i see more and more people with windows phone around my city, university... And it feels awesome :) ( I'm from Lithuania, Eastern Europe)
P.S sorry for my bad english. :)
My friend when seeing the pictures that I have taken with my 520 was surprised to see such a good image he compared it with his nexus 5 and iPhone 4S.What surprised him is that it was a low end phone and still capable of taking good pics and he is an apple fan.Another friend of mine is now bored with Android and wants to switch to WP.He would buy a 535 in the coming days.One year back it was hard to see a Windows Phone in India but now I see many people having one, the models are mostly 520,535,720,1520,1320.830.I saw one 930.
I have jumped into the Windows phone system from Android and have had my (?90 - $135) Lumia 535 for about 2 months now. I have finally got it customised just how I want it but am still finding out many features of the phone. One of the main complaints about WP I read about were the lack of apps, well the first thing I noticed after switching was that whilst my Android phone, ZTE, was indeed festooned with apps I hardly used many of them but with the WP I have fewer apps but actually use them. So far so good but I do have the odd gripe like what use is the screen you have to swipe up every time just to get to the apps and I don't think you can disable it or customise it with a photo or anything, minor stuff I know. As for out in the wild well people I know actually want to look at my phone as they haven't seen one for real and before I got mine I had only seen one other person with one that ran Windows 8.

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