What WP needs to succeed

Hire the best marketing team in the wooorld!! Pay them billions!! It's as simple as that.
exactly. Microsoft's marketing team sucks. A good marketing team can make a terrible product look amazing. (and no, I'm not saying that WP is terrible :p )
After downloading the windows phone central app, I really wish there were more apps like this.

Tapatalk is so slow and clunky in comparison. I'm starting to realize that if apps are designed well, it's such a great platform.

We seem to be attracting all the untalented developers.
I am in serious need of a reverse tether option for my Lumia 630. Heard wp had this feature on wp7 with Zune support but they dropped the support or something.
So..actually am new to Windows Phone and i am loving it till now.

Would post some more suggestions in future. And will be an active memebr of this forum :)
Happy Window Peeking :) :)
They need a marketing team that actually knows how to market. I haven't seen a single Windows Phone ad in the US in along time and if there is one it's Cortana vs Siri and that's it. Microsoft needs to stop making anti Apple ads and actually make one that shows what Windows Phone can do.
- More advertising
- A MUCH better music sync'ing app than whats currently available to us (i wouldn't be surprised if this has turned people off)
- Apps
- Look after your own first!! It personally ****s me that MS these days release/update an app for other platforms and leave us hanging.
Posting this again..

1) Marketing
Dammit, I have never remembered seeing any windows phone commercial here in Singapore. Replace the whole marketing team. A product is only as good as the marketing. I'm talking TV commercials, billboards, sponsorship.

2) Apps
Now this is an arduous task but the all gap is still there, especially on the games front. I've seen many popular apps on windows phone this couple of years but they are seldom updated as compared to their iOS/Android counterparts. Maybe Microsoft could reward the devs if their apps get 500 000 downloads or something. Or if they have a perfect 5 star rating.

3) Customization
When Windows Phone was first conceived, Microsoft took the Apple approach but it obviously did not work out for them and we can see Microsoft slowly trying to become more like Android. That's a good thing. Android is popular for a reason, one of which, is it's customization. I'm not saying they should open-source windows phone but make it more customizable. Allow users to set default app for the web browser, keyboard, calendar, camera etc.

4) Hardware availability
Windows Phone now has more than 15 hardware partners. From HTC to Micromax. Nokia to BLU. But here's the thing. Alot of this devices are not available internationally. In the US, the Lumia Icon was only available on Verizon. The Lumia 930 wasn't released there. The HTC One M8, I believe was also a timed exclusive on T-Mobile (or was it AT&T?) In Singapore, the o ly windows phone devices we have is from Nokia. How could you expect your devices to sell and your OS to gain recognition if the hardware availability is limited. Microsoft needs to bring more devices to the market.

These 4 points, in my humble opinion, is crucial for Microsoft to take into consideration if they want to succeed and gain at least 15% market share worldwide.
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Not my idea originally but I'll echo it out there...

MS needs to hire a sales force. Don't care how much it costs, they are sitting on a huge pile of cash. Train that sales force to be experts on Windows in general, and Windows Phone in particular. Permanently station one member of that sales force in each and every phone store, big-box store, retail outlet, anywhere iPhones and Androids are currently being sold. That person's entire job is to sell Windows Phone devices and evangelize the product. And match any bonus or incentive being paid to salespeople by the competitors.
For me it's the simple things. The calendar limitation of two weeks past is ridiculous. There are many times I need to know where I was weeks ago, or when the last meeting was etc.
For WP to succeed, windows 8 needs to succeed to because you can only develop windows phone 8/8.1 apps on it. And since not many people have or want it, apps can't be made. Windows 10 is definitely gonna close the app gap however now, Microsoft could solve this app problem early by releasing the windows phone 8.1 sdk for windows 7, so people can develop their windows phone apps now. Then when windows 10 is released, they devs will update to 10 and make a universal app from the windows phone 8.1 app. Yeah that's whait needs now.
They need to add an emulator of android inside.
Also they need to make dev documentation more clear! A lot of new stuff in WP 8.1 has very poor documentation.
Apparently what WP needs to succeed is time - which unfortunately in this cut throat market is hard to come by...
Well for starters, they need to improve their own apps on their own platform. Dammit most of MS apps are better on iOS and Android.

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