I understand that.
I just heard that at MS it's especially harsh. You could have a department that is filled with great workers, but some will have to be labeled as bad just because that's the way it is.
Early in my career I got caught up in that stuff, got laid off a few times in the early-mid 90s. After blaming the system and the unfairness of it all, I looked inward and I could see why I was in that bottom portion. I changed some things about my approach to work. Bottom line, if someone is labeled as "bad," it's because they're not as good as the rest.
To the people who point to MS management being terrible, what would you call Nokia management? The only reason they got involved with MS was out of necessity after years of mismanagement of their own. having owned at least 2 S60 phones in the past I don't recall receiving many updates, and the build quality was good but not spectacular.
The people who say they buy Nokia because it says Nokia remind me of Apple sheep. Buy the best smartphone you can for your budget, not what the brand says on the phone. I prefer WP over Android, BB7/10 and iOS and I liked the camera on the 1020 so that's why I bought it. I had a Samsung Focus S before that and it in my opinion performed just as good as the Nokia. These different brands all use the same Qualcomm chips, and MS gives the same OS to each of them. The main differences lie in the phone's shell and that's about it.
I don't have firsthand knowledge, but if they don't, they're not managing their resources properly.
I don't really get the 'I don't trust MS' thinking either.
Here's something got get into your heads, hopefully.
The Nokia brand name and probably Lumia will disappear eventually. They only have them for 10 years max but most likely they'll go sooner.
MS owns the OS on your phone. Personally if I didn't trust them I wouldn't own the phone. Nokia was hardware only. If you're only going on hardware with WP then I don't get why you're bothering with the platform.
The only thing that will hopefully come out of this is that MS will use the Nokia engineers well and create good products that people will want. That's all we can hope for. Whether it's branded Nokia or MS or Lumia makes little difference at the end of the day. It's Windows Phone regardless.
Can we please move on now?
MS owns the OS on your phone. Personally if I didn't trust them I wouldn't own the phone. Nokia was hardware only. If you're only going on hardware with WP then I don't get why you're bothering with the platform.
This stuff with nokia being the GOOD guys and doing everything right is nationalistic European talk. I leave in Balkans so I'm an European. I had a lot of nokia phones just like everyone in the country. Once phones moved in to the iphone smartphone era no one was buying nokia because they did not made appealing smartphones. No one in my country really cared about this European pride for manufacturers. Why this so much hate for Microsoft when it comes to MS / Nokia relation? Just because one is an European company and the other is an American company? Nokia screwed themselves and become not competitive themselves it is not MS fault. At this point seeing so much pro nokia comments I just wish MS abandoned nokia to it's fate and bough htc in exchange. At that point no pro-European stands would have been taken as European would not care that much.
Nokia does not build in Finland anymore so why do you care so much???? It's like apple and their designed in California assembled in china logo. Nokia devices was bough but the same people will make the design and the same people will make the devices in some factories in asia so what has changed? That those same people you praise so much no receive their checks from US instead from a Finland company?
Until the news of the buy emerged there were a lot of posts saying that people were wishing that MS would buy nokia for a better future. Where are those people now? I see only people complaining and mourning nokia. All the people saying that MS did ok with surface and xbox but that they had losses on per device sells. So does nokia with the lumia. They are loosing money per device. So how did that you judge MS but not nokia?
So , Basically Apple is same under Tim Cook as it was under Steve Jobs ? Because according to your logic , the same engineers are working under Cook as well.
That's How I see Nokia Independently Vs Nokia Under Microsoft.
That's why I sold off my Lumia for a Galaxy.
I bought Lumia because I like Nokia's service and hardware as well as their presence around my region.My phone before Lumia was Nokia as well.
Hey whatever works for you. I expect you to do the same when Samsung changes management to. Going by your logic.
Nokia was barely profitable. Either MS bought them or someone else might have. Which would you prefer?
Nokia became barely profitable because they adopted WP exclusively.
Its a known fact by everyone.They lost so much value and the deal also came cheaper (lower value)
They could have chosen Samsung's way of adopting multiple OS instead of depending completely on MS
Nokia was trusted by so many people , but still it went down in no time.
Why ?It Didn't listen to consumers.
Samsung has a cheap design , plastic etc. but that's what people are buying.Why ? because Samsung designed touchwiz keeping average consumer in mind and made design decisions according to consumer's voice (like SD-card , light weight , slim design , removable battery etc.)
Windows Laptops (majority of the sold ones) have crappy screens , cheap trackpads , unbearable keyboards etc. but still sell better than Well-designed,industrial design Macbooks.Why ? because OEMs listen to what consumers want and keep them (like optical drive or high end graphic card etc.) but Apple doesn't.
What have you been smoking??
People buy Samsung products because they have a massive marketing and advertising operation and put more money into getting the brand out than anything else.
And finally windows laptops from OEM's with crappy screens etc sell more than Macbooks due to the $1000 price difference.
Neither things have anything to do with listening to consumers - its all about brand mentality and the money in your bank
And finally windows laptops from OEM's with crappy screens etc sell more than Macbooks due to the $1000 price difference.