Screen Sensitivity Issue Status in Cyan (1520)

As a long term windows fan, and now a massive fan of Nokia wp8.1 and having run every form of beta since Microsoft started the practice. I work in IT my last phone was a 920 and two weeks ago I switched to the 1520 for the higher speed, camera, battery life and screen real estate. I immediately noticed a quirk and have to disagree with it being a fault. The quirk, if you scroll with a very light touch it registers as a press. I feel because the screen is so big and the 1520 so sensitive to touch we start to stroke the screen in too wishy washy a manner. The moment I go back to touching the screen with normal force the false registers stop. I noticed it first when I would half heartily punch in my pin code instead of proper presses. It also explains some of the inconsistency. Also I don't pocket the phone, its in a fob in my shirt pocket so never cops any bending force.
if you want to scroll, avoid lightly touching the screen and letting go; put your whole weight of finger down on screen, then swipe over. If you want to tap, lightly touch screen and let go quickly = it will activate selection.

In IT-Support Personnel's speak, it's a user problem. LOL.....

Play around with your screen a bit and you will understand what I am trying to say.

Thank you very much! I first did the squeeze-thing only, and with little effect. Then, after turning off double tap to awake, the problem with my 1520 clicking when swiping is completely gone. It also removed the annoying ~0.5 sec freeze on the homescreen when unlocking it, which have forced me to unlock, then wait for a tiny bit - and then scroll, half of the time ending up opening som random app.

This is my conclusion after using it for a couple of hours. I'll be sure to update if the problem returns - which I'm actually rather convinced it won't.

24 hrs later: My phone is working perfectly. I swipe, 1520 swipes. I click, 1520 clicks. Seems to be permanent.

I don't have this issue even with glance and peek ON.

Try this:

if you want to scroll, avoid lightly touching the screen and letting go; put your whole weight of finger down on screen, then swipe over. If you want to tap, lightly touch screen and let go quickly = it will activate selection.

In IT-Support Personnel's speak, it's a user problem. LOL.....

Play around with your screen a bit and you will understand what I am trying to say.
I don't have this issue even with glance and peek ON.

Try this:

if you want to scroll, avoid lightly touching the screen and letting go; put your whole weight of finger down on screen, then swipe over. If you want to tap, lightly touch screen and let go quickly = it will activate selection.

In IT-Support Personnel's speak, it's a user problem. LOL.....

Play around with your screen a bit and you will understand what I am trying to say.

This has been a documented issue since the device was launched late last year. Every type of touch has been tested. It has nothing to do with how lightly or heavily you're touching the screen.
late response, sorry. I was using a simple wire connected to the ground...even my cat was surprised of my behavior..
Basically, I am happy to say I'm false clicks free by making sure I always touch something that conducts electricity TO the ground before using the phone ( my wild guess is that it's my own static charge causing the false clicks). Basically, always make sure you touch something that's not made of plastic or wood, I know it sounds weird, touch a wall, faucet, metal fence... I would really like some feedback from other users..
We need further investigation over this...

Static will most likely cause the screen to "flicker" when touched, and selection unable to be activated. I have a Sony Xperia handset with this problem.
Static will most likely cause the screen to "flicker" when touched, and selection unable to be activated. I have a Sony Xperia handset with this problem.
Static might affect different components on diff degrees.., screen flicker VS digitizer layer.
I'm not saying that I've found and identified the culprit, I'm just saying that in my case, making sure I get the 1520(and me) "discharged" had worked on with a positive result. Also, the recommended squeezing was based on HW design from another device that doesn't apply yo 1520.
As a hint, when dealing with random issues that are not easily reproduced under a given scenario (like for us: there is no way we could GUARANTEE a false click) the focus shifts to environmental factors (temp, humidity, atm press, even static charges). Those factors add the RANDOM illusion/flavor in this scenario since not a lot of users weigh external factors in.
For me, the highest incidence in false clicks was always when I was traveling in planes/trains ~ remember the polymer the seat covers? great source of static.
What I also did noticed by using a "touchscreen test software" from store is that there is always a 2~3 mm jump in contact points when I touch the screen....could be from the way WP register the touches, HW issue or crappy programming from app dev. I will try to take a video and post it later.
This has been a documented issue since the device was launched late last year. Every type of touch has been tested. It has nothing to do with how lightly or heavily you're touching the screen.

I agree with the idea of using the 1520 slightly different when touching and scrolling. Whether it's a documented issue or not, for some, the technique suggested by Timbre70 works....
I agree with the idea of using the 1520 slightly different when touching and scrolling. Whether it's a documented issue or not, for some, the technique suggested by Timbre70 works....

Has it? I haven't heard of that really working. Makes me wonder if they really had the same bug we're talking about then. If it was as simple as touching the display differently, then why is the problem still so prevalent? Touching the screen differently has been suggested in the countless other threads about this bug, including the gargantuan thread on the Nokia support forum.
Has it? I haven't heard of that really working. Makes me wonder if they really had the same bug we're talking about then. If it was as simple as touching the display differently, then why is the problem still so prevalent? Touching the screen differently has been suggested in the countless other threads about this bug, including the gargantuan thread on the Nokia support forum.

That's why I added the 'for some'. I'm not saying this is a cure all for screen sensitivity problems. My screen issues are slight, and as such the technique described by Timbre70 lessened the few phantom taps I have experienced.

A lot of people have severe issues with this, and this is obviously some sort of hardware defect... Some of us have been lucky.

It also seems that there are a lot people that are adamant that all 1520s suffer the same issues, and so any techniques offered are immediately met with 'you are wrong' replies. The screen issues vary widely from device to device or do not occur at all.
In the end, any help with this issue is welcome. If it helps even a few people, then any advice is certainly valid....
Hi everyone, just wanted to add that I am still experience this garbage from time to time... Mostly on third party apps, and it's particularly horrendous in the Flickr Central app. Scrolling and swiping is nearly always registered as a tap. Definitely effects my overall impression of the windows phone experience in a negative way.
If your set is already screwed - damaged due to putting in tight pockets, then nothing can help except having it rectified. However, if yours is new, I would suggest not to put in tight pockets to begin with. Mine was a brand new set, and initially I thought I had the same issue as many 1520 owners have. Having acquainted and experimented various ways to touch with it now, I think mine was actually a 'user problem'. Lol...
I bought my 1520 brand new. Never in my pocket. I used a leather case on my belt. 5 months latter the problems started, touch issues, search starting, typing on it's own. I took mine back and got another. So far its been a couple of months and no problems.

My problems started after about 5 months too. I thought I had it solved by checking the date reset problem and turning off Glance but this lessened the frequency instead of curing the problem. Yes, I was carrying the phone in my front pocket until I read this thread.

Before long, my phone is practically unusable as any touch to the screen sends it haywire. I can't even SMS. I upgraded to Cyan but there was no difference at all. I backed up my phone and did a full reset without restoring any data. It immediately went haywire right away, opening and closing windows and Bing. I reset again with a data restore, same result. Took out my SD card, no difference.

Now, I'm trying the squeeze method and it immediately works but only for a few moments. Probabaly just long enough to get out a SMS, then it goes crazy again. I can't use the camera at all. If it goes crazy for more than a few minutes, the touch driver will crash and I'll have to reboot the phone to get the driver working again. I find myself having to reboot my phone half a dozen times a day. Is that not below the minimum expected user experience?

I had long enough with a working phone to know that I'd rather have a windows phone than anything else. I love the interface and can't imagine going back to iOS or on to Android. That said, this hardware issue is making my like for the OS hard to justify. I can't upgrade to a new handset for another 6 months and I can't use this one at all. I think I have no choice to go and get a replacement SIM card for my old iPhone.

I really think Nokia should recall and fix these phones. It's not just hurting the Nokia brand, it's hurting the whole marketing environment of windows phone. Really wish I'd bought the Samsung now.
My problems started after about 5 months too. I thought I had it solved by checking the date reset problem and turning off Glance but this lessened the frequency instead of curing the problem. Yes, I was carrying the phone in my front pocket until I read this thread.

Before long, my phone is practically unusable as any touch to the screen sends it haywire. I can't even SMS. I upgraded to Cyan but there was no difference at all. I backed up my phone and did a full reset without restoring any data. It immediately went haywire right away, opening and closing windows and Bing. I reset again with a data restore, same result. Took out my SD card, no difference.

Now, I'm trying the squeeze method and it immediately works but only for a few moments. Probabaly just long enough to get out a SMS, then it goes crazy again. I can't use the camera at all. If it goes crazy for more than a few minutes, the touch driver will crash and I'll have to reboot the phone to get the driver working again. I find myself having to reboot my phone half a dozen times a day. Is that not below the minimum expected user experience?

I had long enough with a working phone to know that I'd rather have a windows phone than anything else. I love the interface and can't imagine going back to iOS or on to Android. That said, this hardware issue is making my like for the OS hard to justify. I can't upgrade to a new handset for another 6 months and I can't use this one at all. I think I have no choice to go and get a replacement SIM card for my old iPhone.

I really think Nokia should recall and fix these phones. It's not just hurting the Nokia brand, it's hurting the whole marketing environment of windows phone. Really wish I'd bought the Samsung now.

Do you have no warranty options? That's seems so extreme that they should swap out your device.
So, I guess its still status quo with this problem? Is the "fix" holding for anyone?
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I had this issue since I bought a 1520 on AT&T and then I got a 1520.3 with the same issue.
It seems to be worse on the 1520.3 and even worse after I did the Cyan update.
I know I doubt it will resolve anything, but I just sent it back to Nokia today for a replacement.
Hopefully I'll get lucky and the replacement will be phantom-touch-free.
Hi all! I'll be a L1520 user soon and reading the screen issues I'm guessing if replacing the touch digitalizer could solve the problem?
The message here is surely everyone who has this 1520 touch screen problem should go for a warranty return (or refund). If enough people do this it will start focussing minds at Nokia/Microsoft.
The problem is that many people do not return the phone because .. 8/10 back with the same defect. It is a very common hardware failure in almost all 1520.

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