Pictures turn yellow and lose detail.

Darren Lay

New member
Mar 28, 2013
I just received my 1020 and have been testing out the camera. One thing I have noticed is that when I take a picture using the Pro Cam and review it, for a split second the picture looks great, and then some weird processing takes place that adds a lot of yellow and decreases the sharpness of the photo. Is this common and is there a way to stop this from happening?
The live view when the picture is taken and almost simultaneously as it goes into ...Saving is clear, then it softens (still in Pro Cam view but not live) when it is saved, but when I see the final JPEG in Camera Roll I don't see that softer image. Maybe because I've figured out the settings since I've had Pro Cam on my 810 for almost 6 weeks so I don't see that huge difference between live view, then that split second as it is being process to the final AFTER processed JPEG.
Maybe this will make more sense:
When you take the picture it's a live view and as it is saved it will say ...Saving on the upper left at that point it's still processing so the live view at that stage is still in the memory but the setting that you've introduced haven't been implemented -yet, so when you see the next image after it has been saved that's when the settings that you had it at have processed. It's kinda like paint drying when you lay it on a wall it looks one way but after it's fully cured and dry it will often look different.
Try taking a few photos in clear mid morning light with all the settings on AUTO don't take a picture when the image is in shadow, try to take it when
it's a neutral as possible I bet that the picture in live view, the spit second as it is being saved and the final JPEG are close to being the same.
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In other words - there is some moderate post-processing that takes place after an image is captured and you switch from "live" view to the saved photo.
In other words - there is some moderate post-processing that takes place after an image is captured and you switch from "live" view to the saved photo.

Yeah even with my Olympus Pen E-PL3 Micro 4/3 that happens.
But if you prefer that "Live" view of the photo, how to you get it back. How do you undo the post processing that the software is doing to make the picture "better". I.e., is there a raw mode for the 1020?
I would like to know as well if there is a way to undo that post processing that destroys the images IMO
But if you prefer that "Live" view of the photo, how to you get it back. How do you undo the post processing that the software is doing to make the picture "better". I.e., is there a raw mode for the 1020?

You don't - this is what the phone's software is tuned to do in an attempt to provide you with a photograph worthy of saving. This is why it is important to study up on the camera and practice using it. You will learn over time that different focus modes, white balance settings and shutter speeds will yield a variety of results. Automatic settings compensate for the lack of manual intervention. They are not meant to be a direct replacement, just a quick setting to be used in generally ideal conditions and settings for everyday use. Auto-everything can work in about 65-70% of real world situations. When there are side-by-side comparisons done among smartphone cameras there is a reason automatic settings are used - this is what consumers will use the most.

Folks with older devices and those on competing platforms have been able to create some compelling shots by manually editing capture settings. I'm very pleased with the Lumia 1020's camera. The zoom/reframing options are great for tweaking photos and I know I can get more compelling shots now than I have with any other camera on a phone to date.
The auto settings to control parameters such as focus, white balance, and shutter speed have nothing to do with the post-processing that people are talking about in this thread.
The auto settings to control parameters such as focus, white balance, and shutter speed have nothing to do with the post-processing that people are talking about in this thread.

Indeed the post processing is something else entirely. I use auto settings and manual settings equally and this post processing is applied nonetheless and really destroys my images at least on the phone IMO.
Automatic settings compensate for the lack of manual intervention. They are not meant to be a direct replacement, just a quick setting to be used in generally ideal conditions and settings for everyday use. Auto-everything can work in about 65-70% of real world situations.

Even on auto it post processes and screws with the image. The point is that not every picture should be softened and have a "warm" filter applied. The 1020 didn't seem to be marketed as a cheap camera phone so I kind of expect better camera control. For the stock camera app I'd agree that it should do all this post processing to be consumer friendly. But, the pro cam app should stick to what's configured for the shot and not change it on saving.
Even on auto it post processes and screws with the image. The point is that not every picture should be softened and have a "warm" filter applied. The 1020 didn't seem to be marketed as a cheap camera phone so I kind of expect better camera control. For the stock camera app I'd agree that it should do all this post processing to be consumer friendly. But, the pro cam app should stick to what's configured for the shot and not change it on saving.

Actually with my device the post-processing gremlins don't **** with my pictures that much. Do I get a noticable screen shift after the photo has been captured? Only if I haven't already compensated for the changes in the shooting environment. So yeah, what you do before you take the shot can greatly affect the finished product whether post-processing was or was not an issue.
It kills most of my images.. I take a picture.. and I say damn that is a great picture.. then the PP happens.. and I say.. now it looks like the crap I get from my old iPhone 4S.. :(
It kills most of my images.. I take a picture.. and I say damn that is a great picture.. then the PP happens.. and I say.. now it looks like the crap I get from my old iPhone 4S.. :(

Connect your phone to your PC and extract the Hi-Res photo.
I've noticed that the pictures look a lot different on the phone, probably due to scaling. Also, keep in mind that you are only viewing the 5MP on your phone, not the 35MP photo. I think this is due to the fact that the full res photos would take too long to load or maybe even cause a crash.
But if you prefer that "Live" view of the photo, how to you get it back. How do you undo the post processing that the software is doing to make the picture "better". I.e., is there a raw mode for the 1020?

No RAW and the live view is just the viewfinder view you're seeing, you'll just have to learn to get what you see by learning how to use the settings better,
BTW I'm not being sarcastic it's just how it works. That "image" that you see before you make the photo is not the image it's just the live view of the scene.

You can also use an editor on your PC/Mac and remove a lot of those settings but if the "negative"/file
isn't good then you can't make something that's not there, better.
I think GDR3 fixed the yellow tint issue.
This is a firmware issue not OS.
I can't use the Nokia app for many of my photos. I've resorted to ProShot for portraits and close shots. When comparing post shots, the Nokia shot image was blurred and yellow compared to a crisp photo produced by ProShot.

Nokia needs to fix this. Had this problem on my 920. This is my big disappointment with the phone: a premiere camera ruined by crappy processing algorithms
But if you prefer that "Live" view of the photo, how to you get it back. How do you undo the post processing that the software is doing to make the picture "better". I.e., is there a raw mode for the 1020?

just use auto-fix..

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