When You Aren't Volunteering Here, What Else Do You Do For a Hobby?

I have a Ford F-350 4X4 and an Eagle Cap EC 850 slide in truck camper that my wife and I camp on the beach with out on Cape Cod, MA during the spring, summer and fall... during the winter, it's Photoshop, CorelDRAW, etc. - just putzing around on the PC and staying warm until the warm weather returns!

Taking a daily walk with my best friend and wife, along with our two dogs. Just finished reading the entire Ian Fleming James Bond series. Watching all sides (left, middle, right) on cable news channels. Maybe I should stop doing this last thing. Giving me a headache.
Full time husband and dad. My other full time job is as a DBA.

Came from disassembling Tiger Electronics hand held game toys as a little guy (the long but not too long before Gameboy device), to learning to build my own PC, later building systems (workstations/gaming/liquid cooled/servers/etc.), finally to administrator over them. The last 5 years I've worked being an admin over all kinds of servers from any Nix-like to Windows. Then now moved into the database side.

I'm into anything that I can do more with. Tech, programs, tools, anything...Technology is one of my main passions/hobbies though.

Love spending time with my family, listening to music, into playing sports (baseball/softball), house repairs (when needed), reading, and windows tech news of course.
When I'm not working in the QA engineering department of a major utility in New York City,
I also work as a part time Depity Sheriff.
In my past I have had very diversified careers including working as a sound engineer for live bands.
I also have a computer degree and love to Tinker with computers. I am also an amateur photographer and have lots of camera equipment have done some paid work but it's mostly a hobby.
I also work backstage at my daughter's dance competitions managing the props.
I'm also a certified NRA instructor.
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I teach at a university and my wife owns several restaurants. When we have some free time we travel, spend a lot of time bicycling and hiking, and go see a lot of movies and concerts.
Hobbies? what are those? lol

2 jobs have kept me busy since August last year, but had to drop one so have some more time. Maybe I can finally pick up my hobbies again.

Normally: soccer (playing [not so much since I had an issue with my knees, but that was resolved last year]/ watching)/movies (home or theater)/ series (always home)/ reading/ walking/ youtube (yikes, but really helps when you need to watch sth entertaining, but short ha!) and driving (only listing this because I suck at parking backwards so actively trying to change that lol)

Wonder if working could be a hobby :D wanted to pick up karate or teakwondo. Have some time now so should look into it again.

The only constant things since late last year have been work/music/reading and youtube lol
What an amazing bunch of ppl!
Personally, I'm a critical care nurse with a handful of specialities.
I enjoy rock climbing, scuba diving, flying light sports aircraft, jumping out of aircraft, taking the Jeep out into some serious mud, keeping fit.
I'm also in an environmental group, we go on outing in the bush and check the health of the environment, animals, trees etc.. I used to be a drover in the desert country, so my bushcraft comes in handy out there
And I enjoy chatting in the forums and nice shiny new phones 🙃
If I am not working or on a Mobile Nations website, I generally hang out with friends, listen to music, watch sports and play video games. I have a passion for cars and love to go for spirited drives.
I read. A lot. I love sci-fi and fantasy books. I play a lot of video games as well. I'm really loving my NES Classic and PS4 right now. I'm an amateur astronomer and I love going out stargazing at night with my telescope.

When you said astronomy, that got my attention

I've been interested in astronomy but because of the country I live in, it's hard to get both information and equipment to try out anything

I hope that maybe we can start a conversation on this?
I've been interested in photography - the act of taking photos and not really the art of editing and bringing out details - I'm that kind of guy that just takes a photo though I'm now trying to get into better photography through taking time to create and compose shots. currently I have a Nikon D5300 while before that I had a Lumia 1020

I'm also an avid reader whenever I can get my hands on a book - science fiction, fantasy, mystery - I probably have read over 2000 books since the year 2000

I do watch a few series when I get time - expanse is my current favourite as well as Supernatural, Flash, Arrow, Daredevil, Sherlock etc

I watch movies as well, again when I have time

Most of all, I try to meet up with friends and spend time with them since that is the one thing I truly enjoy doing but can't get enough of. Most of my friends are from Mombasa city which is 500km away from my current city, Nairobi - so that makes it difficult.
Good Morning everyone :)

I'm currently a computer science student in 3rd year. So that takes up most of my time. When i get home, i always take an hour or two to browse mobile nations and get caught up with anything I've missed during the day. There is always conversation happing so i have to get involved :)

Over the weekend, I try to play some golf. The sunshine and fresh air is nice and relaxing, except when i miss an important putt then the inner hulk comes out for a couple seconds haha. Plus i get to meet new people each week which is really nice :grin: If I'm not up for golf then a short run or 30 minute cycle does the trick for me.

Other than that, i like watching various youtube channels like Mr Mobile or series on Netflix. So yeah thats about it. If you have any question I'm all ears and will answer as soon as possible :)
I live in conflict zone when situation is tense I only watch news and (internet during these situation is banned)last summer was full of curfew .In normal situation I play cricket and football and goes college 2or 3 days in a week.

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All study and no joy makes ... wait
I sometimes visit Facebook groups "One Microsoft" and "Windows Insiders"
then I study
Currently on my final semester in 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering. The semester just started, so I'm finally getting busy again (was on holiday for the past 3 months), which explains why I've recently started disappearing from this forums. I do check it out every now and then, but couldn't find the time to reply.

Anyways, aside from studying, I watch movies and write reviews on my Facebook (too lazy to set up an account on review sites or start my own webpage), play video games on my laptop (both online and single-player), as well as keeping up on the latest technology and gadgets. I also browse my social media to keep myself up to date with my friends who are studying elsewhere, as well as browsing Reddit to learn about life in general (apparently AskReddit is the best place to learn about other people's perspective).

So, yeah. Cheers, and have a good day!
I found a new hobby this winter - shovelling snow!!! :eck: Been a particularly harsh one this year with it seemingly snowing every 2-3 days, definitely looking forward to spring arriving.

My main passion has always been mechanics so it was only fitting when the opportunity arrived for a HD Mech apprenticeship, that was 37 years ago and still residing with same company where it all started, an underground lead/zinc mine. That same mechanical passion also lead to our love for NASCAR and a several year stint wrenching on Stock Cars - Paved oval track racing... You guessed it, my favourite driver was Dale Earnhardt Sr. and now Dale Jr - #88 all the way :cool:

Was introduced to the computer world in 1987, soon we found ourselves obsessed trying to keep pace with the technology. That obsession then migrated to digital cameras, video cameras, smart phones and so on. What ever piece of technology we choose it's a guarantee we'll have a back up, then a back up for the back up, and maybe another back up. Yep no question, we're obsessed LOL.

So when all's said and done it's (no particular order)... Computers, photos, video, NASCAR, NHL Hockey, news, mechanics (HD/automotive).
As a longtime BlackBerry user, I'm usually on CrackBerry. Falconer said I should come over here and say something - hey, where's my trusted member badge?
Industrial electrician by trade, try to stick with control work, PLC's, machine integration and such, but also have to do the high power stuff to pay the bills. Some of this knowledge crosses over, to hardware anyway.
Ride motorcycles, read, canoe, travel and spend way too much time on CrackBerry.
Also herd cats, seriously. We have 5, (yes, I know, one should never have more cats than one has elbows) do some volunteer work at a local animal shelter, mostly cats.
I mainly cycle but also run and swim.. I pedal 30-40 miles a day and generally go 5 or 6 days a week.. I also do a Triathlon once a year so as that date gets closer my running and swimming will increase..

I've always been a reader. I read a lot and read anything available. Now with the internet, I am a bit more selective and often go for stories which are light, entertaining, things that is not too heavy for the brain after work.
For the last two years, I got this thing for certain old mobile phone models. So I've been spending time looking for addition into my collection, maintaining the batteries and making sure the phones are in good shape (But more often than not, I've added scratches to the phones when trying to keep them clean).
Awesome thread, Robert!

I suppose I'm primarily a computer geek. When I was in my teens and 20s, I was building my own PC towers and messing with different linux distros. These days, I do less of that, but when I have time, I still tinker with a few raspberry pis, or programming little 8bit microcontrollers. I recently finished building a new router using pfSense. The last few weeks, I've been playing an old text based BBS game called TeleArena with my sister.

I am also into music. I play keyboard and run sound for a band. We play most weekends at bars or nightclubs in the area. My wife and I also try to catch bands that we like when they come into the area.

I also like to spend time outdoors. My wife and I hike, mountain bike and Geocache.

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