was the apple win good for wp? I think yes


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Mar 24, 2012
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Hey guys was the samsung vs apple trial good for wp.

I think yes. IT'S A TOTAL GAME CHANGER. Now Samsung will now Wp8 an attractive OS. then the other OEM will follow. this will A slow down of android phones and more Windows phone 8 devices.

Also with Samsung paying Apple and MS for android and the risk of making android phones, the risk increases for apple to sue. so now Samsung and the other OEM have no choice but to develop Windows phones. this is a good move.

This is a HUGE for Wp!:D


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Jul 4, 2011
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This is a HUGE for Wp!:D

Gawd, I wish....

First off, this is only step 50 of a 2,000 step dance recital. Quite a few of the "root cause" of this lawsuit are not really a part of the GS3. (This is according to some posters I respect on Phone Arena and some evaluations of the verdicts that are out there.)

Samsung has, of course, already said it will appeal. There were some designs from Samsung that were pre-Apple iPhone which the Judge would not let into evidence which might have made a huge impression on the jury. There is still a similar lawsuit in Korea and one brewing in a European country (can't remember where).

Throw in Motorola/Google filing suite against Apple, Apple's pending lawsuits and appeals process with HTC, and there is going to be years between this verdict and any real money/tech punishment is enforced. ICS and Jellybean are already more "sue-proof" than early Android offerings. Apple is doing this to destroy or at least slow down Android, as the iPhone tries to hold it's sales and position as an "icon" of mobile. I think it is actually having the reverse effect: Google is speeding up innovation. I see an Apple slow down long before Android.

What all this means is Android the overall mobile system most likely not suffer from this. Windows Phone is going to have to earn it's sales. Not that I would have it any other way. That will make the victory that much sweeter.
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Dec 30, 2010
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It's good for Windows Phone.

In the short term (the next year or so) it will be easier to sell WP8 devices than to implement significant changes to some of the Android skins out there.

Android will get past this. This is good for them design-wise because it will make them innovate more.

But in the short term, I could see OEMs throwing a little more towards WP8.

If this happened last year it wouldn't have been as good for WP. But we're on the cusp of a HUGE multi-product launch. So the timing of this decision couldn't have been better.


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Aug 1, 2011
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I don't know if this is a win for WP or not. At first glance it looks like it might, but as Snowmutt said there will be years of appeals. I hate the decision because even though I think touchwhiz is horrible and looks somewhat like the iphone layout, Samsung brings more innovative features to their android phones than anyone else at this time.


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These lawsuits are frivolous and only go "skin deep", in my opinion. It "looks like" iPhone. OK, that's like saying all cars look alike or all Asians look alike... it's as ridiculous as it is offensive, and yet people generally prefer form over function... early on. This is why so many people are mindless Apple junkies in the first place.

But looking beyond that at the functionality, and anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see just how far Windows goes beyond Mac OS and how far Android goes beyond iOS. Apple has a screen with icons, and the icons are nothing more than app launchers. Android has a screen with icons, and those icons can launch apps, launch contacts, toggle features, and can be supplanted by widgets that actually perform functions.

As I said on the main articles, this is purely Apple realizing that they are AGAIN going to lose the war for people's attention, because as choices and options appear, people pass up Apple every time when they realize how "closed" the ecosystem is. This is history repeating.

Everyone thinks I'm nuts for suggesting Apple will be irrelevant (again) by 2016, but it happened before with Mac vs. Windows, and it's happening again in the mobile space. Every time Steve Jobs has "left" the company (regardless of reason), they fall apart.

As for whether this helps Windows Phone... maybe, but Microsoft has to push for that to happen. They need to be negotiating with Samsung starting Monday morning, and they need to promote the **** out of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 to get app developers moving.

Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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No one is more lawsuit concise that MS. My point being that when OEMs look at where to go in the future weighing the choices between WP and Android I would think this makes WP look more attractive. Android is a free/ was a free OS to use in devices but OEMs are now having to pay to use it with ZERO legal supprot from Google. When I say zero I mean google doesn't support the OEMs in there legal battles with cash. Microsoft charges for its OS and as the provider of the OS is responsible for making sure that all contained in the OS is it own intellectual property. MS will be the one getting sewed not the OEMs. Put those together I would think the OEM would rather pay an up front charge on the OS (they are going to pay anyways it seams) and get the backing of MS. Microsoft must first put out an OS that proves popular and sales phones.


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Dec 23, 2011
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It's not going to change anything. The only thing that will make manufacturers start making more WP devices is when WP becomes more profitable. Android is still much more profitable for Samsung right now.


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Each of Apple's design patents, when examined individually, seem very generic. However, when you put them all together you get the iPhone.

Samsung made the mistake of just going too far with their Android skin. They went from being somewhat similar, to being very similar in form and function. Sure, it does more. But they made it look like they were building on top of an iPhone clone.

It will take Samsung a little while to redo their skin. But they've already been in the process. Though because of the suit, they'll have to differentiate more. Now, being somewhat similar may not be good enough. They were already found in violation. (Though yes, we're likely to see years of appeals)

In appeals, Apple may try to add in more devices. (is that allowed?)

Samsung already has a plan to focus on their own OS. So in 3 or 4 years their use of Android may be minimal.

Windows Phone may provide a decent stop gap for them. I wouldn't expect them to be gung ho about Windows Phone. But I could see them diversifying just to protect themselves.

If they continue to violate Apple's patents, and they lose on appeal, I could see damages being well above the 1 billion that was awarded to Apple this time. Continued violations after a ruling may not be looked in favorably.


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Jul 6, 2012
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Like Jobs before him, Cook is an incredible ******, and I hope for Apple's comeuppance from someone. Their lawsuits are based on stupidity (almost every one of them should be tossed for prior art) and Apple's philosophy seems to be "If we can't beat you in market share, we'll sue you back to the stone age").

The only reason Windows Phone hasn't been sued yet, is because we are only an insignificant blip on Apple's radar. But if WP starts making some noise in the market, stay tuned for Apple to sue based on how MSFT copied them in regards to putting buttons on the side of the phone or some other trivial bs.

For all the animus I've seen here for Android, I'd like to be the resident Apple hater.:p


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Jul 25, 2009
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I am starting to see articles now that implies manufacturers maybe afraid of using Android in future for fear of a billion dollar Apple law suit.


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MS and Apple already have agreements in place that allow the sharing of some design patents as long as the result isn't a copy of each other's OS.

So we won't be seeing these types of suits against MS from Apple.


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Jul 28, 2011
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MS and Apple already have agreements in place that allow the sharing of some design patents as long as the result isn't a copy of each other's OS.

So we won't be seeing these types of suits against MS from Apple.
Those agreements aren't going to do much to cover their OEM partners hardware choices. If Apple decides to sue Nokia for knocking off the old iPods with their Lumia series, or sue the Ultrabook makers for their blatant violation of Apple's MacAir design patent, Microsoft isn't going to be much help.


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Those agreements aren't going to do much to cover their OEM partners hardware choices. If Apple decides to sue Nokia for knocking off the old iPods with their Lumia series, or sue the Ultrabook makers for their blatant violation of Apple's MacAir design patent, Microsoft isn't going to be much help.

I've heard that Nokia's patent portfolio is amazing. Combined with Microsoft covering them on software, there is no way in **** Apple is ever going to sue Nokia. Now Samsung will continue to be in big trouble in courts around the world.


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Nov 25, 2011
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Those agreements aren't going to do much to cover their OEM partners hardware choices. If Apple decides to sue Nokia for knocking off the old iPods with their Lumia series, or sue the Ultrabook makers for their blatant violation of Apple's MacAir design patent, Microsoft isn't going to be much help.

Since they stood up in court and used the Lumia as a device that is *not* an apple rip-off they might struggle to make that fly...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


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Nov 21, 2011
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I wouldn't get super smug over the verdict.

For one thing, Samsung will be appealing and as Judge Koh made a number of highly questionable rulings during the trial don't be surprised if the outcome of the appeal is to reverse Koh's bad rulings, reassign the case to a different judge and send it back for trial #2.

For another, the big one Apple wanted out of this they did not get - the Samsung tablets were found not to be copying the iPad. The other stuff in question is all already End of Life.

If anything, all this is going to do ultimately is speed the day when you see a bunch of electronics OEMs get together and file suit to have Apple's overbroad patents invalidated on both the basis of prior art (and a big error by Koh was disallowing Samsing showing the jury a lot of prior art) and also patenting things that never should have been allowed to be patented. Don't forget this already has happened in the UK (A large number of Apple patents were tossed in the UK a few weeks ago).

If Windows 8 succeeds (I am thinking it will) it will be because MS has kept the strengths of the Metro UI while addressing the weaknesses (like not running on up to date hardware). And hopefully while they are at it they handle other problems like not being able to read PDFs properly or read text in IE properly because of the lack of reflow in both - that problem forced me back into Android from WP7 as it made my phone useless to me in my single biggest use case scenario.


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Since they stood up in court and used the Lumia as a device that is *not* an apple rip-off they might struggle to make that fly...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
That example was purely for fun on my part. Apple only seems to notice 'similarities' to their products when they become a sales threat. They never caught the similarity between the original iPhone and the released months earlier LG Prada either. Lets hope both Apple and Android will be noticing wp8 sales soon.


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Jul 4, 2011
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I aid the main articles, this is purely Apple realizing that they are AGAIN going to lose the war for people's attention, because as choices and options appear, people pass up Apple every time when they realize how "closed" the ecosystem is. This is history repeating.

Everyone thinks I'm nuts for suggesting Apple will be irrelevant (again) by 2016, but it happened before with Mac vs. Windows, and it's happening again in the mobile space. Every time Steve Jobs has "left" the company (regardless of reason), they fall apart.

I am nuts along side ya. I have been making the case for a year that Apple has peaked. I see them along the same area as RIM. Stuck trying to compete updating both the hardware and the software. Meanwhile all their competitors are moving twice as fast doing only half the R&D. It is tough road to travel. I am betting the iPhone 5 is their last real monster hit.

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