What if Whatsapp Never returns

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i just wish, the returning whatsapp should come with integration, so that we can make it a default messaging app. or otherwise, there will be an option to send msgs directly through whatsapp, such in Droid. it shall save lot of time.
Whatsapp not being available is a very big deal regardless of what people say. People have friends spread all over the world and whatsapp is the app of choice. So having a platform that does not support such a highly utilized and high profile application is very discerning. And something that could be very detrimental to a platform. This is not like missing an app for the movies or some other insignificant app. Like it or not whatsapp is a marquee app and one that people will look at when choosing platforms. Not having elite level apps makes an OS look underdeveloped and minor league. Something today's market will not tolerate. It has been four years things like this should not be happening. Especially from a company of the stature of Microsoft. Even when the app returns as I am sure it will. The fact that it hasn't been updated for so long speaks volumes towards the maturity of the WP ecosystem. Especially in comparison to other two giants they are competing with. Add snapchat,YouTube and other glaring omissions and you have very troublesome and lingering problem.
i dont know where you guys live, but i also live in europe and viber is easily as big as whatsapp among the people i know. as i said i use whatsapp quite a lot, but it's a bit of an over-exaggeration to say this whole continent can't do without an app that has several equally popular alternatives. it may be that huge in Switzerland, but that's an outlier in my experience.
of course it makes sense some people really prioritise whatsapp (and i'm just playing with this hypothetical scenario of it never returning) but i think it wouldn't be too hard to do without it.
i dont know where you guys live, but i also live in europe and viber is easily as big as whatsapp among the people i know. as i said i use whatsapp quite a lot, but it's a bit of an over-exaggeration to say this whole continent can't do without an app that has several equally popular alternatives. it may be that huge in Switzerland, but that's an outlier in my experience.
of course it makes sense some people really prioritise whatsapp (and i'm just playing with this hypothetical scenario of it never returning) i think it wouldn't be too hard to do without it.

It was maybe a little enthusiastic saying Europe, you're right.

Interestingly, I only know about Viber because of the WPC news concerning it. I installed it a few times after big updates, but there was still almost nobody using it in my address book.
Whatsapp has a lot of nerve for removing an app with no warning, an app which IS NOT free (only first year), many have paid for it. This whole situation is pathetic and has made me consider going back to Android.
I'm still trying to figure out why they pulled it at all. I've seen some of the headlines about how it was totally broken on 8.1, yet I haven't had a single problem and am still using it. Honestly, I'd just use something else if it vanished permanently. I actually miss having Facebook messages show up in the text message app like they did in WP8.
Whatsapp has a lot of nerve for removing an app with no warning, an app which IS NOT free (only first year), many have paid for it. This whole situation is pathetic and has made me consider going back to Android.
they have not removed it. they just for a short time, have stopped publishing it. that does not mean, the existing users cannot use the installed app.
and this withdrawal is regarding the update to be published soon. there are lot many developers follow this procedure.
Judging by how many times she proactively thanked me without my asking how it's going, I'd say she loves it so far. Just gave it to her yesterday. Also hooked her up with a wireless charging stand, JBL PowerUp, and a Nokia flip-cover. Huge upgrade (no pun intended) from her Lumia 900.

Great to hear!
Whatsapp has a lot of nerve for removing an app with no warning

Yeah, how dare they decide to no longer make available their own product which they developed and maintain. Don't they realize that they have to keep it available whether they want to or not? What, do they think they own it or something? Sheesh.
Yeah, how dare they decide to no longer make available their own product which they developed and maintain. Don't they realize that they have to keep it available whether they want to or not? What, do they think they own it or something? Sheesh.

People have paid for it, and if by any chance they reset the phone, they can't use a service they paid for. So no, they don't have a right to do this.
So no, they don't have a right to do this.

Read the EULAs. You're not paying for ownership of an app or service, you're paying for a license to use it. A license which can be revoked at any time by either Microsoft or the app publisher.

So yeah. They do have the right. Whenever they want.
Microsoft has commented on the issue, basically rehashing what the WhatsApp team already said... that there's a technical issue and it'll be back "soon."

The WhatsApp app has been temporarily removed from the Windows Phone store and will be restored soon. We are in the process of working with WhatsApp to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

Source: WhatsApp “will be restored soon” says Microsoft | WMPoweruser
You can make all of that on Android and iOS. If you can't use whatsapp on WP, then, BY COMPARISON, yes, you have a worthless smartphone. Whatsapp is the reason many in Europe even buy smartphones.
Then why doesn't Whatsapp just make a mobile OS and be done with it? Just for your enlightenment, there's a whole lot of people that don't give a rats patoot about Whatsapp and get along without it just fine. If you want to use it, have at it. But it bugs me that so many in these forums blame MS when it isn't MS's fault or problem. Chill out and let the dev fix it.
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People have paid for it, and if by any chance they reset the phone, they can't use a service they paid for. So no, they don't have a right to do this.

Where does this strange sense of entitlement come from? You see it more and more these days...
Just because you paid a tiny amount of money for something (WhatsApp costs what, 99 cents a year?) does not mean it will be available 100% of the time, and neither does it take away WhatsApp's right to temporarily make the installation package unavailable if they feel it is necessary. I'm pretty sure they would not have done this had it not been absolutely necessary. Just look at the ****storm that's going on now. Wouldn't they like to avoid that unless absolutely necessary?

I agree this is annoying, is not doing Windows Phone any favors and probably could not have come at a worse time seeing as WP8.1 devices are just now starting to become available, but what can you do? Being an *** about it on the internet sure isn't going to help.
What exactly should I sell to you? That comment makes no sense.

You have to do whatever meets your needs. If you don't need or use Whatsapp, that's splendid. Good for you. Nonetheless, I need it. I need it that much that it's a reason to change to another platform should it not be available anymore.

Even if this wouldn't be a rational decision - I have explained why I need it, it's the standard here, everybody uses it - it would still be my own decision to make. And believe me, if it would never return, Windows Phone would it have even much, much worse than now in the Swiss market.

It's strange anyway that I have to defend my opinion in a thread that asks for an opinion. Don't you think?

Anyway, I highly doubt that they won't bring it back. There's even a Blackberry version after all.

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