"Something that will blow your mind" what do you think this could be

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A waterproof 1020/808 successor, and not those half baked ip rated water proof certifications that you can't take in salt water.. I need that nano paint tech Nokia showed years ago.
Well, for now, that ugly dude keeps blowing my mind by not leaking anything related to that teaser, lol. Clickbait maybe?

Or is he waiting until tomorrow for the teaser to be one week old? What is he waiting for?

As all of us, I'm very curious. :-)

I don't have any tip. Instead, I'll tell you something that I'd like: Ms bringing back Lumia Camera. Mind = blown?
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A phone that just works with contacts from the sim card or ability to save email attachment onto my phone! Coming soon...
The only things can blow my mind :
-Continuum Will run full w10 on ARM devices.
-Revolutionary hardware, something never seen before, a surprise like HoloLens or surfacebook.
Would love it to be apps but my guess is either a Samsung or Alcatel flagship or something to do with Steam/Xbox
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The only thing that will blow my mind would be overcoming app gap. Project Astoria and Islanwood. There I said it :D
Microsoft release a Android shell with live tiles for all MS apps and a bridge from WM to Android. Samsung makes the new MS shell optional in the coming flagships. End of WM.
Multitasking improvements. Running two apps at the same time with each app sharing half screen.

Reading Windows Central while watching a video on myTube. Mind blowing..
It's going to be the release of the windows central app for windows 10

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