Random restarts-950XL

Yeah, I've ruled out batteries...i tested with a different battery and so did others and the problem was still there

Same here. Two batteries and the same results. Just did another hard reset so here's hoping. Logs show a 000000EF error but no idea if it was battery or software related.
I've had my 950XL for about three months and experienced my first random reboot yesterday. I hope it doesn't become a thing.
I seriously doubt if this is what many of you are fighting but figured I would share. I have two batteries for my 950XL dual sim and a spare battery charger (generic). I have been on official release always.I started noticing random reboots. Over time I noticed for me it was mechanical. I could turn the phone upside down in my hand and tap with my finger and reproduce the reboot on demand. On one of my batteries the contacts had been sprung. They were no longer making good contact with the male contacts on the phone. Used a small tool and magnifying glass to carefully bend the contacts on the battery in question. The phone has been solid as a rock for several weeks with both batteries. Just in case it helps someone.
Got mine from Rounded.com (2x for my 950XL & 1x for my 950). They are genuine batteries.
i am exactaly facing same problem ....my phone's warranty is also expired last month and i dont want to pay for this.
I am experiencing the same thing and bought a new battery, but alas it still crashes.
Go to the brick and mortar MS store and raise hell. I did and the techs admitted the 950xl was fraught w problems and a total flop. Said had constant returns for this and other issues.

They gave me a full refund. I bought a 640xl for $79 on Amazon, and it works like a champ. So much better than 950xl, which was 8x more expensive!

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Go to the brick and mortar MS store and raise hell. I did and the techs admitted the 950xl was fraught w problems and a total flop. Said had constant returns for this and other issues.

They gave me a full refund. I bought a 640xl for $79 on Amazon, and it works like a champ. So much better than 950xl, which was 8x more expensive!

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I've been thinking about doing this but am not sure of how to convince them to atleast look at it. They will tell me its out of warranty and that I should pay for it.
Just speak to the manager. They were very reasonable, bc of the terrible reputation of the 950xl, which was verified by their own techs in the store.

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Well just installed new battery which arrived today. Restart/crashes got up to at least 3 or 4 a day. I just hope this wales my problem. Will keep you updated, but if it doesn't I think I will have to have a big rethink on my 950xl.
I'm on the latest rs2 build for my 950XL and haven't experienced any random reboots. The only problem I have is Cortana only opens for a brief second them suits down. I'll do a hardware reset and see if it persists.

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Just speak to the manager. They were very reasonable, bc of the terrible reputation of the 950xl, which was verified by their own techs in the store.

Sent from mTalk

Thanks Mike! I will talk to the manager and see how it goes...i'll keep you guys updated.
Well just installed new battery which arrived today. Restart/crashes got up to at least 3 or 4 a day. I just hope this wales my problem. Will keep you updated, but if it doesn't I think I will have to have a big rethink on my 950xl.

Yeah, would be great if you could do that. I tried a battery change and it didn't work for me. It's come to a point where the phone restarts every 5 mins, and when I say 5, i mean 5. It's practically becomes useless, I would need to get a new phone if the brick and mortar store guys are not able to help me.
Originally posted by aimulaidni
Originally Posted by smurph295
Well just installed new battery which arrived today. Restart/crashes got up to at least 3 or 4 a day. I just hope this wales my problem. Will keep you updated, but if it doesn't I think I will have to have a big rethink on my 950xl.

Yeah, would be great if you could do that. I tried a battery change and it didn't work for me. It's come to a point where the phone restarts every 5 mins, and when I say 5, i mean 5. It's practically becomes useless, I would need to get a new phone if the brick and mortar store guys are not able to help me.

Well after one day of excessive use and I mean excessive, video taking, what's app, phone calls interrupting video taking, I have still 40% left on my phone and not once any sign of crash/reboot. Really looks like the battery was my problem.

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