What WP needs to succeed

Re: Windows Phone biggest problem

The Windows Phone strategy has been corrected to match Microsoft's winning business strategy since the 90's - increased market share.
Microsoft should finish things they start.
After developing an app they don't support it. After providing a service they don't improve it. After manufacturing a device they don't market it well enough. they don't listen to user feedback. Microsoft has one of the most vast community of users.
They also don't support windows phone, their own platform, as much as android or IOS.
Many more things and actions are needed but this is it from me now.
What I think that wp need is the following.
Microsoft needs it to make it easier for companies to make products that are compatible with wp. Help them develop software so there product works with wp and can do the same things as on android and ios.
Make it easier and that is why I hope that wp 10 will come soon after windows 10, that apps are easier to make to work on all platforms.
Develop more software for wp that only runs on wp and what people want to have. Software that makes the wp special and makes that you don't think about the amount of apps. Apps will come as the platform grows.
Make that only wp works great wit windows. I don't mean that other phones doesn't need to be supported by windows but that you have extra functions as you have a wp and windows system.
Like as you put on your pc, that you can make phone calls, send sums, wattsapp and do other things from your pc as you are using the same account and your phone is in the same network.
Make tools so small companies can make there own website comparable with wp in a webapp.
Make a real high end phone with great specs and special features and than I don't mean a big camera but more like what Samsung does but than better.
Make also virtual reality glasses for wp devises that have a high rest screen.
Let wp work better together with the Xbox. Give it things that you don't make possible for android and ios.

I hope windows phone 10 will come soon after windows 10 and not that we have to wait an other year. 2 to 3 months max.
it is still growing and I believe win 10 will even give it a bigger boost. Also here are companies starting to make more and more apps for wp.
I hear more and more that companies are starting to make apps for wp because there are more and more people asking for.
Here ost people buy a windows phone unlocked and get simonly. I do that the last few years and phone companies re not happy about that because they make a lot of money as they can sell you a phone. Also do they urn more money on an ios and android phone than on a wp. hat is why the keep telling that.
I see other things happening around me and I believe win 10 will give it a boost.
Vodafone, Optus and Telstra don't think WP is worth the effort to promote in articles, develop apps or advertise.

This pretty much sums it up...

Killer App: Over - TechLife

Everyone is using Over for meme's on the fly.. if they have iOS or Android.. once again WP misses the killer app.

Even reading the "must have apps of 2014" articles on all the tech websites they have things like myFitnesspal and Spotify that are available for WP but the sites list them as available for iOS and Android.. even when WP does have the apps it is not acknowledged anywhere... What hope does WP have?
I've joined this thread late, so apologies for probably repeating the obvious.

1. Customer Service: Something long forgotten by most companies since corporations main goal is now profit maximisation. A nice, beautiful, in your face, label on every windows phone box, stating words to the effect that Microsoft's aim is to be the leading brand in customer satisfaction and so if on the rare occasion the product is faulty, Microsoft guarantees no quibble replacement, or refund. And of course to he honoured by Microsoft, meaning that they would need to be a bit more strict on retailers selling the products, ie don't argue with the customer just replace the product and give them a refund, then send faulty product back to us, otherwise you will not be selling our products anymore....

2. App Store: Serious support and encouragement/incentive for any developer porting their apps to windows.

3. Compatibility: Everything from now to have up to date software to make it compatible to communicate with the dreaded AnConDroid and IThing. Theory being that once people experience WP, why on earth would they want to return to IThing and AnConDroid?

The main thing that WP needs to succeed
The things I'd like to see are:

  • Improved Lockscreen: More actionable notifications. One Calendar Item or Twitter post isn't really great.
  • Location Profiles: Like Tasker on Android, something to automate settings based on Location, Wi-Fi etc.
  • Trusted Devices: So if you're connected to your Car or Home Wi-Fi you can bypass the Lockscreen Security.

I know all this sounds like I should just use android, but these are things that are useful.
Chase Bank is dropping their Windows Phone App. Can't make deposits with phone. Not losing apps would be good.
Windows Phone first impressions (compared to Android).

I just bought and started using my first WP device - Lumia 630. I have always been a loyal Android fan (and probably will stay), however, I decided to upgrade my old Nokia 500, which ran on the already dead Symbian and have the Lumia as my secondary phone. Now, I will share my impressions on Windows Phone in a few words.

The design looks great, but only on the home menu. Everywhere else, it looks a bit like a mess. All features and menus looks like a disordered mixture of small and large icons. However, what really bothered me is that I had to make a reset of the phone, which made the "touch" option in settings to disappear, furthermore causing the vibration on the navigation icons not being able to be switched off. Fortunately, the kind people here helped me and told me to download an app (SysAppPusher) which restores some of the system settings. To me, this is very annoying, as Android never deletes important system settings, even when making a hard reset of the phone.

The lack of apps on the store is also disappointing. The Playstore on Android is rich of all kind of apps, and here there are just some ones, half of which have average reviews. The lack of a Youtube app also bothered me (I don't count the many modified Youtube apps on the store, as they don't provide the smoothness of the normal Android Youtube app). There is also an overall feeling that you just..can't do much with the OS

The only thing that I really liked, was how smooth and fast WP is. As far as I like the speed and smoothness of high-end Android devices, I can't deny how good WP runs on Lumia 630, considering that the phone runs only on 512 mb ram. This however, is not enough for me to start liking the OS.

I know that I probably sound like a hater and will raise many negative answers, but I wanted to share my first experience of using WP. It is only my first day, using the Lumia, and I won't stop trying to learn more about the OS and to maybe like it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences of when you first encountered Windows Phone. It would make in interesting discussion. Thank you.
I just bought and started using my first WP device - Lumia 630. I have always been a loyal Android fan (and probably will stay), however, I decided to upgrade my old Nokia 500, which ran on the already dead Symbian and have the Lumia as my secondary phone. Now, I will share my impressions on Windows Phone in a few words.

The design looks great, but only on the home menu. Everywhere else, it looks a bit like a mess. All features and menus looks like a disordered mixture of small and large icons. However, what really bothered me is that I had to make a reset of the phone, which made the "touch" option in settings to disappear, furthermore causing the vibration on the navigation icons not being able to be switched off. Fortunately, the kind people here helped me and told me to download an app (SysAppPusher) which restores some of the system settings. To me, this is very annoying, as Android never deletes important system settings, even when making a hard reset of the phone.

The lack of apps on the store is also disappointing. The Playstore on Android is rich of all kind of apps, and here there are just some ones, half of which have average reviews. The lack of a Youtube app also bothered me (I don't count the many modified Youtube apps on the store, as they don't provide the smoothness of the normal Android Youtube app). There is also an overall feeling that you just..can't do much with the OS

The only thing that I really liked, was how smooth and fast WP is. As far as I like the speed and smoothness of high-end Android devices, I can't deny how good WP runs on Lumia 630, considering that the phone runs only on 512 mb ram. This however, is not enough for me to start liking the OS.

I know that I probably sound like a hater and will raise many negative answers, but I wanted to share my first experience of using WP. It is only my first day, using the Lumia, and I won't stop trying to learn more about the OS and to maybe like it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences of when you first encountered Windows Phone. It would make in interesting discussion. Thank you.

you mad o.O myTube and TubeCast ate the best Youtube apps ever!

i don't rly know how they ate not smooth lol TubeCast runs perfectly on my 830!

also the generic "no apps" doesen't really tell much...sure Android has lots more of apps but how many do you actually use? did any important one miss?

and next month Windows 10 smartphone technical preview will be launched, maybe you should take a look at the new features and become a beta tester thru Windows Insider program!
Re: Windows Phone first impressions (compared to Android).

I just bought and started using my first WP device - Lumia 630. I have always been a loyal Android fan (and probably will stay), however, I decided to upgrade my old Nokia 500, which ran on the already dead Symbian and have the Lumia as my secondary phone. Now, I will share my impressions on Windows Phone in a few words.

The design looks great, but only on the home menu. Everywhere else, it looks a bit like a mess. All features and menus looks like a disordered mixture of small and large icons. However, what really bothered me is that I had to make a reset of the phone, which made the "touch" option in settings to disappear, furthermore causing the vibration on the navigation icons not being able to be switched off. Fortunately, the kind people here helped me and told me to download an app (SysAppPusher) which restores some of the system settings. To me, this is very annoying, as Android never deletes important system settings, even when making a hard reset of the phone.

The lack of apps on the store is also disappointing. The Playstore on Android is rich of all kind of apps, and here there are just some ones, half of which have average reviews. The lack of a Youtube app also bothered me (I don't count the many modified Youtube apps on the store, as they don't provide the smoothness of the normal Android Youtube app). There is also an overall feeling that you just..can't do much with the OS

The only thing that I really liked, was how smooth and fast WP is. As far as I like the speed and smoothness of high-end Android devices, I can't deny how good WP runs on Lumia 630, considering that the phone runs only on 512 mb ram. This however, is not enough for me to start liking the OS.

I know that I probably sound like a hater and will raise many negative answers, but I wanted to share my first experience of using WP. It is only my first day, using the Lumia, and I won't stop trying to learn more about the OS and to maybe like it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences of when you first encountered Windows Phone. It would make in interesting discussion. Thank you.

I speak as a former Android user, who when tested a Windows Phone, jumped at the opportunity to move.

You mention a Hard Reset doesn't remove settings, on that you are incorrect. On any device (apple, android, windows) doing a Hard Reset, resets the whole device back to factory settings, what you are talking about regarding the settings still being there when you reload is that Google backup the settings, which Windows Phone does to, you just need to select to firstly backup the settings (some people might not wish for this), and two, during the setup process (after Hard Reset) you can opt to install from backup (OneDrive). I've personally never had an issue with settings not being backed-up.

You mention about YouTube app, MS did produce a YouTube app, however Google requested this to be removed, which MS complied. This forces users to use third-party apps only. Blame Google for that one.

With regards OS customisation, I see it from this point of view:
If you want a secure phone operating system, that you can do a lot of things with (within reason), but give up a lot of the customisation, then choose either WinPhone or Apple.
If you want customisation at the loss of security, then you need to choose Android.

Apple & WinPhone use a sandbox mode, which means better security, but little customisation, Android it's vice versa. It's whichever option you really want.

Granted, apps are not as plentiful as on Apple or Android store, however it's mostly there for the main ones, with a few exceptions including SnapChat. I'm personally believing in the fact that Win10 will change the developer landscape. I don't go by numbers, as there are so many third-party and useless apps. I would rather have 500k quality apps from all major sites/businesses, then 1m+ from all and sundry.

Me personally would never (especially if Google's involved) use Android. My choice would only be WinPhone or Apple, personally.

Just my input on the matter, in the end a phone has options, it's just want you need.

Not sure if that has been mentioned, but here I go:
WP needs better events, man.
I was watching the WP10 one with my friend, who has a lot of Apple stuff.
So after the event, we're talking about it, and he shows me the iOS 7 event. They had a nice little presentation to go over the new features and stuff, but what really got to me was what happened after they showed it.
The people in crowd just get up, start clapping, screaming, and a guy even yelled out "I love you!"
What happened during the WP10 event?....some people sat down, typing away (my friend even said some of them had Macs) and whenever the people on stage asked something, like a "who's with me?" type thing, it was just silence....
The WP platform is great...smooth, reliable, but Microsoft does a poor job of marketing the phone for one thing.ads never show what the phone can do that IOS or Android can't. Also, Microsoft develops Office, One Drive, Microsoft Health for the Band, Etc. For IOS and Android...so why switch? Apple is smart...you want their apps, smartwatch, etc...buy an iPhone! Sometimes I get the feeling that Microsoft treats the phone and band like an experimental project...such a shame.
I think following mods would boost the WP sales:
1. Titles / Headers should be managed to be readable in single display.
2. Pinning of the SMS: Can be used as reminder if it has important info.
3. More options and integration for one note.
4. More functions for Exchange Email and Office docs
Sorry but none of that stuff matters, the only thing that matters is winning mind share. Right now and for a long time there has been nothing compelling enough to keep WP on the minds of consumers and want to ditch what they are using the 1st chance they get to buy a windows phone. Then anyone that actually wants to buy one especially in the US cant buy one, those who own one and want to upgrade can't even go and upgrade right now. WP as a platform is a complete cluster **** right now. The day they turn things around is when they can capture and keep the attention of the average consumer then for the 1st time ever have the same phones on all carriers at the same time on launch day, with a huge and I mean huge sustained marketing push, so all you see and hear is WP over and over and over and over for months on end.

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