SMS/Phone Filter Not Working on Amber

I just had an interesting conversation with "Eric" in Verizon Technical support. The 928 is his work issued phone and he knew nothing of this feature. As I stepped him through it and he tested the feature using his work phone he was surprised to learn of the problem. His first response was that it must be a software issue. When pressed with "then why would it work when a T-Mob SIM is placed in the phone, he had to concede a software issue seemed less likely. He says there are no escalated trouble tickets and no information in their system about the problem. He tells me he is creating a ticket and will see that it is escalated, but once again this is a case of 928 and 822 users need to speak up with VZW and be heard.
I just talked to a rep on Twitter and got this response:

Told the rep they're not getting spoofed, they're numbers I can test.

Now waiting on response.

Sad reality is that most anyone posting on the WPCentral Forums knows more about the phones than even Tier 2 support at VZW, and possibly other carriers as well.
I hardly think contacting VZW reps through twitter would help anyone with anything,,, LMFAO

VZW Support ‏@suZoSo I'm here with my tool belt on. Sorry, some calls can get through by spoofing with 3rd party apps: Company Name ID FAQs | Verizon Wireless ^LH

suZoSo @VZWSupport The app came with GDR2. The numbers are not being spoofed, they're numbers I can test with.
suZoSo @VZWSupport Also the 928 was tested with other carrier SIMs and the filter works just fine. Looks to be a VZW issue.

VZW Support @suZoSo I'm sorry if the harassing texts continue. I would recommend a number change here: Change Mobile Number | Verizon Wireless ^JL
So, I just called VZW to see if there has been any updates/changes on this issue.
The rep I first spoke to had no clue what I was talking about and didn't even know this filter existed!,,, no surprise there! LOL. She gladly transferred me to a technician.

I explained the issue to him and also mentioned that if a SIM from another carrier is used it works as its suppose to, etc., etc. So he went to research it and got back to me real quick, within 15-20 seconds!
According to the tech, apparently this is a software issue, and is a known issue that is high up on the 'get it fixed' list. VZW contacted Nokia and they where able to replicate the issue also, and are currently looking in to it as well.
The tech also mentioned that he keeps in touch regularly with there developers who work on the issues, and will contact me as soon as he hears anything.

So, that's all I have at this point.
If your wanting this feature as well, keep calling VZW, and/or post about it on there forums to get it resolved.
Quick Update here.
I just received a notice from VZW that my account has changed. I checked it out and they have added Call & Message Blocking at no charge.
Filter on phone still doesn't block calls though :/
Hmm, I hope they aren't going to try and force us to use there services!
There is a call+SMS filter that shows from the sysapp pusher. Its version and was last updated 8/8/2013. But it won't let it install, says its for another device. Even tried installing it from the cloud but get the ole 'cannot install company app' message. Funny thing is, its a Nokia app!

Sent from my RM-860 using Tapatalk
I am not really sure what has changed, but yesterday evening I received a toast notification that one of the numbers I had added to the call+SMS filter had indeed been blocked. This number had previously been coming through regardless of my settings. I wonder if the change that had to be made was something simply on the Verizon side of the equation.


UPDATE: Did an additional test this morning with a co-worker and found that the blocking is not fixed. According to the timestamp on the blocked call list, I was on a call with my wife, so maybe that somehow figured into it being blocked. Oh well.
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UPDATE: Did an additional test this morning with a co-worker and found that the blocking is not fixed. According to the timestamp on the blocked call list, I was on a call with my wife, so maybe that somehow figured into it being blocked. Oh well.

Just did some testing. If I am on a call, it will indeed block incoming calls like designed. We may be in bug territory for sure.
Since Info & Extras has been updated today, and the call+SMS filter is part of it. Someone might want to test this.,,, while I get the Amber update back on my phone,,, lol
call & SMS Filter is it's own app. . .
It actually comes as part of the Extras & Info,,, Nokia Spam Filter ;)

If you uninstall the filter and want it back later.
Open Extras & Info, tap on 'more info' wait about 5 seconds, close it and go back to settings and the call+SMS filter will be back ;)
It actually comes as part of the Extras & Info,,, Nokia Spam Filter ;)

If you uninstall the filter and want it back later.
Open Extras & Info, tap on 'more info' wait about 5 seconds, close it and go back to settings and the call+SMS filter will be back ;)
I sit corrected. . . .

Finally got the Amber going, got the Extra's & Info Update. Sadly, the filter wasn't updated.
I wonder if the blocked numbers get written to the SIM? And then the CDMA voice call completely bypasses it?

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