What WP needs to succeed

Before "developers developers developers", the windows Store should be repaired.
It's nearly impossible to get your app in front of the user with out a spotlight help.
Two days ago we made over 600 download (trough a good review on a web site) in a single day in a specific country and our app even showed up in the free section.
Have the App store support a true company account with admin and multiple users. It's not designed for business and is a hack one of their interns put together.
For me it's the simple things. The calendar limitation of two weeks past is ridiculous. There are many times I need to know where I was weeks ago, or when the last meeting was etc.

Isn't this set in the Account options... how long to sync?
For WP to succeed, windows 8 needs to succeed to because you can only develop windows phone 8/8.1 apps on it. And since not many people have or want it, apps can't be made. Windows 10 is definitely gonna close the app gap however now, Microsoft could solve this app problem early by releasing the windows phone 8.1 sdk for windows 7, so people can develop their windows phone apps now. Then when windows 10 is released, they devs will update to 10 and make a universal app from the windows phone 8.1 app. Yeah that's whait needs now.

I second this. I'm an enterprise developer who has concentrated on MS technologies for 17 years. Windows 8 is the first MS OS since 3.1 that I had to be forced to "upgrade" to instead of anxiously awaited. I even tried to use Azure virtual development machines to avoid it. I finally broke down and installed W8 a few months ago specifically to do WP development. The W8 requirement has kept developers like me out of the mix.
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For WP to succeed, it needs an open API.

I'm dissatisfied with the way the Data Sense Live tile works. Having it spend half, or more, of it's time displaying the words "Data Sense" is kind of pointless.* Annoyance is the father of invention. I can make your product better, but I can't access any of the cool APIs.

*This is intended as a set up, and not a complaint.
I am agreed with the user above me. Me personaly - i miss real call recorder. This is most important thing that can change my mind to switch OS.
Leaving the WP isn't everyone's fault. Lacking features and apps is the biggest trouble for everyone who is the person who has challenging life to their environment. WP is a classic OS and still need MORE works. Those lazy Microsoft can't make a better than Apple even Google. Hates can't tear them down.
Please MSFT, push your platform with Musics, TV Shows, Movies, etc. Make your platform becomes centre of whole entertainment
Those lazy Microsoft can't make a better than Apple even Google. Hates can't tear them down.

Calm calm,
its just a piece of electronic with software......
Its a phone crying outloud not a religion.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of ICT,
I will fear no blue screen of death; for thou art with me; Thy tablet and thy phone, they comfort me.

wake up call

Microsoft wake-up mate!!!Add damn carrier billing for more countries and operators..I'm from Romania and can't buy apps..we cant buy apps..cant support devs..and here we go..very few apps!!
Re: wake up call

Check out reviews about phones and OS before you buy one, so there aren't any problems for you, I'm sure if you searched on the Net there are a couple of threats like this. Maybe you can change your Region and Language both to English (USA), that way you can buy apps if you have Visa
Re: wake up call

And if you do not have a credit card you can buy a ms gift card.
Re: wake up call

Funny I was just reading a news article talking about MS and Carrier billing, how they are trying to attract the 'next billion'... MS will largely target countries that don't really have access to debit/credit cards where carrier billing is really the only way, this includes large parts of Africa & Asia. I think MS will focus on these core areas before maybe in-filling anywhere else.

Indeed and carrier billing was made possible in India a week or so ago.
So they start learning.
Re: wake up call

I remember nokia's store from Symbian having carrier billing in my country(Dominican republic) it was really surprising, I wonder why don't they implement it on the wp store, they bought nokia's phone business after all
MS needs to focus on improving the quality of the apps on the platform. Major apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Yelp, Flipboard ect. While they are all present on the platform many are severely lacking in quality compared to their iOS/Android counterparts and have not seen updates to them in months. I know there are 3rd party alternatives that work great and are well liked by the hardcore fans, but in order for MS to actually succeed and gain any significant market and mind share the official apps need to be well supported and be at feature parity with their other OS counterparts.

Its the quality of apps that will help to lure new users to WP and as of now the quality just hasn't been there enough on WP and therefore users have no reason to choose it given that they can get a better, more complete experience on other platforms.

The actual biggest problem I think WP has to deal with is the lack of quality and feature parity of apps with iOS/Android. I think people who actually use the phone and try the interface by in large really enjoy it. It has hands down the best user experience interface of the three major platforms, but the official apps lag behind in features and support.

If the apps kept up with the improvements made to them on iOS/Android it would be so much easier to get people to be investment in the hardware and software ecosystem. MS can't keep trumpeting the fact that it has cool official apps for WP if they are rarely updated and have less features and speed than their counterparts.

Realistically what can MS do to combat this problem? What is their long term vision for this platform?
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