Random restarts-950XL

Ive been getting a lot of random restarts....it was fine 3 weeks ago but have gotten progressively worse. What in the world have they done with my wonderful phone??

Are you on production build? If so, did you try a soft and a hard reset? If that didn't work, then it might be the battery... See if it's swollen.
I am on production build and have actually done complete resets, hard soft medium. I'll try and replace the battery. Thanks!!
I am having this random reboot issue as well. It seems to be happening more often when the battery is at a lower level. Though I've noticed ever since I went to insider builds at around 20% battery instead of crashing to a black screen, it will go through with the low battery shutdown and do that until the battery is completely dead. I checked the battery and it spins on a flat table. Should I replace the battery?
I am having this random reboot issue as well. It seems to be happening more often when the battery is at a lower level. Though I've noticed ever since I went to insider builds at around 20% battery instead of crashing to a black screen, it will go through with the low battery shutdown and do that until the battery is completely dead. I checked the battery and it spins on a flat table. Should I replace the battery?
Yes. Your battery is busted.
I am confused as to why a faulty battery would cause crashing

I was in the same boat. My battery didn't appear bloated at all and the crashing wouldn't always occur, just sometimes, and usually when the phone was around (or less than) 40%. I tried turning off background tasks, resetting the phone, installing an insider ring, etc., but in the end I gave it a go and it did seem to be the battery (Note, not all replacement batteries are created equal, I got a dud that was even worse than the original battery). After replacing it I went from about 3-5 crashes a week to going on 4 weeks with no issue.

I agree, it's really strange but after being skeptical I do think it was the battery. Most of my crashes happened when I got an incoming text or unlocked the phone (on a low battery level) so I think the issue was the phone tried to pull too much power from a weak battery and just crashed.
Your issues seem to have been exactly like mine, crashing at unlock or notification, with the occasional absolutely random reboot. I'm more inclined to try it, but I'm hesitant because ~$75 CAD for the battery and shipping from rounded is a bit much.
Your issues seem to have been exactly like mine, crashing at unlock or notification, with the occasional absolutely random reboot. I'm more inclined to try it, but I'm hesitant because ~$75 CAD for the battery and shipping from rounded is a bit much.

I bought one from this E-bay seller (His batteries have a serial number on them like the rounded ones - I bought one from each (this seller and rounded) as I'm overly paranoid...). Both batteries have been golden for me as I kept them in for a couple weeks at a time to test out (Unfortunately it looks like the more this person sells the higher it pushes the price, bought mine at $15 USD a month or so ago.

OEM Battery BV-T4D for Microsoft Nokia Lumia 950 XL CityMan/Lumia 940 XL RM-1118 | eBay
I just received a replacement battery that I purchased off of ebay. I compared the original with the replacement and the original definitely looks bloated. I will update on my experience but all evidence right now points to the battery being the random restart issues....we shall see!
okay.....so the good news is that I can confirm that the battery is the cause....the bad news is that the battery that just came today is even worse!!
Hi, Mak is right that it is definitely a battery issue. I hadn't read the forum in a while and posted before seeing this thread. I have posted in the original thread I was part of but posting here also.

Link to my experience http://forums.windowscentral.com/showthread.php?t=430815&p=3648969&viewfull=1#post3648969

Can someone not highlight this to the WindowsCentral staff? And have them raise the issue with MS? I'll try tweeting MS directly but unlikely I'll get a reply. How do they expect us to give feedback on RS3 if there isn't anyone left with a working device.
Yep, I'm experiencing the exact same thing. It started just after the last update, the one before we receive the creators update. Someone told me that the battery has just had it....i don't think the battery is the problem at all.
Just wanting to let everyone know that I've been using a new battery for the last two days and so far happy with the the results. Not a single restart.......yet.
Ebay from seller named Cityman. NYCPed posted a link within this thread. So far, It's been great. I feel like my 950xl has been reborn haha
Thank you MAK11. I was looking for somewhere to buy a replacement battery. My 950XL is rebooting a lot past few months. I even abandoned it for an Android.
I just placed an order and I'm waiting for it to be delivered to see if will bring it back to life #W10MNOTDEAD
I saw batteries on eBay at 10-15 USD. Of course they are fake even though its called OEM. I want the original and wondering that this rounded.com ships the original and not the fake/OEM kind of batteries?

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