So yesterday I was an exhausted mess. I had a decent sleep but I'm still feeling pretty rough.
Even in that mode I still managed to go to an interview and do well. Surprisingly.
The agent thinks I have the position but I am keeping my mind open to the idea that I may not. A big stumbling spot is language. So I need to assess that and find out how big of one it really is and I guess they're sorting that out as well.
The thing I was not too aware of is that I would be a supervisor or lead. So I'll be in charge of three people and also deal with exchange offices overseas. This is fine but this adds to the language issue within the department if those I'm working with can't speak English that well etc.
So I guess we'll see. Unfortunately I won't find out until Monday. Remember I mentioned that it would have been great to have the interview early in the week? Well I was right. They have the last Friday of every month off. Guess which Friday it is?
So after emailing the agent it appears he's pretty confident I'll get the position. I'll know for sure Monday.
Here's the rundown of the benefits of changing from my current situation.
Pay - I'll end up being paid more and will likely get yearly increases. Yes this is still a contract position.
Contract - Longer contract length, I currently only have a 6 month contract that gets extended for another 6 months. It's likely the new one will be 2-3 years. This works better for getting a place to live and it's likely to get extended.
Location - I have nothing against where I live currently, we had plans to move to Versailles. However, the newer area opens up better options and opportunities for my wife and our lifestyle in general.
Work - overall I'll end up enjoying this position more than the one I am currently doing. It's more in line with my discipline of the last 25+ years.
Are there any negatives? Yes.
The building and it's interior are not very inspiring. It's a bit meh and apparently recently renovated inside. It felt very jumbled and awkward feeling.
The area also lacks any easy options for lunch outside the office. Which is a bit annoying as I'm not too keen on office cafeterias.
Overall though the benefits outweigh the negatives.
On the whole I'm getting more excited by the idea and looking forward to a change. At first I was a bit anxious and nervous about the risks but I'm feeling better now. I now my current manager and some co-workers are going to be a bit upset but I hope they can see that this is better for me and not take it personally.