(Official) New Windows Central Design Thread - Bug Fixes / Issues / Problems

Where is the [next page] button on the index site? When I scroll to the bottom of the site, I can't click anywhere to go to the next page with articles..
Even though I'm not having success with the Readability parse site (https://www.readability.com/shorten), it seems like Readability is now working for WPCentral articles in Weave News Reader. The fact that it works on Weave but not the Readability site might show that Weave is using a different service now.
What happened to the option to be able to swap between Latest Headlines and Latest Discussions? I'm pretty sure it was there yesterday and just disappeared today. I really miss it.
Hello? Can I have at least some feedback?

Scrolling on the main website has been terribly laggy on IE11 for about 10 days or more. It was rather ok before, although still quite heavy in general. The forum is fine, mostly.

Also, the WP Central logo on the top left side still disappears when being hovered on, which says something about the underlying code.

EDIT: Here is a video I recorded, showing two other websites, besides WPC. One is Cnet, being as laggy as WPC or even worse, and the other is neowin which scrolls fine.

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scrolling on the main website has been terribly laggy for about 10 days or more. It was rather ok before, although still quite heavy in general. The forum is fine.


Just adding my "Me too" comment. The main site is almost unusable with the lag/resource usage. On IE 11, Firefox, and Chrome, CPU usage goes through the roof. Most noticeable in IE11, however. Same behaviour on Android Central as well.

Forums are fine, but still comparatively slow.
As of yesterday (or the day before; I didn't check the news for 2 days), WPCentral articles are no longer mobilizing correctly in Weave News Reader. Unfortunately, I'm currently assuming that this change was made purposely, and that it is not a bug/mistake. I have written about this multiple times (on here as well as via PM and email), and received little to no response. Articles started working last week (excluding pictures and marketplace links), and I wrote that here. There was no official response to that, and it is now broken again; almost as if they saw that it was working, and they needed to "fix" it. Perhaps they're purposely stunting third party news apps, in favor of the official WPCentral app.
@eddlang - thank you for posting that video! Something I'd recommend you try... clear your browser cache and then load the site again. We've pushed out a number of updates lately, so there's a chance you're still accessing 'old' stuff.

Let me know if this helps at all...
@eddlang - thank you for posting that video! Something I'd recommend you try... clear your browser cache and then load the site again. We've pushed out a number of updates lately, so there's a chance you're still accessing 'old' stuff.

Let me know if this helps at all...

Thanks for the reply.

I did, and nothing changed, but I noticed something.

When I visit the website and start scrolling, it's laggy; but after I reach the bottom of the page, the scrolling becomes mostly smooth. I can go up and down with no issues.

If I close the page and then open it again, the same cycle happens.

I'm not a web developer, but apparently the page loads stuff while scrolling. This seems to be causing issues.

P.S. Have you read my old comment, regarding opera mini, post #24? Now, with windowscentral, it loads the mobile page, instead of desktop, but still the left hand side menu covers the page, cannot be dismissed and makes it unreadable.
What happens if you load the page and wait a minute or two before scrolling? Still a lag?

​On post #24, if you can share a screenshot I'll get it over to our tech team to take a look.
On the website, when I comment in a thread, after I've submitted my comment, I get dropped to the last page in the thread.
That's fine if that thread only has a few pages but when it's over 50, it's a pain to scroll back to the page I was originally on...
What happens if you load the page and wait a minute or two before scrolling? Still a lag?

​On post #24, if you can share a screenshot I'll get it over to our tech team to take a look.

Waiting doesn't make any difference. The only workaround is to scroll to the bottom once and after that scrolling becomes sort of smooth.

As for opera mini, here are three screenshots; the desktop (full) view is also still problematic, just like the screenshot in post #24:

Scr000001.jpg Scr000002.jpg Scr000003.jpg
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On my Lumia 920 and 3rd gen iPad the site is really slow and awful to scroll on. Looks like a news article has around 300 requests going on and based on the way stuff looks like it slowly loads on a phone I'd hazard a guess your doing a lot ajax'y loads after the initial page response which is causing a lot of re-paints by the browser.

Trying to add a comment on a phone is also awful. Trying to highlight a word doesn't work, cursor doesn't appear, text is slow to appear as you type. Sometimes the page scrolls back to the top as you type. All this even happens when your on the plain text comment box too.

I like the site but to be honest it's really awful to use.
I'm trying to use Windows Central on a Microsoft Surface RT (1st Gen).
Without using the tracking protection of Internet Explorer (thanks for the tip) the browser is constantly crashing (in 8 out of 10 tries).
It is even worse when using the app RSS central (in 10 out of 10 tries) - the application seems to also use Internet Explorer for rendering.

Your site is the only one which shows this odd behavior.

Maybe of interest: I'm living in Germany / Europe - if your site uses location based advertisement or content delivery servers.

Hope this experience help.
@OneOfNine - are you in the forums when the site crashes? Or the blogs? What happens if you use a different browser?
Following up on dome previous posts, I've noticed this for a couple weeks and thought it was me... clearly not.

The WC website is extremely unresponsive on my Lumia 920. I try to check the forums and it's stuck, once it decides I can scroll I do so and it's super jittery... it also crashes IE on my phone constantly, I'm on Dev Preview 8.1 update 1. This never happened before the redesign.

Similar story with my surface 2: it works more or less OK but it's quite leggy. The only platform your website works well on is my desktop PC. Any ideas as to what's happening? I really like WC but man is it getting difficult to participate with these performance problems.

I'd love it if you reached out to me direct via email (my email is below). I will get some screenshots and more detail from you... definitely want to eliminate any issues you have with the site, especially within IE!

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