WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Most people don't pay attention to those details, that's why. It's one of the reasons why I've always thought that there should be some mandatory professional writing course in college. We had that when I was in school but that's likely changed.

I was lucky where I had a few good teachers so some basics of editing - not just program usage - still stick in the brain. It's such a lost skill. Sometimes people have great ideas that are presented like ; sometimes people have well presented but ideas.

I guess that's part of the reason, they don't really pay attention, but come on, it's like they tried super hard to make it as ugly as possible.

We had a course back in elementary that taught us how to use Office. Either someone didn't pay enough attention or had bad teachers.
Wow. And they assume that every "young" person knows how to do everything with Office and other software.

Not even close. I almost snapped when they wanted to increase the font size to fricking 14pt.
The man has a phd, he's not stupid, none of us are, just work a little harder and actually write enough lines so your font doesn't need to gigantic to fill out a page or two.
I can confirm without any doubt that a lot of 'young' people are completely clueless about IT in general.

They can 'use' their phones but that's about it.

It really is no different today than it was two decades ago. Those who are interested know. Everyone else doesn't care.

Clueless about a lot of stuff. Even the most basic ones.

Cousin found a video on Youtube that showed how to make "free energy". I'm hoping you already know what it's going to be about.
Basically, man connected a flywheel to a rotor, and the flywheel to a diesel engine. He'd start the engine, spin the flywheel to a certain point, and he'd make electrical power from the generator, without the engine running.

I failed miserably in explaining that perpetuum mobile machine doesn't exist.
Clueless about a lot of stuff. Even the most basic ones.

Cousin found a video on Youtube that showed how to make "free energy". I'm hoping you already know what it's going to be about.
Basically, man connected a flywheel to a rotor, and the flywheel to a diesel engine. He'd start the engine, spin the flywheel to a certain point, and he'd make electrical power from the generator, without the engine running.

I failed miserably in explaining that perpetuum mobile machine doesn't exist.

This is taught both in primary and high school in my country.
Clueless about a lot of stuff. Even the most basic ones.

Cousin found a video on Youtube that showed how to make "free energy". I'm hoping you already know what it's going to be about.
Basically, man connected a flywheel to a rotor, and the flywheel to a diesel engine. He'd start the engine, spin the flywheel to a certain point, and he'd make electrical power from the generator, without the engine running.

I failed miserably in explaining that perpetuum mobile machine doesn't exist.
There's a few of those on YouTube that I've seen using speaker magnets.

They're also fake. You cannot produce energy with stationary magnets. That's not how it works.
I guess that's part of the reason, they don't really pay attention, but come on, it's like they tried super hard to make it as ugly as possible.

We had a course back in elementary that taught us how to use Office. Either someone didn't pay enough attention or had bad teachers.
Just because people are exposed to MS Office or productivity tools doesn't mean everyone knows how to use them well. It's one of the reasons why I liked going to school when I did, as we were taught certain things. One of those was how to write papers in a professional format. I have to use a version of the APA style for SWs.

I've retained some parts of that format when I do presentations to ensure I don't act like a complete noob. These are all skills people to practice actively or you'll end up being one of these even if your content is great:
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There's a few of those on YouTube that I've seen using speaker magnets.

They're also fake. You cannot produce energy with stationary magnets. That's not how it works.

I think I've seen those. You don't really need to have too much technical knowledge, just use your common sense. You can't make something out of nothing.
Just because people are exposed to MS Office or productivity tools doesn't mean everyone knows how to use them well. It's one of the reasons why I liked going to school when I did, as we were taught certain things. One of those was how to write papers in a professional format. I have to use a version of the APA style for SWs.

I've retsined some parts of that format when I do presentations to ensure I don't act like a complete noob. These are all skills people to practice actively or you'll end up being one of these even if your content is great:
View attachment 142090

Someone's liking his, donkey, gif.
Clueless about a lot of stuff. Even the most basic ones.

Cousin found a video on Youtube that showed how to make "free energy". I'm hoping you already know what it's going to be about.
Basically, man connected a flywheel to a rotor, and the flywheel to a diesel engine. He'd start the engine, spin the flywheel to a certain point, and he'd make electrical power from the generator, without the engine running.

I failed miserably in explaining that perpetuum mobile machine doesn't exist.

That friction thing is a real stick in the mud! Good luck explaining frictional losses to that guy.
I think I've seen those. You don't really need to have too much technical knowledge, just use your common sense. You can't make something out of nothing.

You sound like my flight instructor from 40 years ago. “Always remember that nature’s a mother, you can’t get something for nothing.” He was trying to explain glide ratios but the analogy holds true.
Those look like the ones from Edison who behaved like a little b!tch because he couldn’t handle Tesla being right about A/C current. Tesla was proven right!!

Yeah, dude even fried live animals on stage, just to show how "bad Tesla's electricity is".
Spent the last 3 hours fixing our project Word document. I can not understand how someone who's 20+ years old and is 2nd year of college, can't format his document well. I swear, on just one page, one colleague had 2 different font types, sizes and different alignments.

Power Point is just a little bit better. Though another colleague has a different animation for every one of his slides. It just looks like a kinder garden presentation to be honest. And the amount of text they put on those. Dear Lord. What's the use of that Word document then.
Bring back memories of my working days. Actually I'm not surprised at the random formatting you found. In my old place of work where everyone that works with Office, 90% of people just stick to Excel for everything, from tables to reports to even memos & letters.
Those look like the ones from Edison who behaved like a little b!tch because he couldn’t handle Tesla being right about A/C current. Tesla was proven right!!
Just to be clear.

There's nothing wrong with DC and majority of the complaints against it were marketing noise.

Today, they now use HVDC for long distance transmission. One because it's better than AC with losses, two it's generally safer because you don't get all the extra crap that comes with HVAC, such as magnetic resonance, skin effect and other wonderful things.

It's most likely that in the future all HV transmission will be DC.
Those look like the ones from Edison who behaved like a little b!tch because he couldn’t handle Tesla being right about A/C current. Tesla was proven right!!
Also looking at hindsight.

In our digital age, DC to home would've made a lot more sense.
Bring back memories of my working days. Actually I'm not surprised at the random formatting you found. In my old place of work where everyone that works with Office, 90% of people just stick to Excel for everything, from tables to reports to even memos & letters.

Wait, memos and letters in Excel sound terrible.
Bring back memories of my working days. Actually I'm not surprised at the random formatting you found. In my old place of work where everyone that works with Office, 90% of people just stick to Excel for everything, from tables to reports to even memos & letters.
Two things drive me crazy.

Tables in Word (I hate them with a passion) and too much text in Excel...

Just my opinion though...

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