Screen Sensitivity Issue Status in Cyan (1520)

They dont even recognize this as a problem why would they recall so many phones
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IF for some people setting the sensitivity to "normal" helps, then maybe a screen protector might improve things more.
Well last friday I got my black 1520 directly from Amazon. Updated straight to 8.1 and then set up everything. But also so far it happened twice that scrolling was misinterpreted as tap. Also the shaking screen issue came up once. I am sure it is a hardware issue, maybe in combination with software problems.
This is the frustration with smaller market phones. If an iPhone had such issues(like the antenna issue), all hell would be coming down on Apple. Since 1520 takes up a fraction of the market, and then probably only a fraction of the phones are bad, it doesn't get any press and Nokia(Microsoft) probably thinks it's not worth the time. It's unfortunate, but probably reality. Purely my opinion!

You would think though they would treat there flagship a little better and at least come out and acknowledge the issue, and how best to avoid it or they should fix it. Although, I am sure I could trade out phones without issue.
David and Jomar OMG !! Really ? I'm speechless you are OK with this? You are OK that Nokia sold you faulty product? Really I don't know what to say ....

Anyway I'm selling my Nokia 1520, I don't want to play with the warranty and I don't want to fight with Nokia. I was already told by Nokia care centre that “this is normal in these phones”

I fell little sorry for the person that will buy this form me but hey Nokia says that there is nothing wrong with this phone so yey ....
My 1520 was purchased from AT&T in February this year. No problems until two weeks ago, then the screen sensitivity issue. The first warranty replacement phone had a non-functioning earpiece. The second replacement phone had the problem much less pronounced (ghost taps limited to the lower right corner). I waited for Cyan and WP8.1 to see if that made a difference. It did not. Now to the point of my post: During my online chat with AT&T for another warranty replacement, the CSR said they don't show this as a problem (he actually said it was the first time he's heard of it) and in the next sentence asked what other phone I wanted for a replacement (!). I told him I thought it was a production batch problem and still wanted the 1520. Great phone when it works. This latest replacement arrives Monday, let's see how it goes. I mean, the damn thing worked fine for six months.

Just unboxed the warranty replacement 1520. This one, unlike the previous warranty replacement phones, came with the back sticker that points out the various buttons and card slots. This was on the new phone when I received it in February. Maybe they sent me a new phone? Not sure, as it's still Black with WP8.0 (did a quick start to check this). Doing hard reset and setting it up tonight . . .
lumia final.jpg

as you can see from the photo the digitzer contacts marked with a red spot located just behind the lcd screen once main board mounted, it get in contact with the digitizer terminal what really happen in lumia 1520 with a big 6 inch screen is the screen slightly bend when you put it on your pocket or even use some force to clean it, and this mess with the digitizer contacts alignment causing a swipe, tap problem to appear
a short way to fix this look in the second photo hold the phone like this and push down from the red marked areas softly several time as it make a good contact with the digitizer terminal the problem will disappear
after all this is a faulty design specailly with a large screen, nokia know that yes they do but they just dont want to replace or fix it, cause its costly a design problem ,i tried to explain this in Nokia forum , they dont want us to understand its a hardware fault and treat us like a money bags for their faulty design ,can you imagine how happy they are when they read our messages that with lumia cyan update some wrote we feel it become better !! nothing really change its just we have a blind trust at nokia devices ,the question is what are going to do time to let them pay a high price as we did:wink:
Dude, if my screen starts to wig out this works every time. Just squeeze a little in the middle of the phone and bam, stops the phantom touches / scrolling right away.

Wonder if there is anyway to effectively clean this so it stops. I would then assume that another phone over time will probably come down with the same.

Thanks for posting!
Dude, if my screen starts to wig out this works every time. Just squeeze a little in the middle of the phone and bam, stops the phantom touches / scrolling right away.

Wonder if there is anyway to effectively clean this so it stops. I would then assume that another phone over time will probably come down with the same.

Thanks for posting!
Same here, actually iI always put my phone in my front pocket, screen facing my leg.

Since reading this I switched to the camera facing my leg and have had far less issues. My guess is the curve of my thigh outs a slight pressure and flexes the phone while in my pocket.

Definitely a build design flaw, thanks so much to the user that posted those pics with the info, this was driving me nuts. This should get front page so it can be exposed. I also was noticing my keyboard input and pass code would sometimes lag, now its gone as well.
View attachment 75330

as you can see from the photo the digitzer contacts marked with a red spot located just behind the lcd screen once main board mounted, it get in contact with the digitizer terminal what really happen in lumia 1520 with a big 6 inch screen is the screen slightly bend when you put it on your pocket or even use some force to clean it, and this mess with the digitizer contacts alignment causing a swipe, tap problem to appear
a short way to fix this look in the second photo hold the phone like this and push down from the red marked areas softly several time as it make a good contact with the digitizer terminal the problem will disappear
after all this is a faulty design specailly with a large screen, nokia know that yes they do but they just dont want to replace or fix it, cause its costly a design problem ,i tried to explain this in Nokia forum , they dont want us to understand its a hardware fault and treat us like a money bags for their faulty design ,can you imagine how happy they are when they read our messages that with lumia cyan update some wrote we feel it become better !! nothing really change its just we have a blind trust at nokia devices ,the question is what are going to do time to let them pay a high price as we did:wink:

Thanks for the visual confirmation of my suspicions.

I've worked with many displays in the past and immediately knew the screen issues were not a software issue.

Folks, this is not a correctible software issue. This is a design flaw. This MAY be corrected in a revision (1530?) But all 1520 users will live with this issue and have to use the provided temporary workaround.

This is considered a non-essential issue since it degrades user experience but does not make the phone non-operational.

Microsoft/Nokia will not issue a recall and have all 1520 users send in their phones (too expensive.) That action would be the only way to resolve this issue.

As a 1520.3 user, I'm stuck for the next two years with this issue. My next phone will not be a Nokia, too many issues with my 920 and 1520 (1020 has functioned well.)
Haha, I also switched to putting my phone in my pocket screen facing out.

Up until now I always did it screen facing in to give it a bit of extra protection.
Haha, I also switched to putting my phone in my pocket screen facing out.

Up until now I always did it screen facing in to give it a bit of extra protection.

Let me know how it works out for you, I was doing well until work today, lots of walking in my pocket and the craziness is happening more frequently again. But the squeezing flexing of hardware does temp fix it...its still rather annoying...

Btw I am not talking about scrolls as taps, I'm talking about the ghost screen activity like auto unlocking scrolling around in apps. This only started for me when doing a recovery to 8.0 to get the official cyan... Before I used to get scrolls as taps all the time but after the roll back - upgrade to cyan - hard reset - restore data, it has been doing the ghost 👻 tapping / scrolling on its own when woken from sleep.

Interestingly this only happens for me when double tap to wake is on, which is a shame because I love that feature. So for now ill live without it and see how my scroll registers as tap behaves with it off and now being more conscious of the real cause of the scroll as tap issue.
View attachment 75330

as you can see from the photo the digitzer contacts marked with a red spot located just behind the lcd screen once main board mounted, it get in contact with the digitizer terminal what really happen in lumia 1520 with a big 6 inch screen is the screen slightly bend when you put it on your pocket or even use some force to clean it, and this mess with the digitizer contacts alignment causing a swipe, tap problem to appear
a short way to fix this look in the second photo hold the phone like this and push down from the red marked areas softly several time as it make a good contact with the digitizer terminal the problem will disappear
after all this is a faulty design specailly with a large screen, nokia know that yes they do but they just dont want to replace or fix it, cause its costly a design problem ,i tried to explain this in Nokia forum , they dont want us to understand its a hardware fault and treat us like a money bags for their faulty design ,can you imagine how happy they are when they read our messages that with lumia cyan update some wrote we feel it become better !! nothing really change its just we have a blind trust at nokia devices ,the question is what are going to do time to let them pay a high price as we did:wink:

i didnt get to which side should i push or pull
can u re explain?1
This is something that Microsoft should address. The reason for placing phone display down in pocket is to protect the phone in case something hits your pocket. The most logical place to keep a phone this size is in the pocket. Hip cases are few and far between in addition to not being practical. I have given up on cases for two reasons.

One is the bulk and weight added.

Two, didn't buy a red 1520 to keep it hidden. 😁
View attachment 75330

as you can see from the photo the digitzer contacts marked with a red spot located just behind the lcd screen once main board mounted, it get in contact with the digitizer terminal what really happen in lumia 1520 with a big 6 inch screen is the screen slightly bend when you put it on your pocket or even use some force to clean it, and this mess with the digitizer contacts alignment causing a swipe, tap problem to appear
a short way to fix this look in the second photo hold the phone like this and push down from the red marked areas softly several time as it make a good contact with the digitizer terminal the problem will disappear
after all this is a faulty design specailly with a large screen, nokia know that yes they do but they just dont want to replace or fix it, cause its costly a design problem ,i tried to explain this in Nokia forum , they dont want us to understand its a hardware fault and treat us like a money bags for their faulty design ,can you imagine how happy they are when they read our messages that with lumia cyan update some wrote we feel it become better !! nothing really change its just we have a blind trust at nokia devices ,the question is what are going to do time to let them pay a high price as we did:wink:

After squeezing top & bottom (as indicated in photo), it seems to have cleared it up. That being said, I rarely carry the phone in tight pants pockets (which might affect curve), though over time (since early February) I could've caused some flexing of the screen.
Good catch to Hesham :cool:

... simply hold the phone (screen facing up) by top & bottom (by Nokia (top)& above micro usb) & squeeze (exert slight pressure there) - try it, seems to work ... :cool:
This seems to make my 1520 much better but the fact is it's a hardware fault and Nokia should replace it. It was annoying me so much that I bought a 930 which has the same hardware but no issues for me whatsoever. I would have had no reason to leave 1520 otherwise.
i didnt get to which side should i push or pull
can u re explain?1
Agree. The fix is not explained well and the photos are not clear. He says "look in the second photo hold the phone like this ". The second photo shows a disassembled phone! Do I have to disassemble the phone myself to fix it?

Can someone please explain what needs to be done and how not to put the phone in the pocket?
Personally, I think it's a combination of software and hardware. I've experienced the issue but not to the extent of some others, and I always carry it in my front pocket, screen facing my leg.
The reason I also think it's software related too,,, when I first got the phone was when I experienced the issue the most. Once I updated it to the 8.1 preview it happened much less frequently. Then the Cyan update came out and I had to drop back to the original OS, issue went back to happening more frequently again. Updated to Cyan, and it's much less again, even less than the 8.1 preview.
I have a 1520.3 and I always do a hard reset when updating or downgrading the OS. Always start fresh, and never used a backup to restore.
Agree. The fix is not explained well and the photos are not clear. He says "look in the second photo hold the phone like this ". The second photo shows a disassembled phone! Do I have to disassemble the phone myself to fix it?

Can someone please explain what needs to be done and how not to put the phone in the pocket?

Hold the phone like for taking a photo, index finger and thumb on the top(left hand)(Nokia logo) and on the bottom(right hand)(capacitive buttons)...

but squeeze firmly as if there where buttons where your fingers are, this should do it I even put a small twist on it till I saw the LCD flex a bit, this cleared it up... But everyone is different, and may only be temporary. In my case I still ended up disabling double tap to wake as while this worked it was still annoying to do all the time, I am now convinced its hardware that I intensified by software, as turning off the double tap wake setting fixes my random ghost tapping on wake issue...
I had similar problem with my Lumia 1520. It was experiencing ghost touches and started bing search/other random programs randomly. At same time touch screen stopped working and started to work again after I pushed power button twice so screen switched off and on again. There was also brighter white backlight dot at middle of the screen.

First I thought it might be a software problem but it didnt ease after cyan and wp8.1 updates so I decided to service my phone and they replaced screen module and said it was as problem inside of the screen module what was causing all this mess. I was able to start those ghost touches to appear when I twisted my phone a little bit indicating a hardware fault.

So at least in Finland you can get your screen module replaced in warranty if there is same kind of problems. Also scroll/tap issue was fixed with a new screen.

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