WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well, the stimulus is going out now. Those who had efiles and the IRS has their stuff online should be seeing it. Those who still rock old school expect the updated check with Mr. Trump's name on it within the next week.
Wow, you're correct.
Well, the stimulus is going out now. Those who had efiles and the IRS has their stuff online should be seeing it. Those who still rock old school expect the updated check with Mr. Trump's name on it within the next week.
Also thank you for sharing this. None of my friends or family knew so I was able to share this information with them now and they are all checking.
Also thank you for sharing this. None of my friends or family knew so I was able to share this information with them now and they are all checking.
It's going to be a slow roll out for a lot of reasons for a lot of people. I'm glad I file my (relatively simple) returns early. Maybe that's what helped me get mine so fast.
This belongs to my late mother in law as her wedding present, so it's at least 60 yrs old... a simple machine, with no option for motor attachments. Its all hands, feet and eye coordination!!!
My mum has a couple of 'newer' machines too. Her sewing days have long gone as she is now in her early nineties. It folds away beneath its own table and is motorised. Coolest thing was the belt was made of leather!!
My mom still has the sewing machine she bought when we first arrived in this country - 1969!! It's a Montgomery Ward unit (who here remembers that brand) and it folds under the table as well. Damn thing still works perfectly.
My mom still has the sewing machine she bought when we first arrived in this country - 1969!! It's a Montgomery Ward unit (who here remembers that brand) and it folds under the table as well. Damn thing still works perfectly.
Those things were built like a tank because there was no replacing it...
My mom still has the sewing machine she bought when we first arrived in this country - 1969!! It's a Montgomery Ward unit (who here remembers that brand) and it folds under the table as well. Damn thing still works perfectly.
You took me back with that brand. Wow.
So folks, I got a V40 that needs a new home - one preferably smoke free.

If someone is interested in details, PM me. Otherwise, I'll post some pictures maybe Friday on Android Central before going through the hassle of a Swappa listing. I cannot keep it and will have to make room.

I'm officially out the market now. Daily driver just acquired...Now the only thing left to get is the new iPhone SE (2020) in the late fall.
So folks, I got a V40 that needs a new home - one preferably smoke free.

If someone is interested in details, PM me. Otherwise, I'll post some pictures maybe Friday on Android Central before going through the hassle of a Swappa listing. I cannot keep it and will have to make room.

I'm officially out the market now. Daily driver just acquired...Now the only thing left to get is the new iPhone SE (2020) in the late fall.
For the record, taxes have killed doing business on Swappa. That's where we are now, I guess.

I may put a certain mid range exotic in the slot of the V40 if I can move it. Outside of that, not interested in anything else now.
My mom still has the sewing machine she bought when we first arrived in this country - 1969!! It's a Montgomery Ward unit (who here remembers that brand) and it folds under the table as well. Damn thing still works perfectly.

My mother still has towels I bought from Montgomery Ward in 1996.
For the record, taxes have killed doing business on Swappa. That's where we are now, I guess.

I may put a certain mid range exotic in the slot of the V40 if I can move it. Outside of that, not interested in anything else now.

Ugh I forgot about the taxes part of things. I wish you good luck with selling. I'm glad that you got your daily driver now.
Ugh I forgot about the taxes part of things. I wish you good luck with selling. I'm glad that you got your daily driver now.
In a perfect world, I can recover half of what I paid for the new phone with what I make from the V40 sale. But we will see. I made this purchase with the idea in mind that at the worst I'm stuck keeping both.

It's good to be off the market. I know I've said it before, but I am. Wasn't planing to make this upgrade now, just after getting the 3XL. But I rolled the dice and I'm going with it.
Oh darn... 30th day on MCO (movement control order)... and I can count the number of days I went out of the house... on both hands...
Oh darn... 30th day on MCO (movement control order)... and I can count the number of days I went out of the house... on both hands...

Go to a country side if you can. Get some air. I'm enjoying the change from Sarajevo to a small village.
Go to a country side if you can. Get some air. I'm enjoying the change from Sarajevo to a small village.
I'd love to get away but can't.

We're restricted. Anyone leaving and caught gets a hefty fine here.

Doesn't mean people haven't gone (especially the first week) or tried to but they're pretty tough now about it.

Some of course have taken COVID 19 with them.... Which is why we're restricted....

Let's be clear. I can understand people wanting to go. Especially those with kids. So long as they locked down and took precautions I think that's fine. However, there's lots of people who simply don't care. This causes the spread...
Go to a country side if you can. Get some air. I'm enjoying the change from Sarajevo to a small village.
ah!! it's one of those what ifs.....
We have a fruit farm that's a hour drive away from the city. Procrastination ruled that we never got around to build that small house that should have been done mid-last year... Growing some vege, fruit and some poultry would be ideal.
Our lockdown-lite has enforced a driving restriction of 10 km radius from place of stay...
That off-grid house in the hills would be very ideal though.

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