Track WP8.1 + Lumia Cyan Rollout!


New member
Oct 8, 2014
I talked (IM session) to a Verizon rep on Saturday at length. His version is that Verizon is waiting on Nokia to release the update for the 928.


Active member
Sep 5, 2011
I talked (IM session) to a Verizon rep on Saturday at length. His version is that Verizon is waiting on Nokia to release the update for the 928.

Sweet Jesus, I hope not. Doesn't make sense. I'm running the DP just fine, but I need the BT 4.0LE.


New member
Jul 8, 2014
TMo (I'm here) and Verizon customers seem to be dead last when they should've sent the updates months ago. If it were not for how recently I bought my 521, and this 30$ monthly plan none of the carriers can even remotely match. I'd've jumped ship to AT&T as well a long time ago. Check TMo general windows phone discussions, tons of complaints for the lack of update, and the best answer if anything is robotic automated answers or that its been 36 hours since last post so it is deemed answered.
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New member
Jul 29, 2014
Rumors are flying about Icon in the US - Verizon appears to have 'discontinued' the Icon. It's no longer offered on the Verizon website, for sure (just checked - only one Nokia phone offered, the 928).

CB Stuart

New member
Apr 19, 2014
Rumors are flying about Icon in the US - Verizon appears to have 'discontinued' the Icon. It's no longer offered on the Verizon website, for sure (just checked - only one Nokia phone offered, the 928).

Will the icon still get the cyan update?


New member
Feb 16, 2014
-oops- I've been corrected.... 4 Windows Phones, not 1. - sorry bout that!

I've got a BAD feeling that Verizon has abandoned the Windows Phone market..... they are only selling 1 Windows Phone now, and are not responding to any inquiries on their site about their support of the platform. I was thinking they might release the upgrade after Thanksgiving, but now I'm thinking it's all over for us, as far as Verizon is concerned........ I mean, come on, they stop support of their FLAGSHIP Windows if it doesn't exist ????????? Time to play TAPs, ya'll .....................
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New member
Oct 17, 2014
Hmm, that's funny because they show 4 on looks like the HTC One M8 is the new flagship.


New member
Feb 16, 2014
My mistake.......... I searched on the site for Nokia and found one...... but you are right..... there are 4 Windows Phones listed. Next time I'll try to be more accurate. But I don't think we will be seeing 8.1 soon, if ever.

CB Stuart

New member
Apr 19, 2014
My theory is that Verizon waited until the iPhone 6 came out so they could make money from that and the HTC one for Windows and then they wouldn't need to push cyan to older phones. Also, they probably won't upgrade the older phones to cyan because new phones will be coming and they will have cyan by default, so you will have to buy a new phone. Remember people, all business decisions are based on money, so Verizon is doing what is best in terms of making money. Unfortunately.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
My theory is that Verizon waited until the iPhone 6 came out so they could make money from that and the HTC one for Windows and then they wouldn't need to push cyan to older phones. Also, they probably won't upgrade the older phones to cyan because new phones will be coming and they will have cyan by default, so you will have to buy a new phone. Remember people, all business decisions are based on money, so Verizon is doing what is best in terms of making money. Unfortunately.
This presumes Verizon believes a majority will just buy new phones like a bunch of lemmings. If true I think this is a dangerous belief. Any more the phones are the unique commodity -- service (when available from a reliable source) is not the differentiator. In the long term a reputation of abandoning year old hardware won't keep them top of mind. Betamax had the superior technical tape format in the '80s; VHS controlled market share. Apple had the more user friendly operating system -- IBM-class PCs ruled for years.

Verizon is reading too many of their own press releases. They may win the battle -- the war is still very much in doubt.


New member
Jun 6, 2014
An update from Verizon:

I got off the phone with a customer service rep from Verizon and they said that the Update (not specifying which one cyan or denim) was released from testing on 10/14/14 and normally takes about 2-3 weeks for it to start pushing OTA to our phones. So the timeline that I'm giving this is end of month for October to the middle of November.

Granted, I am taking this info with a grain of salt just due to the lack of official notification from Verizon Proper. But at least in my mind I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...sorta...could be a hallucination...*delayed nervous laugh*

Rick Salvato

New member
May 23, 2014
Hey any news is good news, even unconfirmed. At least it will hold me off from trading my Icon in for an M8 another couple weeks lol.

CB Stuart

New member
Apr 19, 2014
An update from Verizon:

I got off the phone with a customer service rep from Verizon and they said that the Update (not specifying which one cyan or denim) was released from testing on 10/14/14 and normally takes about 2-3 weeks for it to start pushing OTA to our phones. So the timeline that I'm giving this is end of month for October to the middle of November.

Granted, I am taking this info with a grain of salt just due to the lack of official notification from Verizon Proper. But at least in my mind I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...sorta...could be a hallucination...*delayed nervous laugh*

Thanks for this update. I'm really glad that I know this now, because before I had no clue as to when I would get any updates.


New member
Jun 10, 2014
I've found an inner peace and believe when it comes time, my T-mobile 521 will receive that long awaited LEGACY software known as CYAN.

Patience is a virtue...I guess.

Gregory Newman

New member
Jun 27, 2014
can anyone get an answer from Verizon USA about them updating their smart phones to windows 8.1, Cyan, Windows 8.1 update, People who use a Verizon Windows smart phone are using an out of date device. Verizon says they treat their Customers better than AT & T but they do not AT & T has given the Windows 8.1 updates to their Windows smart phone customers. Verizon what's wrong with you


New member
Jun 6, 2014
An update from Verizon:

I got off the phone with a customer service rep from Verizon and they said that the Update (not specifying which one cyan or denim) was released from testing on 10/14/14 and normally takes about 2-3 weeks for it to start pushing OTA to our phones. So the timeline that I'm giving this is end of month for October to the middle of November.

Granted, I am taking this info with a grain of salt just due to the lack of official notification from Verizon Proper. But at least in my mind I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...sorta...could be a hallucination...*delayed nervous laugh*

this was as of 10/23/2014
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New member
Jun 30, 2013
An update from Verizon:

I got off the phone with a customer service rep from Verizon and they said that the Update (not specifying which one cyan or denim) was released from testing on 10/14/14 and normally takes about 2-3 weeks for it to start pushing OTA to our phones. So the timeline that I'm giving this is end of month for October to the middle of November.

Granted, I am taking this info with a grain of salt just due to the lack of official notification from Verizon Proper. But at least in my mind I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...sorta...could be a hallucination...*delayed nervous laugh*

this was as of 10/23/2014

That would fall in line at about the same time VZW's exclusivity of the HTC One (M8) expires, according to another poster.

michael rau

New member
Jun 16, 2014
Microsoft - Joe Belfiore tweets that nokia icon will get cyan and official windows 8.1. He also says that MS and Verizon are working out some bugs and will get the updates out but no ETA. He did confirm the HTC 8x will be first then the icon.

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