SMS/Phone Filter Not Working on Amber

I could see this being why as well. Verizon's support page for the 928 which goes over the details of what's in its updates has temporarily been pulled from their website so something is afoot.

And now it doesn't mention call/message blocking.
And now it doesn't mention call/message blocking.

Killing me is like the one feature i was looking forward towards having (with my job, my phone number gets put out to alot of telemarketing and "sales" type lists that i get calls back on that i dont want, so being able to block numbers not in my phone book or numbers that are unknown was the top item i, not really Needed, but would have made the experience with Windows Phone better. Does ATT call blocking work on their devices, it might be easier to go to ATT on Windows Phone, then going back to Android on Verizon...
Not working on my Verizon 928 or 822. Wondering out loud if perhaps it has something to do with CDMA vs GSM and how the SIM is used (or in the case of CDMA isn't really used) for contacts?
That would seem to indicate it works on a GSM network but not CDMA. Thanks for the reply!
Honestly, the type of network should make no difference.
Keep in mind that parts of the updates can me dependent on the carrier implementing them or not, it's not just based on hardware capability alone. In other words, the carrier can decide if they want certain new functions of an update to work or not.
Carriers are in the business to make money, and the more they can 'sway' you in to using more data, the more money they potentially can make ;)
Part of my annoyance with this is that if they didnt want to support it then i shouldnt even see the screen on the device, and if there are actually supporting it and it is just broken, they should just come out and say so, since they took the time to update their Support pdf
That would seem to indicate it works on a GSM network but not CDMA. Thanks for the reply!

Interestingly, I just tried blocking numbers with my T-Mobile SIM instead of my Verizon SIM and it works fine. Definitely a Verizon thing, which is weird because blocking text messages does work on Verizon...
Interestingly, I just tried blocking numbers with my T-Mobile SIM instead of my Verizon SIM and it works fine. Definitely a Verizon thing, which is weird because blocking text messages does work on Verizon...
Nice. Definitely shows that Verizon had the filter rendered useless, so you'd have to use there system to block numbers. Which in turn, will generate more cash flow for them.
It wouldn't surprise me that they're behind the FM Radio fiasco too. Without it functioning, it forces users to use more data.
Interestingly, I just tried blocking numbers with my T-Mobile SIM instead of my Verizon SIM and it works fine. Definitely a Verizon thing, which is weird because blocking text messages does work on Verizon...

Progress! So the question is, with your T-Mob SIM, is the phone still using CDMA or is it using GSM? I'm guessing the latter, which if true, makes it more likely that it's a limitation of CDMA. The next logical test would be to test with a SIM from Sprint which is also a CDMA network.

It's just unfortunate that Verizon, Microsoft, or Nokia haven't stepped up to give an explanation.
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Progress! So the question is, with your T-Mob SIM, is the phone still using CDMA or is it using GSM? I'm guessing the latter, which if true, makes it more likely that it's a limitation of CDMA. The next logical test would be to test with a SIM from Sprint which is also a CDMA network.

It's just unfortunate that Verizon, Microsoft, or Nokia haven't stepped up to give an explanation.
GSM,their cdma network is MetroPCS
Whelp, for what it is worth, i tweeted @NokiaCareUS asking if they new knew anything about it on the 928, and the response i got..."Have you tried reaching out to Verizon if this feature is allowed w/ their services? ^RT"....does take much of leap to read that as "if it aint working, its because Verizon killed it"
In the past Verizon was notorious for crippling there devices so the users would have to get other 'features', at a price of course.
Looks like they're going back to there old ways again. smh
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Whelp, for what it is worth, i tweeted @NokiaCareUS asking if they new knew anything about it on the 928, and the response i got..."Have you tried reaching out to Verizon if this feature is allowed w/ their services? ^RT"....does take much of leap to read that as "if it aint working, its because Verizon killed it"

I did the same on Friday and they eventually came back and said they would look into it and get back to me. Obviously haven't heard back since
The response i got from the VZW Support twitter after asking if the call+sms filter is working on the Lumia 928:

VZW Support ‏@VZWSupport 3h @Ether813_IX Let's make your Nokia spill proof! You can block calls & txt msgs online at My Verizon, ^LH

I replied that Nokia's feature is free and allows up to a thousand numbers to be blocked...for free....

I have no doubt that this isnt going anywhere at this point...i mistakenly thought we were beyond crippling features that are clearly on the phone....
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Still unsure if Verizon actually borked the feature or there is just something screwy with the way its reporting the inbound number. The reason I say this is: (1) Blocking text messages does indeed work. (2) If they really wanted to block the feature, wouldn't they have hid the menu item, like with group texting? With the menu item hidden, only us power user geeks (very small number) would know that it was even a possible feature. By exposing the setting and making it not work, they risk every Tom, **** and Harry stumbling across the feature and calling in to support when they discover it doesn't work.
I really hope that that is the case....i could live with poor QA and getting a fix in a decent amount of time. I think earlier in this thread that was one the thing this is pissing me off about it. I actually wouldnt have a complaint if there were saying they arent supporting the feature. If that is the case then it shouldnt even be seen in the settings. I actually have one call that says it was blocked on my list "The call came in when i was already on the phone talking to someone. I am going to stop assuming and just see where this goes. Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding or bad code.
Indeed SMS filtering DOES work on Verizon... it's the Call filtering that does not. Look out big red, I'm about to go Miley Cyrus obscene on you.
Indeed SMS filtering DOES work on Verizon... it's the Call filtering that does not. Look out big red, I'm about to go Miley Cyrus obscene on you.

Twerking is for iOS users. Don't even think about doing it....

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