Prediction: Microsoft/Nokia will disappoint at MWC

Re: the above about people always wanting desktop PCs because you can't do it all on a tablet/phone (which isn't entirely true - again, some developing markets have phone apps and services that do everything simply because that's all people have. I know of one African Bank that lets people do everything via SMS!). I get this - this is why I also mentioned dumb terminals with cloud services.

OnLive, for example, already offer a games console streamed over the web and now offer desktops too. All you need for that is a screen and a keyboard and you get the newest, highest-spec, maintenance-free version of everything, all the time.

Look at where we were 10 years ago compared to today. In 10 years time, probably less, we'll have a large screen in the lounge, maybe a smaller "desktop" screen in an office and probably a tablet of some form and a phone of some form. What's onscreen will be transferrable between the screens instantaneously, storage will be cloud based, maybe with local backup if you want it (or vice versa). All you'll need is a keyboard for when you want to do more "in depth" computing.

And the key point is, there's no reason whatsoever any of that needs to run Windows. None. People (well, most people) have *never* bought Windows because they simply like Windows, they bought it because it enabled them to do what they actually wanted to do - be it write a letter, play a game, (later) browse the web, fill in a spreadsheet, run an app. If they can do all those things without Windows, and further it's cheaper, less hassle to do it and upgrade-proof without Windows, why would they specifically pay for a Windows PC to take up space in their home and slowly become more obsolete?

Apple know this is where it's going - that's why full screen mirroring is in the iPad and iPhone via Apple TV and why you can set up an iPad or iPhone without even owing a computer to tie it back to and back it up online via iCloud. Hook up an iPad via mirroring to a TV with a BT keyboard - you've got a big-screen computer that can do pretty much most of the things the average home user needs a computer to do. PCs as we know them will become more specialist kit for hardcore gamers and/or programmers and the market will continue to shrink. And as that market shrinks, and shrinks ever more quickly, MS will see its traditional cash cows of Windows and Office begin to dry up. Which is why they need new revenue streams and new approaches.

Like I said, MS need to stay relevant and that's the real challenge, not trying to make people stick to the status quo with a new lick of paint. Windows 8 looks like a step in the right direction - especially the ARM version. The question remains whether it's a step that's big enough and one that people buy into.
I agree with the above to a degree, but people buy 'brands', and Apple know that more than anyone else, hence their brainwashing marketing strategy. Tech is more in line with fashion than ever. iSheep purchase, not because it gets the job done, but because it's trendy and all their pretentious iFriends also own it. Big brands like Windows will always be relevant and Windows 8 is a sure sign that Microsoft are staying one step ahead.
Brands are part of it, I agree, but they still have to deliver what people want and I think sometimes in their eagerness to write off all Apple owners as mindless, people forget they *do* deliver. Their products are elegant and do what people need them to and do it simply, easily and well. They didn't claw their way back from virtual bankruptcy less than 20 years ago on marketing alone.

Ask kids 20 years ago what console they want and you'd get Sega or Nintendo as the answer. Ask kids now, and you get Playstation or Xbox (and OK, maybe Nintendo). Big, established brands that make big profits can disappear very, very fast if they drop the ball or cease to be relevant. And it can all hinge on key decisions that seem minor at the time. Bill Gates nearly blew it when he thought no one would be interested in the web, but turned it around in time. What if he'd stuck to his guns?
True, and although I was referring to present time, I don't dismiss the reason why Apple clawed their way back from the gutter with the first iPhone. My post was in relation to "getting the job done". Apple revolutionised the gadget industry as we know it, but that was a long time ago considering when the competition caught up, and in some cases, arguably overtook; Windows Phone. Apple have been riding the momentum they generated much like Sony did with the Walkman. iStuff is hot property, not because they offer something Android and Windows Phone don't or can't, but because "everyone has one... and so should you!"; it's become the norm. Again, not completely discounting the quality of their products, but there's absolutely no way of denying that Steve Jobs, up until his departure, could have rolled a **** in glitter and sold it to the masses had he put an 'i' in front of '****'.
This discussion is now veering off topic into stereotypical nonsense that is both specious and offensive. Apple has produced lots of products that flopped, some of them with Jobs' personal direction. Please take the trolling to a different thread.

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How is a perfectly polite discussion about where things are/might be going in a thread about what's been/not been announced at a trade show trolling? It's not even off topic!
Mobile Nation Rules on Trolling:
• Trolling - Do not post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to provoke users into responding in a negative way. Calling another member a troll is also a form of trolling.

Just keep the discussion clean Ladies and Gentlemen and we wont have any problems :)
It's merely a relative opinion. I suggest people should refrain from message boards if they're sensitive to such opinions.

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