WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We're on lockdown. I'm working from home for the first time in my career.

You need a honour pass to go outside and there's specifics to what you can do. Groceries, pharmacy, exercise and to see family in need. They've limited the distance you can be out to 2km.

Without this pass you get fined. If caught without it.

First it's €135, then €1500, then €3700.

We're not that different than Italy which is now €5000. I believe Spain has a similar system.
Wow, it's crazy how much has changed in the span of 3 days.
So my boss wants our department to continue working from home to practice social distancing. It works out today but hopefully this isn't for long.

The other part of the library has to come in for a meeting today.
I have some family in the US that doesn't like him at all (Bernie), they're afraid of the increased taxes. They're all around 50 though, so not really his targeted audience.

And what's up with black voters? Didn't catch up on that one.
See my comment about translation of lofty ideals into pragmatic outcomes. He didn't translate well enough to win over (especially older) black voters.
Better hunker down and get used to that one.

It will not work long term for what I do. Even in my boss's plan, it still states that we'll have to come in to process materials time to time. I could just hope that those moments come sooner than later.
Unfortunately, my school has a few confirmed cases lately, which is unsettling. I'm hoping that there will be no cases at work.
Unfortunately, my school has a few confirmed cases lately, which is unsettling. I'm hoping that there will be no cases at work.

Look at it from the bright side, at least people are being tested and the chain broken. That's the best prevention we have right now.
See my comment about translation of lofty ideals into pragmatic outcomes. He didn't translate well enough to win over (especially older) black voters.
As you said, Bernie is hellbent on steamrolling his ideas because he knows what’s best for you and you’re too dumb to realize it. I knew he would get slaughtered in Florida because that “socialism” word is the four letter variety here. Never mind the fact that socialism and communism are two totally different economic philosophies but good luck explaining that to Latinos and ignorant Trumpers. Most, if not all, of them have never heard of Das Kapital or any of Marx and Ingalls’ work.
I have some family in the US that doesn't like him at all (Bernie), they're afraid of the increased taxes. They're all around 50 though, so not really his targeted audience.

And what's up with black voters? Didn't catch up on that one.
Democrats raise your taxes! That’s the oldest Republican scare tactic there is but it works to perfection even in 2020. What they don’t tell you is that they cut taxes on one side then annihilate you with “fees” and “surcharges” everywhere else. I’m in my mid 50s and I like his ideas to some extent. It’s the way he wants to get things done that are a major turnoff to most. Even if by some miracle he became president, he’d get nothing accomplished because Congress won’t buy what he’s selling.
As you said, Bernie is hellbent on steamrolling his ideas because he knows what’s best for you and you’re too dumb to realize it. I knew he would get slaughtered in Florida because that “socialism” word is the four letter variety here. Never mind the fact that socialism and communism are two totally different economic philosophies but good luck explaining that to Latinos and ignorant Trumpers. Most, if not all, of them have never heard of Das Kapital or any of Marx and Ingalls’ work.
While I agree with you that communism and socialism are two different concepts, I don't think Bernie really grasped the negatives in the Cuban experience.
Well for the first time I'm having to work from home. Luckily we have recently moved to an online-based system so its pretty much business as usual. I had to raid my bank to upgrade my computer to make sure I could do the work I needed to, but at least its done now.

Trying to stay in and stay safe! We're not on lockdown in the UK yet but with the amount of people ignoring the social distancing it's just a matter of time until we're in the same situation as Rue.
American politricks have gotten so toxic I'd rather drink a bleach and antifreeze cocktail. Ain't nothing that will lay bare the falsehoods of democracy for the reality of bureaucratic gridlock than a disaster in an election year.
Well for the first time I'm having to work from home. Luckily we have recently moved to an online-based system so its pretty much business as usual. I had to raid my bank to upgrade my computer to make sure I could do the work I needed to, but at least its done now.

Trying to stay in and stay safe! We're not on lockdown in the UK yet but with the amount of people ignoring the social distancing it's just a matter of time until we're in the same situation as Rue.
And thanks to these knuckleheads we’ll all be stuck in our homes. Needless to say, some are from my beloved Flori-Duh. The world’s largest exporter of political and news comedy.


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