WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

One more day of work for this year.

One more day left at this company.

I'm looking forward to the new year, new job and new experiences.

Life is going to be a bit weird for the next little while as I get into this new job. No idea how often I'll be posting.
In news you'd like, I've got some extra time off the next two weeks.

Because of how the job classifies federal holidays vs PTO, I have two extra PTO days I need to use. When I took time off around Memorial and Labor day here, those two days were taken out of my PTO pile instead of the holiday pile.

So to balance the slate, I was refunded my two days and I'm off on Xmas Eve and New year's eve. I'm cool with that. Next week I only work Monday, Thursday and Friday. Not bad.
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In new you'd like, I've got some extra time off the next two weeks.

Because of how the job classifies federal holidays vs PTO, I have two extra PTO days I need to use. When I took time off around Memorial and Labor day here, those two days were taken out of my PTO pile instead of the holiday pile.

So to balance the slate, I was refunded my two days and I'm off on Xmas Eve and New year's eve. I'm cool with that. Next week I only work Monday, Thursday and Friday. Not bad.

Very nice!
The next two weeks will be both fun and tiring as we go through two moves and moving of stuff from one storage place to another.

Hope we find a place soon so we can settle down.
I hope that y'all will find a place soon but also some fun as well.
One more day of work for this year.

One more day left at this company.

I'm looking forward to the new year, new job and new experiences.

Life is going to be a bit weird for the next little while as I get into this new job. No idea how often I'll be posting.
Good luck with everything. I hope you'll be able to relax a bit in between all the moving.
As someone who has traveled a lot in non English speaking countries I can tell you this. Most of those just hear English. They may be able to tell there are slight differences but at the end of the day they only know you're speaking English. If they can tell you have a north American accent they are cautious because they believe a lot of Canadians hate being identified as American. I find this a lot, especially in the UK.

Americans typically get identified by their talking style more than by their accents (i.e. speaking louder than the people around them, smiling a lot, etc). When I say Americans I also mean Canadians in this as well. It's very noticeable...

English speakers are better at identifying different English accents (meaning a person sounds different) and unless you know accents well you will typically have no idea where a person is from (or just generalise). Most Canadians think there is only a 'Canadian accent' without realising there are regional differences. Same goes for Australia. Though in Australia the differences can also be economic (the schools you go to), the UK has this as well. The Queen does not have a London accent for example, though most don't know what a London accent is...
That all makes sense.

It's funny because I think "Geico Gecko" has a cockney accent, but a friend of mine thinks "Geico Gecko" has an Australian accent.
That all makes sense.

It's funny because I think "Geico Gecko" has a cockney accent, but a friend of mine thinks "Geico Gecko" has an Australian accent.
It's definitely a cockney accent according to Wikipedia. The voice is done by British actors as well.

The Australian accent is a difficult one as it sounds like a lot other accents. Which is of course makes sense when you think about it. Lots of people confuse Australian and British accents.

I can pick out a New Zealand accent fairly easy. Especially if they haven't spent any time in Australia.

I was never able to figure out the different English accents. I could tell that they had different ones but I couldn't say where it was from exactly.

I'm just starting to identify different French ones but again a bit difficult to know where they come from. Also not being fluent doesn't help.
So last day.

Maybe a difference between the US and Europe (or other countries in general) my manager here told me the door is open if I want to return.

Always a nice thing to hear. Means they were happy with my work. This isn't the first time I had this said to me either.

I sometimes get the feeling in the US that they take you leaving a bit personally...
So last day.

Maybe a difference between the US and Europe (or other countries in general) my manager here told me the door is open if I want to return.

Always a nice thing to hear. Means they were happy with my work. This isn't the first time I had this said to me either.

I sometimes get the feeling in the US that they take you leaving a bit personally...
That's always nice to hear.
So last day.

Maybe a difference between the US and Europe (or other countries in general) my manager here told me the door is open if I want to return.

Always a nice thing to hear. Means they were happy with my work. This isn't the first time I had this said to me either.

I sometimes get the feeling in the US that they take you leaving a bit personally...

That is a really kind offer. I wish you the best with your last day there.
Just went on a wild goose chase trying to sort out my mail forwarding... Went nowhere.

In typical French fashion. I have a contract but I needed an additional number so I can charge it to a new address. Other number is in Paris in a bag...

So yeah. Useful.
People can be very interesting creatures whenever discussing changes.
There's this thing I like to call owner. Not ownership, but owner. Lots of people don't like to own their own and often leave others to clean up their messes or deal with the repercussions of their actions.
Who moved my cheese?

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