What phones are you thinking of switching to?


New member
Nov 13, 2013
I'll switch to an HP Elite X3, most likely at Christmas. Yes, still on W10M. If I ever want to Android (not a fan) it'd be Nokia or Xiaomi. Not a fan of iOS either.

Grant Taylor3

New member
Mar 15, 2014
I can upgrade my phone in December so I am looking around at the moment.

I may get the Samsung Galaxy S8 and keep it to one side until my 950 gives up the ghost.

At the moment I have no pressing need to replace the 950.

It is not as if I need a faster phone at the moment.

When I got the 950 the 1020 was struggling with Windows 10 Mobile so the 950 was much needed.

That is not the case 2 years later with the 950.

The 950 has gotten better as Windows 10 Mobile has matured.

I would love to be able to run Windows 10 on ARM on the Samsung Galaxy S8.
If I ccould do that down the line I would.

It would be nice if we could upgrade the 950's to Windows 10 on ARM but that is not going to happen.

I could just keep going with the 950 and hope that MS or an OEM bring out a Windows 10 on ARM device that has the ability to be a phone amongst other things.

It may turn out that I get a Samsung Galaxy S8 in the meantime to tide me over until MS gets their act together.

I will mull over my options until then
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New member
Jul 14, 2008
I switched to the Pixel xl. Loved it so much I ordered the new Pixel 2 XL. Three times I ordered and three times I cancelled. There isn't that much difference in my xl and the 2 xl; certainly not enough to justify the price.

My son and I have decided that the best phone with the newest technology that is coming available is the iPhone X. By the time they have the manufacturing kinks out, we will be ready to buy.

Decisions, decisions. What can I say?


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Feb 24, 2017
Bought a real el-cheapo POSH (Oh, I do hope that isn't an acronym) Kick Pro L520 running Android Marshmallow. Just to see if I can live with the new Android better than Lollypop. So far, the phone is junk but the OS seems pretty good. But, I only paid $35 for it on eBay (supposedly a factory refurb).


New member
Jan 18, 2014
My new primary device is an iPhone 8 Plus. I love the camera, screenshots are easy to edit, its secure and it will be guaranteed updates for many years to come!

I made a Moto Z Play my secondary device.... but I just don’t like Android’s lack of cohesion. It’s a very chaotic experience.

I definitely wish more manufacturers had made higher quality windows devices...

Though I’m selling my “collection” of Windows Mobile Devices I’ve been tinkering with; I believe I will hang onto one to use sporadically :)

Since it's pretty much confirmed that Microsoft is giving up on W10M, I'm wondering now what phone to switch to. Currently I have a 1yo Lumia 650, works ok (not as well in terms of speed and non-crashing of apps as my old Lumia 925 which isn't on W10M) but it's quite slow and recently as of last month the Telegram app doesn't function on the 650 anymore (and Telegram is so important to me!). I caved and bought an iPad for school last year, but I will still need a smartphone to switch to by 2018. What phones are you guys looking at, if you do plan to switch soon and why?

Also it pains me to have to ask this question ): have been with Nokia since my first phone and Windows 7 since it first appeared!!!


New member
Sep 7, 2016
After L950,next phone - Xiaomi redmi note 4 or redmi note 5 global version. With snapdragon.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
I've gone a different direction than most I think.

I've been really disheartened with the behavior and priorities of MS lately. I have Galaxy phones and iPhones but neither just "get it right" like windows does.

So I've kinda given up on the whole smartphone thing. I've taken this as an opportunity to disconnect a bit from the always-connected world. So now I have a phone that is minimally intrusive in my life, but still has all the functionality I may need in a pinch.

Enter the Jelly Pro.

Super small. And I'm not a big guy. The smallest smartphone running a full modern version of Android (7.0, but slated to get updates to 8). So I've simplified my life by not using my phone for everything anymore. Mainly just calls, text, and WhatsApp, with the occasional email and Instagram post. The Microsoft Launcher is great in that it keeps me up to date with the weather, and my calendar items. Keeping it basic. And I'm loving the freedom. I get my real work done at my desk now, instead of trudging through it on my phone like I used to on my Lumia 950. Though a 5.2" screen is great, it's still painful to get real work done on it compared to a laptop or desktop.

It has also freed up a pocket for me. One of it's marketing claims was that it fits into a coin pocket, and it totally does. It's so nice to NOT have a big brick of a phone in my pocket that restricts movement and is uncomfortable when sitting down. The new Galaxy phones like the + and the Note 8 are BRUTAL in this regard, as they are now extra long, and extra uncomfortable. You almost need a separate carrying case for it.

When I'm not carrying it in my coin pocket, it's small enough that I use it like a wearable strapped to my forearm. It is a bit clunky in this configuration, but it doesn't bother me at all. So much better than strapping to my upper arm like you have to do with all smartphones due to their large size. On the forearm, you can still do everything you need to do without removing it from your arm. Heck, you can even take a phone call.


So I've gone the route of finding something with LESS, rather than finding something with more.


New member
Feb 24, 2017
Well, about a month with Android Marshmallow, and I'm back to the Lumia 640. Android still can't reliably handle voice dial through my Bluetooth headset, and the layout just seems "wrong". I'll keep it (a POSH Kick Pro L520) and use it for some apps via WIFI, but doubt the SIM will go back in it.


New member
Jan 13, 2017
I just switched to an lg v20. like the phone,but the battery stinks and I'm still figuring out which case to use (Poetic Revolution.,Obliq TPU case, or Feitenn folio).

My Lunua 650 is the first phone I owned that approached my BB10 in terms of pure fun to use. It will be missed.


New member
Jan 13, 2017
I like your perspective on this wrt the Jelly Pro and simplifying your use. Making me think about something like this a well...
Dec 22, 2015
I have had windows phone since windows mobile 7 and had Lumia 950xl on release day just over 2 years ago got feed up waiting for its replacement just gone out got myself iPhone x now just getting used it


New member
May 5, 2015
Still holding on to my Lumia 640, though I've been checking what is around in the android sphere, I think of taking some budget device or actually going for Blackberry Keyone which seems to place value at things I appreciate. Keyboard features remind me of the glorious N900 and the smaller screen is of no issue for me since I do not play games and very rarely watch videos on my phone. Tool > Toy

Hopefully my L640 will keep going long enough to see Keytwo or a discounted Keyone, or what might come around.

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