WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In the old days, I would have done the following:

1) Gotten a NM card
2) Backed up and sold my Mate 20 Pro
3) Paid the nosebleed price and gotten the Mate 20 RS

Now, at my favorite website, the Mate 20 Pro runs for $470 brand new. The Mate 20 RS runs for $900. What's the difference? 2GB more RAM, double the internal storage, and a a design I like. It's not original as the Mate RS and P20 pro was the same phone technically with the Mate RS having its own design, UDFPS and Qi.

Is that price difference worth it? Hell no. But I would have paid it becuase at launch that Mate 20 RS was $1500. And the regulars know I've always wanted a porsche design phone.

Now, I'm likely going to just do step one (and back up the Mate). Climate is just too unstable, especially with what I'm seeing at work. While I've got other things sorted out, I just can't. Gotta stack that $$$ as I ain't trust the job nor the show that is unemployment.
So my colleague is pushing to get the side business of a small private practice off the ground. It's gonna be his baby - he's been talking to a few people about getting established. I don't mind, as I have my own version of how I'd do things for my own similar side project. I'm fine with going along until I get my second set of credentials and feel very comfortable in doing my own.

As a result of things picking up, I'm going to look into a cheap prepaid plan. If this does go live, it'll be the Mi 9 again handling calls. I rather separate church and state here and not have anything on my personal phone. It's also why as they create their plans at work, I want to structure my shifts to create space for this.

Cannot trust your revenue streams; need to diversify.
I've come to a simple conclusion.

I don't think any country is going to lockdown a second time unless the virus becomes very deadly. Even with a second wave.

They simply can't afford to.

So there will be spikes and an effort to contain things but the rush to return to normal is high on everyone's agenda. Death counts will go up infection rates will increase but I doubt these containment measures will return.

I'm not sure I like being part of an experiment.

Just going by what I saw yesterday while out I think they would have a hard time returning to confinement measures. There's going to be huge spikes everywhere that's for sure.
I read an article last night that said every country is going to be Sweden soon enough.
I read an article last night that said every country is going to be Sweden soon enough.
Pretty much.

As time goes by I've noticed the story switching from a vaccine in 12 months to now possibly never happening. Unsurprising as they've never managed to make one for a coronavirus.

The new normal is living with a new virus that we simply don't know much about.

I'm be happy so long as the new normal means hygiene standards are increased in general. Far too many people here in France (though noticed it elsewhere) that have horrible hygiene. Including markets, restaurants and other places. Let's not discuss airplanes.

This is a good wake up call but not sure for how long.
I'm debating returning to school. A second masters vs a PhD. It'll either be social work vs health administration. My first thought is a health administration masters as it's cheaper to do a dual degree and stop there. But I don't know.

The order so far of preference:

1) Masters in Health Administration
2) PhD in Health Administration
3) PhD
4) Doctorate in Social Work

Still have time to think about it.
In happier news. Went out again today. Went to two of our favourite neighbourhoods. The Marais and Montmartre.

You may be wondering why we've gone out so much. Really just to clear the head. It's been a long 8 weeks and really just need to diversify our lives a little.

Being honest. So many people out. We had planned to go before lunch. Basically Paris is dead Sunday mornings if you're ever here on that day. The earlier you're out the deader it is. But unfortunately we went out at lunch time.

Still enjoyed things. We went and got a falafel for lunch then made it to Sacre Coeur. One of our favourite buildings.

I took pictures. When we got to the Sacre Coeur the police started clearing people of the stairs so got a rare picture of the stairs practically empty.
I'm debating returning to school. A second masters vs a PhD. It'll either be social work vs health administration. My first thought is a health administration masters as it's cheaper to do a dual degree and stop there. But I don't know.

The order so far of preference:

1) Masters in Health Administration
2) PhD in Health Administration
3) PhD
4) Doctorate in Social Work

Still have time to think about it.
My wife is planning her PhD. Still trying to get the right person. She had one offer but the university is in Portugal. She'd prefer a little closer.

I guess you know your field better than me but personally I'd go PhD but it depends what that does that do for you?
So pictures.

We have St. Paul's exterior and interior.

The lots of Sacre Coeur from different angles.DSC_0483-01.jpgDSC_0487-01.jpgDSC_0480-01.jpgDSC_0504-01.jpgDSC_0510-01.jpgDSC_0516-01.jpg
My wife is planning her PhD. Still trying to get the right person. She had one offer but the university is in Portugal. She'd prefer a little closer.

I guess you know your field better than me but personally I'd go PhD but it depends what that does that do for you?
For me it gives me weight to get into the policy relam, which is where I'd like to go into. I do like healthcare and would prefer to stay in that realm. The Healthcare administration gives me more of that operations background, which I kind of have innately but am missing access to seeing certain things.

One of my professors told me to come back where I got my MSW as they're always looking for candidates. I wouldn't do a PhD right now as I'd prefer to have a separate revenue stream coming in to cover costs. I'm not giving up my clinical license when I get it.

Just figuring out the order of things.
I'm curious. Did anyone figure out what was interesting about the door picture I posted yesterday?

When it was first installed it caused a bit of a scandal.
In happier news. Went out again today. Went to two of our favourite neighbourhoods. The Marais and Montmartre.

You may be wondering why we've gone out so much. Really just to clear the head. It's been a long 8 weeks and really just need to diversify our lives a little.

Being honest. So many people out. We had planned to go before lunch. Basically Paris is dead Sunday mornings if you're ever here on that day. The earlier you're out the deader it is. But unfortunately we went out at lunch time.

Still enjoyed things. We went and got a falafel for lunch then made it to Sacre Coeur. One of our favourite buildings.

I took pictures. When we got to the Sacre Coeur the police started clearing people of the stairs so got a rare picture of the stairs practically empty.
That's the thing. Being locked indoors has been hard on everyone. I'm just not confident in how leadership at many levels will handle this. If the leaders are inconsistent, then the general public will be.
I've been on a flavored water kick for I guess the past year. These days I just make my own, which usually has some variation of lemon, cucumbers, mint and strawberries.

After much consternation, I sat down and found a stainless steel water filter for the kitchen tap. So hopefully it arrives this week. Picked up a pair of lightning headphones for the work phone and extra screen protector for the V50. I'm waiting for thay carbon fibre skin to come in - that I'm very excited for.
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I've been on a flavored water kick for I guess the past year. These days I just make my own, which usually has some variation of lemon, cucumbers, mint and strawberries.

After much consternation, I sat down and found a stainless steel water filter for the kitchen tap. So hopefully it arrives this week. Picked up a pair of lightning headphones for the work phone and extra screen protector for the V50. I'm waiting for thay carbon fibre skin to come in - that I'm very excited for.
I switched from soda to flavoured seltzer water over a year ago.
In the old days, I would have done the following:

1) Gotten a NM card
2) Backed up and sold my Mate 20 Pro
3) Paid the nosebleed price and gotten the Mate 20 RS

Now, at my favorite website, the Mate 20 Pro runs for $470 brand new. The Mate 20 RS runs for $900. What's the difference? 2GB more RAM, double the internal storage, and a a design I like. It's not original as the Mate RS and P20 pro was the same phone technically with the Mate RS having its own design, UDFPS and Qi.

Is that price difference worth it? Hell no. But I would have paid it becuase at launch that Mate 20 RS was $1500. And the regulars know I've always wanted a porsche design phone.

Now, I'm likely going to just do step one (and back up the Mate). Climate is just too unstable, especially with what I'm seeing at work. While I've got other things sorted out, I just can't. Gotta stack that $$$ as I ain't trust the job nor the show that is unemployment.
I wish you good luck with this.
Was a nice day for a hike by the lake a few miles away.

Pictures using S20.

This is so scenic, so I can only imagine how beautiful it was in real life. Wow.

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