Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

My friends have(or want) all windows phone
A third 710
All friends who have Android phone had it cause was a 800ar$(pesos Argentinos) or more cheap cellphone
I used to have a colleague who used to have an old Lumia 800, and I also worked on a design project with a chap who had an HTC 8X, and of course there is person here or there in the street, but other than that no one else. My Lumia 1520 tends to get a fair bit of attention, although that might just be down to the size of the thing! :wink:
WP is not much popular in Serbia but I know few people with windows phone. Me and my girl have WP. Some of my colleagues have WP. So yeah I see people with WP.
The last few weeks I have seen several people with Windows Phone. Just saw a guy at a sandwich shop with a Lumia 830.... Which is the "highest" end I've seen, the others have been 521 and 635. Saw a 920, but that was right after it came out.

I also went to Best Buy yesterday, and lo and behold for the very first time they had a Windows Phone display!! I was shocked. Sure, only three phones, all from AT&T (530, 635, 830) and the setup was tiny compared to the iPhone and Android displays, but hey, better than nothing...
I have a friend who has a WP, as well as his wife. They are a very pro Microsoft family. My sister-in-law also has one, but i think that one is more work related.
My gf a 720 (like me) and three friends, one with an 820, one with a 925 and another one with a brandnew 735 to replace his oversized Galaxy Note 3....
Two clients I am working with actually have Lumia 1020's. Easy to tell with the camera hump lol. I have come across a few in the wild here and there also.
At a grocery I saw 2 different people using a Lumia 920 and a Lumia 535. So it would seem there were 4 of us WP users(was with the gf) in one place at a given moment. Quite rare. Hehehe
Two more people at work using WP. One has a 625, the other a 930 (his main driver is a iP6+, guess he's testing out the waters !!)
The number of WP is almost matches iPhone users.
The rest of work colleague uses Android, mainly Smsg, but its very obvious the Galaxies are very quickly losing ground to the Chinese phones.
i sold two 635 in black friday price to two ladies who never heard of windows phone before last sunday. They both use iphone but want to try wp now

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