If the back cover were plastic, the following thread would not be possible:
Finished Croming Titan's Cover with pics!! - xda-developers
Imagine doing that to your lovely Titan, it looks hideous LOL
Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
You aren't actually still thinking about it after seeing the results are you NE10010 ?On second thought after seeing that other gentleman execute the idea on his phone...I don't think I'll be doing the same. We'll see!
You are probably rightI'm wondering if it's aluminum coated plastic... Could be.
Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
You are probably right
Someone with the guts to prove its aluminum should scrape the inside of their cover and take a picture of the metal flakes... I won't.. But someone should.. Lol
Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Someone in that thread said it looks like an original iPhone now, I have to agree. Lol.