Track WP8.1 + Lumia Cyan Rollout!

Arpit Mittal

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Aug 8, 2013
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Lumia 720 is updating cyan, I have 3.3GB free, after second update, then installation phone goes to restart but phone is not start
my phone battery was 90%, I didn't try to on phone with power button, what will I do or I will start new thread in wp8.1 forum


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Oct 31, 2013
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What abt 720 users with 8.1 DP GDR1? when will we get the firmware update. Checked for 720 no update (firmware). M on 8.1 DP with gdr1. Waiting for firmware...


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Jun 29, 2013
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Is there anyone out there who can actually rationalize the concept of how AT&T an American company based in America which provides internet service and cellular services has found great difficulty in releasing an OS update for devices owned by another American company MS and yet watches as NON-AMERICAN service providers will-fully allow the OS update to go out to users on their networks. Is there something that we are missing here? What resting is AT&T really doing?? Are they checking the new 3 columned home screen, the home screen backgrounds, new lock screens, word flow keyboard, new data senses?? what, what are they testing?? Are they secretly being paid to ANNOY the owners of WP devices to the point that we're to forget WP and go to either IOS or Android, is that it? Have they been paid to do this nonsense. I'm no technician but there are MANY issues reported after LUMIA CYAN was installed so WTF is AT&T trying to prevent??? they can do testing from now until COWS f....g fly, issues will be issues and anything man-made will never be infallible. So stop with all this drag foot waste time tactics and release the damn OS update that the owners of WP devices can actually enjoy their devices more than they are now!!!

Just my 2 cents!!!

Did you not get the memo? Along with 3UK, they're coming round to our place to individually test every facet on every handset ;)


New member
Nov 22, 2013
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Lumia 720 is updating cyan, I have 3.3GB free, after second update, then installation phone goes to restart but phone is not start
my phone battery was 90%, I didn't try to on phone with power button, what will I do or I will start new thread in wp8.1 forum
Put your phone on and see if its starting. After that i should begin with the data migration process.

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