[Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten The Lumia 950?

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I've also bought a 950 a couple of days ago - for me, I'm not sure whether i should spend almost $800 canadian on this phone. I'm loving the phone so far. Also considering 640 - since you've both, can i just return this and buy a 640 which is a lot cheaper? Is there a big performance downgrade from 950? What's your thoughts on this downgrade?

There is no real downgrade excerpt

- Phone storage. 8GB VS 32 GB.
- Continuum. To use your phone like a PC. I am not sure if I want to do that. Plus you have to pay $130 extra for the docking station.
- Hey Cortana voice command.
- Hello Windows face recognition.
But in my opinion these are extra features that nice to have. So real one is the internal memory downgrade.
640XL has good camera and OS updatable to WM 10. This is very nice phone I was going to buy but it's too big for me.
Run comparison from gsmarena website to compare phones side by side.

And check the MS Lumia 830. This model was entirely skipped at least in Canada. Poor promotion and advertisement.
Have the 950 RM-1118. Had it now for 2 days. I had the Lumia ICON (929) prior while on VZ and have owned other windows phones. For a first flagship from Microsoft with W10 it is very impressive. I have to give credit to Microsoft on this, because they are working hard and wisely at making everything come together with Windows 10 and could have easily whipped up a phone that would fall short after a year in the market. I believe this phone has no design flaws, at-least in my opinion and is future proof in a lot of ways. It is light yet mostly sturdy, and powerful at the same time. Use my handsets mostly for productivity.

What I found must stunning even though I should have known, was that everything is tied to my Microsoft account, so I lost none of my text messages, even when switching carriers. Which is brilliant for most people switching carriers (for me from VZ to AT&T).

Right now I am torn between going from AT&T to T-Mobile due to pricing and what is offered.
What I found must stunning even though I should have known, was that everything is tied to my Microsoft account, so I lost none of my text messages, even when switching carriers. Which is brilliant for most people switching carriers (for me from VZ to AT&T).

One of my favorite things about WP. My wife uses android phones and she always loses her text messages. There may be a way to back them up - I don't know - but the fact that it's automatic is nice.
One of my favorite things about WP. My wife uses android phones and she always loses her text messages. There may be a way to back them up - I don't know - but the fact that it's automatic is nice.

Is there any setting that must be enabled to do so? When i resetted my phone, all my messages were gone?!
Is there any setting that must be enabled to do so? When i resetted my phone, all my messages were gone?!

This page has info, but it appears outdated. You still select settings-->System-->Messaging but I'm guessing that instead of turning on "text backup" as mentioned in the article (text backup doesn't exist as an option), turn on "sync messages between devices" and choose the "download messages from" to whatever time frame you want.

You can get to the same place to turn on "sync messages between devices" from the Messaging app by selecting settings. A third way to get there is by going to Settings-->Update & Security-->Backup, there's text that says "How do I back up photos and texts", which when you tap it, it will take you to the same location.
So far haven't had any issues with my 950, though I am really wanting ATT and get the firmware approved sooner rather than later.
I got my Lumia 950 on 3rd Dec.

First Impressions: the software is so ugh - it's just full of bugs and, even though Win 10 is better organized than 8(.1), the feel is so chaotic. From day 1 - random restarts, apps crashing on launch, battery gets drained right away, my fingers get burnt etc. But I kinda got the phone with similar expectations and the intention to use it as an experimentation device so it's kinda okayish... Also the screen bugged out 20 days in and it was in repairs for two weeks...

Otherwise it's brilliantly fast and so amazing! And I do like the design. And the charging speed. And the file transfer speed. And a lot of other things. The Insider updates seem good so far.
That was quick...

My att 950 was delivered last Thursday. I decided yesterday to sell it. Why you ask, it ran hot, no tap to wake, it's built like a cheap Samsung from 2011. The 950 is just not that nice of a phone. I prefer nice design and quality construction. I'd rather use my HTC M8 WP.
Re: That was quick...

My att 950 was delivered last Thursday. I decided yesterday to sell it. Why you ask, it ran hot, no tap to wake, it's built like a cheap Samsung from 2011. The 950 is just not that nice of a phone. I prefer nice design and quality construction. I'd rather use my HTC M8 WP.

Well, just received my DS950 yesterday and have had the complete opposite experience. It spent 2 hours updating the OS and apps and only got [body temp] warm from me holding the device. It's construction is as good as anything out there in the same class.
I bought a Lumia 950 before Christmas when my current contract ran out. I was on a iPhone 5s and went and had a look at the iPhone 6s and the many Android offerings. I felt the iPhone 6s was rubbish, over priced, over hyped and very tired. I feel out of love with my iPhone 5s last year and was looking for a change and when I checked out the 6s there was nothing there for me, plus I would have had to pay an additional 50% extra on my month bill just to get one.

The only Android handset that caught my eye was the Sony Xperia Z5 but it felt very laggy and slow and the reviews I read didn't rate it much, the rest of the Android handsets were very Meh! The Samsung S6 which was raved about looks like Tomy's my first Smartphone, I was not impressed at all.

For the first time since getting the iPhone 4 (my first smartphone) I actually sat down and decided what I needed and wanted from a mobile device and this time because I was actually thinking about it instead of going 'oh shiny' I'll have one of those iPhones, I considered the entire eco-system of iCloud, Google and Windows 10.

As soon as I picked up and started to play with the Lumia 950 I decided I needed to spend more time looking into it as a serious contender. It didn't take me long and I ordered it. Is it perfect, no, but it ticks 99% of my boxes. Is it missing some apps, only 1 for me, but I can understand other people missing Snapchat and the such like, but for me it has what I want and need.

What as amazed me over the past couple of months is how much I like the Tiles and list of Apps rather than the millions of icons i.e from IOS and Android. The screen is gorgeous, the cosmetic design is lovely, but I would have liked a slightly more solid back, but it's not an issue. The screen colours and temp options are great, the OS Mail App is some much nicer than Gmail or Mail on iOS. The overall format of the OS is some much nicer and individual app formats are some much nicer in W10. Yes there are some like the native Twitter App that isn't that nice looking with the huge banners, but I really like TubeCast over the iOS native Youtube app surprisingly.

Oh I love that I have 32GB and now a 128GB Card in too, not the 16GB fixed iPhone memory.

For me it is a combination of many things with the phone and OS I like, Microsoft did really well. It is just a shame that they started off so far behind and Apple cornered the market so much. As someone who has had an iPhone since 2011, iPhones are over rated, over hyped and over expensive.

I am concerned though reading the 'Windows Phone is Dead' Click Bait articles, and really want so facts to come out about the future of Windows 10 Mobile. I have stopped my purchase of Surface 3 and Office 365 for the moment until I hear more, but really want to replace my aged and almost dead (from bloated software updates) iPad, as well as my Macbook Pro which I will keep as a photo editor only as I need a more portable device that does't need half the power my laptop has. If I had to move from W10m then I would choose a OnePlusX, I am done with iPhones and I would only choose the OnePlusX because it ?200 the cheapest best phone on Android, I do not want to pay ?500-?600 for an Android device because of the Android/Google platform.

All in All, I love the Lumia 950 and Windows 10 Mobile and really hope whatever Microsoft do, they allow me to have a mobile device that is on parr with the Lumia 950 and it integrates nicely with a Surface 3 or 4 (not pro). If that is the case it will be bye bye Apple completely. iPad and Macbook Pro out and Surface In.
Re: That was quick...

My att 950 was delivered last Thursday. I decided yesterday to sell it. Why you ask, it ran hot, no tap to wake, it's built like a cheap Samsung from 2011. The 950 is just not that nice of a phone. I prefer nice design and quality construction. I'd rather use my HTC M8 WP.

Curious as to why you ordered it? All the things you mentioned have been reported since it launched. Just wanted to see for yourself it the rumors were true?
Re: That was quick...

I didn't do nearly enough research b4 I ordered it. Even if I had done the research I understand the nature of forums and so called expert reviews. I like to experience new devices for myself. It cost me a little to do so but it's something I really like so I accept the losses as a part of the hobby.

I'm still a WP or Win10Mo fan but this new hardware isn't for me. I like my HTC M8 and I just ordered a mint condition 1520. This will be my 3rd 1520 but the other 2 were during the WP 8.1 era. I want to try it with 10.

What Windows10 Mobile really needs to become a major player is a refined, finished OS, a narrowing of the app gap and for the big android manufacturers to offer the OS on a wide variety of their devices. The way HTC did with the M8. A Samsung Note 5 with Windows and a LG G4 with Windows would be game changers.

If the hardware is left to Microsoft we're in serious trouble.
I was hoping to be really happy with this phone...but

No Chrome...no firefox. No method of importing bookmarks from either to Edge (native browser installed)
Edge can not be installed on Windows 7 (my "corporate" work laptop) - I've not tried it with my Win 8.1 machine at home but one of the strengths of Chrome is the cross platform sync, I can basically move from device to device and all my passwords and bookmarks...and even recent or open pages sync with me. From iphone and ipod to Win7 Laptop to Win8.1 media server machine at home to 'droid phone and 'droid tab....no matter what device I am using...my recent activity is visible and my passwords/bookmarks are present making for a seamless user experience.
I was hoping for the same with MS....but as I am unable to install edge anywhere except a Windows 10 machine it looks like I am going to be dissapointed.
With the launch of the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book, which really are works of art in terms of hardware design, and the hardware spec of the Lumia 950, and all the good things that MS have done with Hotmail/Live/Outlook I really thought that they had "got it" that it's about being able to shift across devices and have everything shift with you. I now realise that I have committed myself to a walled garden with nothing in it until I can get a new phone.

Battery life....the battery basically just evaporates.Shorter usage time than my (4 year old?) iPhone 4S

I'm actually pretty gutted about getting this phone. If I could I would return it as "not fit for purpose."
I'm so glad that my previous post, outlining my thoughts regarding this phone will not appear until they have been moderated...because at least this means that somebody in a position of influence might read my post and pass some of those thoughts onto somebody who can make a difference...
If the post does not appear ever....well....what could be read into that?
I'm so glad that my previous post, outlining my thoughts regarding this phone will not appear until they have been moderated...because at least this means that somebody in a position of influence might read my post and pass some of those thoughts onto somebody who can make a difference...
If the post does not appear ever....well....what could be read into that?
Some posts from new members end up in the mod queue due to the forum software in order to prevent spam. Mods are all volunteers, so we may not be available to check and approve posts immediately.

Once we do approve enough posts, then the forum software shouldn't put your posts in the mod queue.

I hope this helps. ☺️
I was hoping to be really happy with this phone...but

No Chrome...no firefox. No method of importing bookmarks from either to Edge (native browser installed)
Edge can not be installed on Windows 7 (my "corporate" work laptop) - I've not tried it with my Win 8.1 machine at home but one of the strengths of Chrome is the cross platform sync, I can basically move from device to device and all my passwords and bookmarks...and even recent or open pages sync with me. From iphone and ipod to Win7 Laptop to Win8.1 media server machine at home to 'droid phone and 'droid tab....no matter what device I am using...my recent activity is visible and my passwords/bookmarks are present making for a seamless user experience.
I was hoping for the same with MS....but as I am unable to install edge anywhere except a Windows 10 machine it looks like I am going to be dissapointed.
With the launch of the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book, which really are works of art in terms of hardware design, and the hardware spec of the Lumia 950, and all the good things that MS have done with Hotmail/Live/Outlook I really thought that they had "got it" that it's about being able to shift across devices and have everything shift with you. I now realise that I have committed myself to a walled garden with nothing in it until I can get a new phone.

Battery life....the battery basically just evaporates.Shorter usage time than my (4 year old?) iPhone 4S

I'm actually pretty gutted about getting this phone. If I could I would return it as "not fit for purpose."
If you use Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs and won't be updating to Windows 10 any time soon (such as if your workplace isn't updating) a Windows 10 Mobile device probably won't work for you. There is no Internet Explorer for Windows 10 Mobile, and there is no Edge for any desktop Windows other than Windows 10. There are no browsers such as Firefox or Chrome for Windows 10 Mobile.

If you need to sync all these PCs with your phone, you would probably be better off returning the 950 for an iPhone or Android device.
Re: That was quick...

I didn't do nearly enough research b4 I ordered it. Even if I had done the research I understand the nature of forums and so called expert reviews. I like to experience new devices for myself. It cost me a little to do so but it's something I really like so I accept the losses as a part of the hobby.

Fair enough. I was curious.

I'm still a WP or Win10Mo fan but this new hardware isn't for me. I like my HTC M8

Loved my HTC One M8 except for the camera, which was terrible. To me the camera is one of those things that I don't use too often, but when I do, I want good pictures. The colors on the M8, esp. the blacks, weren't nearly as good. I could have lived with the colors, but the camera was just a deal breaker. I knew it wasn't up to the Lumia standard going in but was very disappointed in it.

What Windows10 Mobile really needs to become a major player is a refined, finished OS, a narrowing of the app gap and for the big android manufacturers to offer the OS on a wide variety of their devices. The way HTC did with the M8. A Samsung Note 5 with Windows and a LG G4 with Windows would be game changers.

The OS will get to a refined point over time - and I don't think that is too far off. The other two, though, the app gap and third party hardware? That's a chicken & egg problem: why would LG or Samsung make a WP (or a developer make apps) when no one buys them and no one buys them because the apps are missing and hardware is not there (even including the 950). The only thing that might make a difference is if the universal strategy pays off and developers see enough of an opportunity in Windows on the desktop and it's easy enough to add the UI for the phone and the apps start coming. Then maybe the hardware will follow, and then maybe people will buy them. I'd really like to think it will work out that way but I don't think it will.

The sad part? The integration between Windows (desktop) and Windows (phone) is getting better and better and people are missing out.
So far my 950 seems to work ok with the exception of one major thing. Bluetooth just sucks. I tried to play some music on my way to work like I do every morning and it skipped really bad for a few seconds and then dropped connection. With ATT Next I am paying less than I was with my no contract 1520. I think I will go back and replace my mom's 635 stand in phone with a 950.
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