W10M release dates? Answers inside...

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Except that doesn't apply to Country Variants as updates for those ARE controlled by Microsoft!!!

exactly this, if carriers are testing and releasing the latest .63 build then this should be the "stable" one and so country variant phones should be able to install it, without relying on the insider program...
As I've said from the very beginning, and occasionally repeated throughout the thread:


It's the carriers that decide when to test, how much to test, and when they feel comfortable signing off on the update. MS doesn't have a crystal ball that would tell them when the carriers will have done their thing, nor can MS force the carriers into any specific timeframe.

Like I said, it's the carriers that decide, and low and behold... it's the carriers that are, each individually, providing the dates for their networks...

So who controls Unlocked / Country Variant phones?
As I've said from the very beginning, and occasionally repeated throughout the thread:


It's the carriers that decide when to test, how much to test, and when they feel comfortable signing off on the update. MS doesn't have a crystal ball that would tell them when the carriers will have done their thing, nor can MS force the carriers into any specific timeframe.

Like I said, it's the carriers that decide, and low and behold... it's the carriers that are, each individually, providing the dates for their networks...

I was talking of unlocked phones. There is no carrier locking in my country
Does that mean that unlocked phones won't be updated though carrier? May be MS will roll out after all those device are updated.
I talked to a representative for Telenor Sweden today. They told me that its not them that will post the Windows 10 mobile update but Microsoft for their customers.
Does that mean that unlocked phones won't be updated though carrier? May be MS will roll out after all those device are updated.

Which defeats the advantage to having a country variant device, surely they should get updates first
maybe they wait for carriers to approve the built to be safe and stable enough and then decide to release it for CV models, if i remember correctly denim on my 930 Gb Cv was the last to receive it. some countries CV get it faster some others later. The main thing as i mentioned before i believe is not when we are going to get win10 but how fast the updates to improve things for each model come
Who invented this only this and that phone on this and that carrier BS you have in the states? Here in Norway any phone can be used with any carrier. I can buy a phone tied to a carrier for like a year at a cheaper price, but when the year is done I can unlock that phone and use it with any carrier...

Could not imagine anything else.
Which defeats the advantage to having a country variant device, surely they should get updates first
I wouldn't blame anybody for thinking that, but that is incorrect.

You are right that carriers don't control the update process for country variants directly. However, country variants are never amongst the first devices to be udpated. More often than not they are amongst the last.

MS is ALWAYS the entity that flicks the switch that releases the update to the masses. That's even true for those updates that carriers control (carriers control it legally, not technically). However, MS will not flick the switch for country variants, until at least a few carriers with similar models have signed off on the update. That's just a cautionary measure.

In that sense, carriers at least heavily influence the release dates for all devices. Even for country variants.
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I'm being realistic and talking from experience and reality. I don't like it either. The worst part is phones without denim can't get WM10 (my 1020 can't officially get). That's the reason I'm on insider program

So I guess my 920 won't ever officially get it.
Who invented this only this and that phone on this and that carrier BS you have in the states? Here in Norway any phone can be used with any carrier. I can buy a phone tied to a carrier for like a year at a cheaper price, but when the year is done I can unlock that phone and use it with any carrier...

Could not imagine anything else.

Here in the USA we can also unlock phones from a carrier after a specified time.
If TMO in Poland and the Netherlands release in a timeframe of a week or so, will TMO U.S. follow that same update layout? Have a 640 on TMO here in the US
Which defeats the advantage to having a country variant device, surely they should get updates first

The advantage is not getting it first, its that you'll get it at all. My phone never got denim because of my carrier.
If TMO in Poland and the Netherlands release in a timeframe of a week or so, will TMO U.S. follow that same update layout? Have a 640 on TMO here in the US
Apparently those T-mobile branches behave differently from the U.S. branch. Considering that they only sold the 640 for 2 months, I doubt it.
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