Thread sms- 1 step cab install - 2 awesome versions


New member
May 17, 2006
Threaded sms- 1 step cab install - 2 awesome versions

ok guys, to keep the confusion down i will post the wm6 version of the threaded sms app here. i cannot post the cab file here cause it is over the limit for size. in the link below are 2 different versions of the same version. what you say. well thay are both the threaded sms version for wm 6 but i have given the option of what you want as far as softkeys. one version has the left softkey "email" and the top left hard key goes to the threaded sms app. the other version is just the oppsite. it says "sms" in the softkey and keeps email as the hard key.

the wm6 version is 1/3 of the size as the first version due to the fact that we dont need all those files that were in the "palm messaging" folder. now there is no need to use resco. just one simple step. install cab.

here is the link to download both wm6 versions.

enjoy, cody

ps: remember, i didn't write these apps, hannip did. i just wrote the tutoral for the treo version with pics and recabed the two versions for the wm6 versions. i also made a few changes as far as shortcuts and plugin names. though the names have changed the app is the same.
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New member
Sep 27, 2007
So, it appears to me after figuring out the original post on the really long thread was not completely current, that for those who have recent WM6 ROM builds (like I do with the HTC Kaiser TYTN II) then you just simply install the CAB and that is it. No initial delete of files or "move" of files via Resco.

And, it appears all is working fine with the SMS portion. However, I can not get the MMS function to work at all. I get an error message of the phone does not have enough memory etc. etc. And this is with a complete stock build of a hard reset with only this hack cab installed and a tiny image size. So, either MMS does not currently work (in which case me wonders why it is on the menu) or what am I doing wrong?


New member
Mar 27, 2005
the mms part of the threaded sms has never worked. you need a separate mms hack to have mms. the reason its on the threaded sms is because that was taken from a windows mobile treo. on that phone it works.


New member
Mar 27, 2005
Cody, I have not seen this addressed but with the 2.09 rom the message count does not work correctly. I could have 6 texts and it says 1. Is there any small fix for that? With the new rom however it works just fine and counts every text.


New member
Sep 7, 2006
That's odd, it's always worked fine for me... and I've gone through 3 ROMs (all the official ones).


New member
Mar 27, 2005
That's odd, it's always worked fine for me... and I've gone through 3 ROMs (all the official ones).

I know... when I updated with the latest rom it worked just fine so I was like cool...then I had all these issues with the rom and went back to 2.09 and installed it again and bam... counter messed up yet again. So I uninstalled it until I can find out what would be causing it.


New member
May 17, 2006
the only thing i would say is make sure you have no unanswered sms OR emails before installing. hmmm. works for 99% of users. there are always the few that have some weird problem. i would say hardreset, and try one more time. i dont know. sorry.

works for me and i have flashed at least 5 different roms on my mogul. never had a problem.


New member
Mar 27, 2005
I uninstalled it, tried the one for sms soft key and this one seems fine. tried the other cab 3 times and each time I had that problem. this one seems cool. thanks.


New member
Sep 7, 2006
On the Mogul? No. On a WM6 device just install and soft reset. That's what I did on my device.


New member
Jul 12, 2006
With the cab installation on a WM6 device (I have a Sprint Mogul, too), will this completely uninstall and leave the machine as it was pre-installation?

I assume it will, but I want to ask just to make sure before I install it.



New member
Dec 3, 2007
Ok, I installed the app but nothing has changed. When I launch messaging I get the old app. When a new SMS message comes in and I click view I get the old app. Any ideas?

I have a Samsung i760 w/WM6
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New member
Feb 22, 2007
So, it appears to me after figuring out the original post on the really long thread was not completely current, that for those who have recent WM6 ROM builds (like I do with the HTC Kaiser TYTN II) then you just simply install the CAB and that is it. No initial delete of files or "move" of files via Resco.

And, it appears all is working fine with the SMS portion. However, I can not get the MMS function to work at all. I get an error message of the phone does not have enough memory etc. etc. And this is with a complete stock build of a hard reset with only this hack cab installed and a tiny image size. So, either MMS does not currently work (in which case me wonders why it is on the menu) or what am I doing wrong?

I am getting the same thing. Has anyone gotten this to work?


New member
May 18, 2005
I just wanted to thank you for posting this. The threaded text messaging was one of the things I was really missing from my Treo 650. My only complaint, and it is a small one, is that the auto-complete does not work....but for me that is worth getting the threading back.

Thanks again :)


New member
Jan 28, 2008
was wondering if anyone has gotten this app to send AND receive MMS properly on the Verizon network?? It seems I can send them all I want but when i receive them the default MMS gets them, not the threaded one.... weird... SMS works great.....


I lied..... The MMS messages that I sent came back after several minutes and each one gave me a network error.....

A networking error (0x1501) has occured. This could be caused by a voice call, a wired Activesync connection, or some other network problem. Please try again.

I went to MENU, OPTIONS, ADVANCED, and tried Automatic - same error. Tried manual and EDIT, selected Verizon wireless. No other settings on that page, and it still has the error....
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Dieter Bohn

Ex Editor in Chief
Feb 1, 2001
I do! I don't have an XV6800 to test it on, but I suspect that the cab probably breaks MMS functionality -- especially as it was designed for the sprint version. I know cody is on a 755p right now (benedict arnold!), but I'll ping him quick. :)


New member
May 17, 2006
MOD... something is wrong with the multi quote so i am going to have to answer all of these one by one. lol

With the cab installation on a WM6 device (I have a Sprint Mogul, too), will this completely uninstall and leave the machine as it was pre-installation?

I assume it will, but I want to ask just to make sure before I install it.

some way that it uninstalls fine. with the pre aku 2.3 versions (treo 700w/wx) it wouldn't unistall right because you overwrote ROM files. this version is for post aku 2.3 versions (mogul) and should uninstall fine. altho with any an all apps, i recommend you create a backup point (restore point) and do a hard reset and restore instead of just uninstalling an app. when ever you uninstall there is still things left over like .dll files and reg changes. hard reset and restore from a backup file is the best way.



New member
May 17, 2006
Ok, I installed the app but nothing has changed. When I launch messaging I get the old app. When a new SMS message comes in and I click view I get the old app. Any ideas?

I have a Samsung i760 w/WM6

this app was wrote for the treo 750. it has been pulled and kindof tweeked to work with some other wm devices. mainly the sprint wm devices. we can't say what it will do on the non sprint devices since none of use have one. i did have a buddy that use to have the 700w and got it going on the i760 altho he had some problems with closing the app and font size. maybe check some of the i760 forums for more information about the app and your phone.

sorry and good luck, cody


New member
May 17, 2006
I am getting the same thing. Has anyone gotten this to work?

this will never work. it has never worked. it has been discussed for a few years now. i wish we could do something about it but we cant. none of us wrote the app. palm did. hannip was able to pull some of the files off of the treo 750 and make it work on some of the other devices, but not completely. the app is not open sourced code and we cant re-write it. this is all we got.

main of us are happy as can be that we got what we got. it may not do mms but we got the most important part... the threaded sms. more than i can say palm and sprint/verizon did for us.

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