Titan's body: Aluminum or Plastic?

Mine is most definitely plastic and came direct from at&t.

You're absolutely wrong, its not plastic. Take off the back cover and look inside the edge of the camera lens opening you'll see shiny unpainted aluminum.
Why do people want aluminum or metal phones? As thin and small as the parts are, if they were aluminum, won't they be easily bent or chipped if hit or dropped? Plastics parts now a days are pretty strong and can take a lickin'.

Premium devices need to have premium materials. Take Samsung for instance, the biggest gripe all across the board is that all their devices are plasticy. They are high end devices inside low end plastic casings. I personally don't care how good plastics are now a days you'll wind up with a cheap feeling and looking device. The only device I would consider purchasing that's made out poly carbonite plastic is the Nokia Lumia.
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Sweet Kevlar fibber I've never even heard of that. Your rite Palandri very cool. I looked at one in the Best Buy the other day it looked like carbon fibber to me
Sweet Kevlar fibber I've never even heard of that. Your rite Palandri very cool. I looked at one in the Best Buy the other day it looked like carbon fibber to me

Just make sure you face the kevlar part away from your body. That way it will stop any bullet from damaging the gorilla glass ;)
Just make sure you face the kevlar part away from your body. That way it will stop any bullet from damaging the gorilla glass ;)

That phone is to small and light for defensive use I need a phone I can knock someone out with that's why I have a Titan
AT&T titan. Top part is definitely metal. Bottom part with winphone logo is likely plastic.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
Who needs a Titan Big D5? I could knock someone out cold too with my ALL METAL Omnia 7 :D

Might take a couple of whacks but still achievable. :)
You're absolutely wrong, its not plastic. Take off the back cover and look inside the edge of the camera lens opening you'll see shiny unpainted aluminum.

I stand corrected. :) Without seeing that shiny ring you would never convince me it was alu. It doesn't even sound like alu to me when I tapped on it.
The way you can tell it is aluminium is when it is cold. The metal part of the back is much colder that the plastic antenna bit with the Windows Phone logo on. When it is warm, the paint on the aluminium makes it feel like plastic.
Just make sure you face the kevlar part away from your body. That way it will stop any bullet from damaging the gorilla glass ;)

Sounds like a mythbusters test is needed. Pretty sure the kevlar in body armor is a bit thicker than whats used in the razr though.
Sounds like a mythbusters test is needed. Pretty sure the kevlar in body armor is a bit thicker than whats used in the razr though.

Hmmmmmm... A show in which they shoot at and blow up Android phones? Make it so!
general rule of thumb, if it is cold to the touch then it is metal (aluminum for phones)

Assuming it hasn't been conducting heat immediately prior (leg, sunlight, desklamp) :P
But yeah, my Titan's (back) top ~60% is cold in the morning (metal), while the bottom part with the "Windows Phone" logo is warmer, and is immediately noticeable as plastic.
That back of the HTC TITAN, both the international and AT&T version, is one piece of aluminum. It isn't plastic.

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