Tech Preview bricked my PC


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Hi everyone,

I couldn't withstand the Win10 latest build temptation & installed it on PC. What to say.. It got installed nicely & was working for a day without any issues.

Now shows a black screen when i boot up & nothing loads. Sometime, it loads 'technical preview' & 'Windows rollback' when i load the pc. On selecting technical preview, nothing happens.

Can someone suggest what to do? I didnt take my PC backup before win10 installation. :(
Re: Bricket my PC

If you see Rollback, I would try that and see if it rolls you back to your previous OS. If that works, I would wait a while longer before installing Win 10 for MS to make further improvements to this beta version.
Re: Bricket my PC

I hate to downgrade but if thats what it takes, i will have to try that rollback option.

Just wanted to see if someone else had the same situation & resolved it without downgrading,
Re: Bricket my PC

Successfully rolled back my PC to Win 8.1

I miss the continuum and few features of Win10. But, i am happy i got back my Win8.1 start screen. Its way better than Win10
And backup next time. If you got your data back, you dodged a bullet. if not, a lesson learned when messing with potentially dangerous things.

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