Many people buy things because of the name. Nokia is famous because of its build quality and because of that they will always buy Nokia
I'm pretty sure that , here soon, they won't be buying Nokia. There will be no devices to buy from Nokia, but, there will be devices to buy from, in a large part, the team that used to be Nokia. There's no indication that the quality, innovation, design, etc. of Nokia is going anywhere. Does it matter what the name is, if the same philosophies and people that that embody that are still going strong? It may to some, but than we have to ask: What were their loyalties really too, a name or a design philosophy? Now, it may pan out that MSFT drastically changes the things that made Nokia a infamous brand or it may pan out that they build and continue along the same path that helped make the name of Nokia iconic. We just don't know. Instead of people lamenting the death of Nokia, maybe they should give it a little time and see where Microsoft takes it. If the things that created Nokia loyalists continue than and they can't accept that, because of an ownership change, than what were they really loyal too? A perceived image or a design scheme and quality phone maker?