"Something that will blow your mind" what do you think this could be

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I'm not sure how you can accuse a journalist posting his insight on Reddit of "click baiting."

A journalist? never heard before he was..., And I'm not the only to affirm that. Check yourself ;)
If there will be a great news, I'll agree a lot, but his method is not so professional for a journalist, and reminds me some famous web-tech methods :eck: IMHO

Howewer I apologize for criticizing a controversial method of publishing if I offended someone
That's my free opinion.
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Maybe that something is an update from Microsoft Soon? to Microsoft Sooner?, everything is going to be faster.
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Annnnd now i'm confused again.

I see a patent pending troll / click baitin

The suspense is killing me.

I think that makes it more obvious now. It has to be very app related. Only big things in the past have been hardware, OS or apps. Remember Nokia and their app announcements? It's gotta be apps! Or a super new feature/service by MSFT that will see light of the day may be in next 12 months.
I think that makes it more obvious now. It has to be very app related.
I agree, although if it's just 'bunch of apps coming to the platform', I don't understand the big buildup. I could see it being 'All google apps coming to Windows 10', which is something difficult to hint about without revealing it. Still, finally getting those apps doesn't seem mind blowing, more 'sigh-of-relief-inducing'. Maybe Chrome going W10 Universal, but again, that would be surprising, but mind blowing? Any other ideas?

Edit: I'll add one more: MS teaming up with Google or Apple for mobile payments? Not really mind-blowing either.

Edit: One more, Chrome OS coming to Win10 as universal full-screen app? :)
I think that makes it more obvious now. It has to be very app related. Only big things in the past have been hardware, OS or apps. Remember Nokia and their app announcements? It's gotta be apps! Or a super new feature/service by MSFT that will see light of the day may be in next 12 months.

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With all respect, last world annoucement could had justified a 12 months waiting was the new Alfa Romeo Giulia :winktongue:
[OT mode off]
Sorry but this is MS, and not much exciting is happening as a consumer. If anything it will be something lame like "New Power BI Tools for Android and iOS ... oh ya, and WM10"
Mind blown!
Old pc games ported exclusively for windows 10 mobile and Microsoft's TV commercial with gameplay of EA's NFS most wanted (2005) on the 950xl!

Edit:- Sorry I didn't read this article's summary and thought that its some sort of wish list.
I think that makes it more obvious now. It has to be very app related. Only big things in the past have been hardware, OS or apps. Remember Nokia and their app announcements? It's gotta be apps! Or a super new feature/service by MSFT that will see light of the day may be in next 12 months.

But then there's this.

Aren't you people tired of this Surface Phone thing?

No matter what it is (if MS one day decides to make it) its still going to be OS wise the same WP/WM as the cheapest one available now (+ continium. Which probably 4/5 people dont even need)

Stop being so closed minded. I remember a lot of people saying the same thing about the Surface devices when they were first released. I can see the possibilities for Continuum beyond the desktop. Set up a dock in the bedroom or home theater and you've got yourself a media player. Or how about the car? This can easily replace a carputer. No need spend all that money and time building and installing in the vehicle. Yes, that goes in the niche category but something I've notice a while back is most things that interest me would be considered niche.
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