Random restarts-950XL

I am on a 640XL running the slow ring build 14965 and the random reboots became a real nuisance about 3-4 days ago and is seemingly getting worse as the days go by. For me it seems more prevalent during messaging - SMS and Phone. So it may not be just a 950 issue.
Quick question...did you get 15 hrs with the original one? I know you said working same as original but I just wanted to double check because I get around 36 hrs on one charge and 15 seems low compared to that.

I haven't used the battery till 0... but ya..the original one was pretty bad at the end of the day it stayed at 40-45% and this one rests at 60-65%. I charge the phone when it reaches 40. And 100-40 in 15 hours in like 4% per hour and that is absolutely fine. Also depends on the usage and the build you are running. I was on the Fast ring with the old battery and currently I am on the release preview.
I haven't used the battery till 0... but ya..the original one was pretty bad at the end of the day it stayed at 40-45% and this one rests at 60-65%. I charge the phone when it reaches 40. And 100-40 in 15 hours in like 4% per hour and that is absolutely fine. Also depends on the usage and the build you are running. I was on the Fast ring with the old battery and currently I am on the release preview.

Cool, that will work...I'm just planning to get one, want to check if it's actually the battery causing all these issues or if its the build...things we have to do to get something as basic as a phone to work☹
How many threads are we going to have about this particular issue? Why don't people use the search function in the forums before posting?

Anyway...If your 950/950 XL suffer from random reboots/strange battery level reports etc YOUR BATTERY IS BUSTED. Plain & simple. The only fix is to get a new battery. No amount of flashing/resetting is going to change anything to your situation. There are plenty of users all over the world who have already reported these issues and just had to get a new battery.
MAK11 is very much right.
I too had these issues, specificaly in the last few builds and I though it was a software problem. But lat week i changed the battery and the problem solved (after changing battery, no hard rest or WDR but the same OS configuration)
MAK11 is very much right.
I too had these issues, specificaly in the last few builds and I though it was a software problem. But lat week i changed the battery and the problem solved (after changing battery, no hard rest or WDR but the same OS configuration)
I will agree that bad battery creates random reboots, but not everyone experiencing reboots has a bad battery. My battery is perfect and I even tried a new battery i bought off eBay and my phone still reboots though not nearly as often as before.
How many threads are we going to have about this particular issue? Why don't people use the search function in the forums before posting?

Anyway...If your 950/950 XL suffer from random reboots/strange battery level reports etc YOUR BATTERY IS BUSTED. Plain & simple. The only fix is to get a new battery. No amount of flashing/resetting is going to change anything to your situation. There are plenty of users all over the world who have already reported these issues and just had to get a new battery.

It's not plain and simple. Stop being rude with other people with miraculous answers.

I've had that and tried it with two perfectly fine batteries. Guess what? The problem was still there.

Besides, it had a pattern. My Lumia 950 suddenly stopped rebooting a week ago, so I suspect it was bound to a software malfunction that finally got updated.

I hope you all can get round the problem as well.
MAK11 is very much right.
I too had these issues, specificaly in the last few builds and I though it was a software problem. But lat week i changed the battery and the problem solved (after changing battery, no hard rest or WDR but the same OS configuration)

A busted battery is very likely the cause for reboots, but not EVERY reboot is caused by a BUSTED BATTERY.

Is that difficult to spot?
A busted battery is very likely the cause for reboots, but not EVERY reboot is caused by a BUSTED BATTERY.

Is that difficult to spot?

Lol, I know right

Anyways, I've noticed that my phone restarts a lot and the battery drains a lot when I go out in the cold, I mean when the temperature outside is less than 0 degree Celsius...but it might be me imagining things
Well, whatever it is, bad timing to have this start during the holidays. Now my entire extended family knows that the great Lumia camera phone can't take more than two pictures without crashing. Sad!

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I will agree that bad battery creates random reboots, but not everyone experiencing reboots has a bad battery. My battery is perfect and I even tried a new battery i bought off eBay and my phone still reboots though not nearly as often as before.

My battery was not a bad one ( No bulge or what so ever. It passed the spinning test as well), but still it used to reboot while in a call or middle of something. I got the new battery from one of the authorized service centers and it cost a bit more than what is available in Ebay /Amazone. Ever since no reboots.
By the way, i have avoided the Ebay /Amazone ones coz of anticipating the same reboot problem due to fake battery.
It is the build to blame. Nothing else i believe.
Yes, I seem to agree. And if you look at the IDOL 4S and Elite x3 forums some folks over there are also experiencing random reboots with the latest production build. I'm getting a reboot maybe once or twice a week so this latest build drastically reduced the reboots I had been experiencing. Now I just have the wifi bug to deal with. Here's hoping the next build solves all of these.
Random thought: I wonder if this could be a combination of two things: A software bug that causes such hammering of the SoC that the system power draw approaches the max power that the battery can deliver. When that happens, it might result in voltage drops or fluctuations, causing the system to reboot.

If such a thing could happen (anyone?), it might expose batteries that are performing below spec sooner than batteries that are in tip top shape.

Anyway, just spitballin' here, trying to figure out how a software revision can introduce problems that look like hardware issues. And also very much hoping for a fast ring release that doesn't do this..

Sent from mTalk, a great Tapatalk alternative
I wonder if you can just take the battery out of a Note 7 and swap it into a 950xl.

Seems safe.

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