And Apple continues to push iOS harder to Mac Book replacement status via the iPads, which I feel that once they perfect that, iOS's new 'full computer' abilities will simply be moved over it the iPhone.
They only introduced the ipad pro in the first place because marketshare was shrinking, whilst windows tablets were growing. Not that an ipad pro has "full computer abilities" but it's 10 to 1, less popular than all their other ipads. I'm not sure apple will measure that as any kind of resounding success. More like a niche product. The MacBook is a great deal bigger marketshare wise.
Then again, the notebook is also still bigger than the windows hybrid despite its rapid growth. And dex and continuum- pretty much niche enthusiast products.
If phones in docks is the future, in our currently multi-device world, its a future that's not very close IMO. Personally I think reducing device redundancy won't be as simple as "one device", more like multiple cross-over devices, sitting at the intersection of various form factors. And there is no way phones are going to make serious gaming or VR platforms any time soon, or act as servers to dish up machine learning. Size versus power is a compromise, even when it comes to screen sizes.
And if you are carrying the screen around- why not have a more powerful device, with larger storage and more ports, keyboard attached?
No, for me, a phone with docks, is a niche. One which will emerge and be significant, but will not replace everything else. The more powerful machines they can make, or the smaller, the more uses they will find for them. It becomes like that overused word "ecosystem". Different devices for different uses.