WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Unfortunately for the first time ever, picked up some malware on the V35. Did a quick uninstall of the culprit. Hopefully that takes care it. Should have done a back up (cannot remember if I did) of the V35 when I first set it up recently...if I did I would have done a full factory reset and restore. The good thing is don't keep certain things on my phone anymore, so I should be OK.
Lools like i have to do a full factory reset after all. SMH.

Because I really don't like how this feels I am going to do a complete reinstall by puttinng back on another copy of boot image. A full manual update and not a mere factory reset.

All because of a weather app. Sigh.
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Lools like i have to do a full factory reset after all. SMH.

Because I really don't like how this feels I am going to do a complete reinstall by puttinng back on another copy of boot image. A full manual update and not a mere factory reset.

All because of a weather app. Sigh.
Ugh that's so annoying. I feel like you just did one.
Lools like i have to do a full factory reset after all. SMH.

Because I really don't like how this feels I am going to do a complete reinstall by puttinng back on another copy of boot image. A full manual update and not a mere factory reset.

All because of a weather app. Sigh.
So I did create a basic backup when I first restored the V35. I'll start from that and set everything up again.

This is partly why I wanted to streamline my stuff currently.
So I did create a basic backup when I first restored the V35. I'll start from that and set everything up again.

This is partly why I wanted to streamline my stuff currently.
So it's virtually set up. Gonna do another back up tomorrow and move forward.
Good luck! I hope you get it set up and find a weather app that doesn't phone home.
It's all square now.

The issue is I like to use "Weather and Clock Widget". They have a both and ad-free and a regular version. A few months ago, they unveiled the ad-free in a beta form that they now charge for $5. I had secured the ad-free version and it was tied to my account. When I tried to restore, I picked up the regular one. Because I didn't find the ad-free right away, I tried to use an apk extractor app from the play store to pull it from one phone. The extractor app was bogus.

Fortunately, I found the ad-free one from my library.
Popped into a hole in the wall BBQ kosher joint. Yes, do not adjust your set. I'll post pictures later. No frills, all about the food.
I feel like I need to work on my boundaries or at least set time limits to be able to talk to me. I currently feel overwhelmed as I have limited time to do what needs to be done for school and the week. While I like to be accessible to vent to (as my sibling does the same for me), it's shooting my own work in the foot.
I feel like I need to work on my boundaries or at least set time limits to be able to talk to me. I currently feel overwhelmed as I have limited time to do what needs to be done for school and the week. While I like to be accessible to vent to (as my sibling does the same for me), it's shooting my own work in the foot.
Got for it...and good luck!
So I'm currently getting memories on Facebook of my trip to Morrocco. I was looking at the picture and thinking how dull it looked. I can't remember if it was the Sony or Nokia 920 I had when I took this picture.

So I decided to edit it and make it how I remembered it.

Original than edit.

Speaking of the Nokia 920. I just found it and my wife's 820. I'm going to check to see if there's anything important on them. Then they're going.

It's weird looking at and holding old phones.

My wife had gotten used to her Sony Xperia 5 and the first thing she said when seeing the 820 was, Wow! that's so small!

Comments not necessary from the peanut gallery....
I know it's subjective, but things haven't really changed, true to life colours don't cut it on photos on social media.

Speaking of Nokia, I do use my 950XL once a while. The thinness (naked, without jacket) and ratio now feels really awkward compared to the N8.1
Some snaps over the weekend


So it was the 920 I used.

I had issues with that phone... I don't miss it.

It was a brick too. It's heavier than my current phone

Though I will say the current Sony phones are quite solid. Dropped it on my foot once. It hurt.

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