Track WP8.1 + Lumia Cyan Rollout!

anyone please, is it possible to get Cyan on L525 Malesia CV by NSRT or NSU (NSU can't be installed on Windows 8.1 x64)
It's available OTA for the L525 as Country variant 3058.50000.1425.0004 Cyan if not on DP. It is also available on NSU if you are on DP. Can't help with windows 8.1 issue.
1) Why did the HTC and Samsung Windows Phones get removed from the front page?
2) Is there a site that I can use to check the availability of WP 8.1 for my HTC 8X?
i have updated my 620 to cyan via NSFT.
And nw after updating to cyan i cant update to Update 1 through PFD.
I hav the PFD app & its enabled. When checking for updates it shows "we are currently unable to check for updates (80072ee2)"..
And when i disable the PFD app it shows ur phone is upto date..
any solution for this..
please help.
Thanks in advance..
One question: when did this NSFT download become available? I used it 2 days ago, and now I'm wondering if I could've used it a month ago and maybe save myself of all the frustration I have experienced.

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