Thread sms- 1 step cab install - 2 awesome versions

I just wanted to thank you for posting this. The threaded text messaging was one of the things I was really missing from my Treo 650. My only complaint, and it is a small one, is that the auto-complete does not work....but for me that is worth getting the threading back.

Thanks again :)

like i said before.... it may not be perfect, but a lot better than what we had before. i wish there was more we could do ito it, but..... we cann't
was wondering if anyone has gotten this app to send AND receive MMS properly on the Verizon network?? It seems I can send them all I want but when i receive them the default MMS gets them, not the threaded one.... weird... SMS works great.....


I lied..... The MMS messages that I sent came back after several minutes and each one gave me a network error.....

A networking error (0x1501) has occured. This could be caused by a voice call, a wired Activesync connection, or some other network problem. Please try again.

I went to MENU, OPTIONS, ADVANCED, and tried Automatic - same error. Tried manual and EDIT, selected Verizon wireless. No other settings on that page, and it still has the error....

the first version of this app was released 11/06. there have been for beta version put together by hannip of the last one released back it 2006. even though i have versions they are just different cabs of the original version. hannip did all the work. i just made it easier to install.

bottom line is Palm wrote the app which consists of around 65 files. we cant edit these files. we cant change the app. we are lucky to get what we got.

Sprint/Verizon couldn't even get it to do what hannip has done.

MMS will never work inside of this app. sorry. most of us are just happy we got threaded sms on are phones.

anyone even read this forum????

i wonder the same thing sometimes. dont take this the wrong way, but if YOU WOULD HAVE READ THIS FORUM you would have found....

this thread has the most information on the threaded sms app.

within that thread you would have found these 51 posts talking about mms within the threaded sms app. all of them saying that it can't and won't happen.

before you start reading/posting you start by going here. this is were you will find most of your answers. i find it a lot faster than just post a question.

hope this helps, cody
I know cody is on a 755p right now (benedict arnold!), but I'll ping him quick. :)

lol. i have already sold the 755p and went back to the touch. i did like the 755p. by far the best palmOS treo to date. way better than my old 700p. i haven't posted anything about it because i dont belive in the WM vs POS debate. they are different and that is it. for me i just missed things that i got out of wm. i'm looking forward to the 800w.
I recently got the htc mogul and installed the threader and everything was working fine for the past few months. One thing i have noticed is that the program launches even when no msgs are incoming. I could be in a call and when the call is ended and i close the dialer, the threader program is launched. I am not sure what i did wrong with the install, I followed the instr. Has anyone else had this problem? Sorry if this is a nooby problem.
Well, I used Codys SMS and I could send/ receive texts great, and could also receive MMS great, but i couldn't send MMS from my XV6800 on the verizon system.... I believe it has to do with how his program formats the header data versus how Verizons system reads it..... I would think someone who has the knowhow could write an intercept .dll that would take Codys output MMS and rearrange the header data to fit verizons needs and everyone would be happy.... that way nobodys steppin on Palms toes and we have working threaded MMS..... just a thought....
Receiving works fine for me, it shows a little icon that I can click and view.

For sending I just use the MMS application, it is still there and works without a problem for me.

I don't really send that many MMS messages anyways, so it is fine with me, threading more than makes up for it IMHO. Thanks again for posting it :)
Not Syre...

Not sure wat i did butt he GREEN and BLUE arrow of the messages appear as an red X... how do i get it back?
I like Hannips Threaded sms because of the look and the smileys but it lacks a spell I Flash No2Chem's(PPcGeeks) ROM version 5048, I have the threaded sms with the spell checker, but no smileys ... I didn't really look around too hard to find the answer, with everyone worried about MMS and all, mine seemed to work okay with Cody's and of course works great with NO2chems ROM...anyway...

Does anyone know if there is a threaded sms app. with both smileys, and a spell checker?
Sorry to bump this old thread as my first post, but I had a couple issues with the threaded text messaging program that I'm hoping someone has a solution or answer for.

I'm a moderator for another forum that uses vBulletin, so I'm familiar with the search function, which is how I ended up finding this specific thread and I read the other thread as well, but didn't find the exact solution/answer I was looking for.

These are the two issues I had with the program, prior to uninstalling:

1) Multiple text messages would be sent to each person I would send a message to

2) Text messaging program keeps opening, even after I close it completely.

Anybody have any clue how I can use this program without the above problems? Or is this something that can't be avoided?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
ok i have a couple questions, will this work with window 6.1? Will it override the current one and will the lag go away when i type

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