WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've seen all the movies he's directed except for the Grindhouse. I'll make sure I see that one too.

Django has to be my favourite. Kill Bill comes to a close 2nd place.
I've seen all the movies he's directed except for the Grindhouse. I'll make sure I see that one too.

Django has to be my favourite. Kill Bill comes to a close 2nd place.

It’s like choosing a favorite child. I’m more of a Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds fan. Django was tight too.
It’s like choosing a favorite child. I’m more of a Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds fan. Django was tight too.

To me, Inglorious probably comes at the end, just before Jackie Brown. Not that it means it sucks, it's a Tarantino movie, just like you said.

One thing I've noticed, Brad Pitt's acting in Once upon a time is far superior to his acting in Inglorious Basterds.
I was talking to a friend just before the Oscars (not that I follow them, I just stumbled upon an article about it) and told him I expect either Pacino or Pitt to take the Oscar for the supporting role. Made a good guess.
It was expected. Truth to be told, I never really expected a lockdown to happen, that was a surprise for me.

Another truth is, no one know's when's the right time to go back to normal. But that needs to happen nontheless.
Well we don't need to go back to the normal we had before but it seems that's what everyone wants though.

I'd prefer a change in the way things are. A change in capitalist thinking and the idea of unlimited growth that doesn't really exist on a finite planet.

Unfortunately I'm a small voice.

One day I'll get it if this rat race again. Preferably in better shape than the sudden exit I tried the last time.

Live and learn.
One thing I've noticed, Brad Pitt's acting in Once upon a time is far superior to his acting in Inglorious Basterds.
I definitely don't watch a Brad Pitt movie for his acting chops. If it's a byproduct then so be it, I like an entertaining storyline. If I want to see good acting I'll watch anything with Denzel or Gene Hackman. Just like if I want to listen to 1st rate guitar playing I'll listen to Santana or Frampton.
Well we don't need to go back to the normal we had before but it seems that's what everyone wants though.

I'd prefer a change in the way things are. A change in capitalist thinking and the idea of unlimited growth that doesn't really exist on a finite planet.

Unfortunately I'm a small voice.

One day I'll get it if this rat race again. Preferably in better shape than the sudden exit I tried the last time.

Live and learn.

Careful there. Might get called a communist. But no, seriously, it seems that anything you say against capitalism, people instantly label you as a communist.
If you have just a little bit of sense for scale of things, it'd be pretty much clear to you that money doesn't just fall from sky and the world can't continuously keep growing in a sense that our consumerism has no limits. Just like all the bubbles before this one will pop sooner or later.

I might be the only one, but to me it's ridiculous that a world's pretty much falling apart just because of few months of REDUCES work and productivity.

That's a huge flaw in the design.
I definitely don't watch a Brad Pitt movie for his acting chops. If it's a byproduct then so be it, I like an entertaining storyline. If I want to see good acting I'll watch anything with Denzel or Gene Hackman. Just like if I want to listen to 1st rate guitar playing I'll listen to Santana or Frampton.

Oh, fair enough.

By the way, Christoph Waltz might be the most underrated greatest actor of all times.
Careful there. Might get called a communist. But no, seriously, it seems that anything you say against capitalism, people instantly label you as a communist.
If you have just a little bit of sense for scale of things, it'd be pretty much clear to you that money doesn't just fall from sky and the world can't continuously keep growing in a sense that our consumerism has no limits. Just like all the bubbles before this one will pop sooner or later.

I might be the only one, but to me it's ridiculous that a world's pretty much falling apart just because of few months of REDUCES work and productivity.

That's a huge flaw in the design.

Capitalism isn't the problem. Consumerism is the problem.
It's commencement week for me and I still don't have grades. It would be nice to see them before commencement at the end of the week. I'm not worried about it affecting my commencement because I'm still graduating regardless. I just want to see them and see my new GPA.

Some friends have asked me what I want to do to celebrate previously and I said that I don't know. I'm glad that I said early on that I didn't want a celebration thing because no one can do that now anyway, even if they wanted to! Now that it's the week, aside from getting some good food that day, I want to think of something else I can do.

I'm leaning towards something new on the technology side. My default options (upgraded concert experience, game experience) are not available and I don't think I want to wait 5-6 months to celebrate this. I'll have to think about what makes sense for me.
S20 battery life update.
Off the charger yesterday around noon. 31 hours later with 5 hrs SOT and 29% left in the tank. Not shabby at all.
So I've never seen a communist country before. I'm taking classical Marx communism. By those definitions, no one ever made it to communism, everyone who's tried has been stuck on socialism. Last time I checked, the USSR has the word socialists in the name. But hey, it's not right for me to say the correct thing.
Some of the influential thinkers... Hagel, Marx, Engels, Durkheim, Nietzsche...and DuBois.

DuBois? Yes, W. E. B. is on the list. The Souls of Black Folk is worth reading. Have read it once as a teen and need to read it again as an adult.

I could be a homer why DuBois is up there. Here's the truth though...he was a great thinker that happened to be black; not a great black thinker. My other favorite, Marcus Garvey was the same. Garvey in the 1920s would draw silly crowds here...so huge the government would keep tabs on what he was doing. The Black Star Line was a hell of a thing. Two great men, also Pan Africanists...wished that they had collaborated, really.
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As much as I enjoy using the Pixel, the battery life kills it for me. It's why so far with using the V50, I've had no battery anxiety.
So...does Rue's cousin and Mr. Clue's uncle have shares in Plaquenil? He's been pushing this damn thing for weeks now..
So...does Rue's cousin and Mr. Clue's uncle have shares in Plaquenil? He's been pushing this damn thing for weeks now..
It's either him or someone in his family. The way he acts it might as well be him.

What I want is proof he's taking it...

Unlikely to happen.

Wish you wouldn't call him my cousin...
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