WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We're all stuck in this sad experiment, really. It's now shifted to navigation of the financial fallout as primary vs the health ramifications as secondary.

I just don't know. All I'm sure of is that I don't like any of this at all.

I ditto both of you on this. It can be generally interesting or very bad or somewhere in between.

Most of my state has lifted the stay at home order as of Friday afternoon but the direct metro area has not, and that's where I live. I just hope that this isn't regretful. At the same time, I understand feeling antsy and itching to leave. It's been 2 months.
I'm debating returning to school. A second masters vs a PhD. It'll either be social work vs health administration. My first thought is a health administration masters as it's cheaper to do a dual degree and stop there. But I don't know.

The order so far of preference:

1) Masters in Health Administration
2) PhD in Health Administration
3) PhD
4) Doctorate in Social Work

Still have time to think about it.

It sounds like you have an interesting choice here. I'm guessing you'll go with the one that is most beneficial.

I give you props for going for round 2, possibly.
I remember that 99 gave me a phone recommendation for my parents, which was a Moto g6, I believe. They added another phone to their list (for another person) for international usage and thankfully they have said that $150 is the limit, which is easier to work with. I just remembered Asus and while I will go old and used, I don't want to do more than 2 years old (ideally). I'm leaning towards Asus and Moto as those will likely be good enough on the camera front and call quality along with loudness will be good as well.
I remember that 99 gave me a phone recommendation for my parents, which was a Moto g6, I believe. They added another phone to their list (for another person) for international usage and thankfully they have said that $150 is the limit, which is easier to work with. I just remembered Asus and while I will go old and used, I don't want to do more than 2 years old (ideally). I'm leaning towards Asus and Moto as those will likely be good enough on the camera front and call quality along with loudness will be good as well.
Moto has been good in terms of radio and call quality for me.
I wish you good luck with this.
I'm not going to make this change.

I indulged the enthusiast itch by thumbing through hands on articles and checking out the price. As encouraged as I am by the recent sale of the V40, I don't have the stomach or resources to do this right now. Plus, as rare as this is, fall will be two years. An awful lot to pay for a two year old device.
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It sounds like you have an interesting choice here. I'm guessing you'll go with the one that is most beneficial.

I give you props for going for round 2, possibly.
I would be OK with two masters. A MA to PhD or a DHA (Doctorate in Healthcare administration). NYU has a MHA program, so once things are more stable towards the end of the year, I may see if I can sit with someone there.

The reason why I don't feel forced to go get a DSW is that a ton of people have an LCSW and just add a load of certificates to their resume and that's cheaper than more debt for a PhD program to make a decent impact (and living). I can still stay sharp through smart CEUs including going to an institute for trainings. I wanted to do non profit management as my specialty in school but the field placements were less than clinical so I did what I had to do to finish.

Again, lots to digest and sift through still.
Went on another hike today but left the phone at the house. The amount of wildflowers out in full bloom was amazing and that variety was quite incredulous as well.
Of course as usual we were the only one with face masks even though there were multiple signs posted out in the parking area and at both ends of the trail loop.

Freedom = free dumb right now.
I'm drinking a whole lot less soda too. I did a lot of ginger ale when at work, and that's cut down due to COVID-19 as I don't keep soda in the apartment.
I don't drink much soda, have cut back on my coffees too. Been taking more teas, cos my wife loves em, and it easier to make tea for two . A big pot of Chrysanthemum & rosebuds is pretty good and goes a long way..
Was it the snakes and lizards or whatever they are supposed to be?
The snakes and lizards add to the overall scandal as they had a certain meaning at the time this door was installed but there's a particular shape hidden (well it's not that hidden) in the door that was the real scandal.

The only hint I'll give is - body part
I'm not going to make this change.

I indulged the enthusiast itch by thumbing through hands on articles and checking out the price. As encouraged as I am by the recent sale of the V40, I don't have the stomach or resources to do this right now. Plus, as rare as this is, fall will be two years. An awful lot to pay for a two year old device.

I feel that. So true about the cost, I agree with you on this. I'm also glad that you were able to sell the V40 successfully!
I think I'll do the same. A part of me misses the idea of having an iPhone, but doesn't want the huge ones and doesn't want the 2020 SE. I'm going to borrow your strategy here.
I would be OK with two masters. A MA to PhD or a DHA (Doctorate in Healthcare administration). NYU has a MHA program, so once things are more stable towards the end of the year, I may see if I can sit with someone there.

The reason why I don't feel forced to go get a DSW is that a ton of people have an LCSW and just add a load of certificates to their resume and that's cheaper than more debt for a PhD program to make a decent impact (and living). I can still stay sharp through smart CEUs including going to an institute for trainings. I wanted to do non profit management as my specialty in school but the field placements were less than clinical so I did what I had to do to finish.

Again, lots to digest and sift through still.

Nice, I'm sure that things should be more stable so that you can have that conversation. Two masters sounds like a boss move (in general really).

I get that, you really do have a lot to digest all around. You made it where you are now, so I can imagine that you'll go with what makes the most sense.
As much as I hate the idea of doing it too soon. The simple reality is that it's never going to be the right time without a vaccine and to be blunt we don't know if or when that will happen.

Countries can't simply wait until then.

So welcome to the new normal. Some will survive, some won't.

This is true and sad.
It's commencement week for me and I still don't have grades. It would be nice to see them before commencement at the end of the week. I'm not worried about it affecting my commencement because I'm still graduating regardless. I just want to see them and see my new GPA.

Some friends have asked me what I want to do to celebrate previously and I said that I don't know. I'm glad that I said early on that I didn't want a celebration thing because no one can do that now anyway, even if they wanted to! Now that it's the week, aside from getting some good food that day, I want to think of something else I can do.
Nice, I'm sure that things should be more stable so that you can have that conversation. Two masters sounds like a boss move (in general really).

I get that, you really do have a lot to digest all around. You made it where you are now, so I can imagine that you'll go with what makes the most sense.
I know a ton of people who two masters. Had an opportunity to get a teaching one back to back but I didn't want to do that - NYC'snteaching program would have paid for that and I'd teach history as my specialty subject.

I'm not yet looking at costs because I want to make some dents in the current debt before I go back again. This is still a factor though as I problem solve. Some people always saw me with something on the phd level - including the last professor I spoke with.
As much as I hate the idea of doing it too soon. The simple reality is that it's never going to be the right time without a vaccine and to be blunt we don't know if or when that will happen.

Countries can't simply wait until then.

So welcome to the new normal. Some will survive, some won't.

It was expected. Truth to be told, I never really expected a lockdown to happen, that was a surprise for me.

Another truth is, no one know's when's the right time to go back to normal. But that needs to happen nontheless.
I was just listening to OSTs from Tarantino movies. I guess another marathon is ahead of me. Starting with Reservoir Dogs.

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