When You Aren't Volunteering Here, What Else Do You Do For a Hobby?

Hobbies seem to come and go with me. I've been severely and quite costly into Mountain Biking and Kayaking in the past. It takes a lot of time though and geographic logistics can be a bear at times... I don't really do either any more. Age might be a factor there, LOL.

I really love taking and tweaking photos, so my phone and PC life definitely fit in there big time.

Music, movies, books more so than games. Although I do have a pretty severe Hill Climb Racing habit.

My enduring passion is for food. I love cooking. I've created a few recipes that are very well received and I think I have a penchant for recreating a dish that I've sampled somewhere (with my own twist, of course). Dining out is nice, but I really like making things from scratch and when I have the time I can go all out and create a sumptuous meal with excellent timing so everything finishes at once.

My Curried Chicken Salad is outstanding and I've been accused of having it catered in.

Chicken Burrito with Pineapple-Mango Salsa anyone?

Ever heard of Spaghetti Pizza?

I consider it a personal triumph that I have recreated and mastered Dry Crispy Shredded Beef...

Bon Appétit.
Other than studying hard in the school and preparing myself for college, there's so many (maybe even too much) stuff I'm involved in.

I'm a fitness addict, a complete junkie to be honest. I usually work out 4-5 days a week and always watch what's on my plate and try not to eat that sweet sweet sugar :D. Other than going to the gym I also cycle a lot. As a matter fact, during the summer, the bike is my actual mean of transportation from my home to the gym.

I write for this kind of small tech site. I really could not enjoy it more than I already do. I've always loved tech, loved learning about tech and I was also engaged in writing since I was a kid, so I guess this is pretty much a perfect match for me.

Other than those two, I also write poems. Yeah, some of you could find it boring but I enjoy it. As I said, from my early ages I showed talent for writing, so, it's kind of natural that I'm at least a bit occupied by it. Heck I've even been writing a book when I was 10 or so. I never finished it of course and it was, now when I look at it from this poing, really poor quality. But I was 10, don't forget that xd.

Are we counting watching sports as a hobby? Cause I'm all into sports. Especially football and handball. Though I only pay attention to national teams in handball. But football. Yeah, I love it all.

What else. I was supposed to be on a debate competition today and was preparing for it for the past 10 or some days. But it got canceled which is a real bummer.

I guess that's pretty much it.
Out in the non-digital world, I am a Dental Assistant. In my free time I like to volunteer to community programs geared towards people who can't afford or don't have regular access to dental care. I also like to play volleyball and planning my future as a Pug mom.
Music, writing, soccer... hanging with the family.

I used to do a lot of techie tinkering, but not so much recently.
Work, home, family, friends, reading (both academic and non-academic), music, walks. I am completely a non-tech person and started visiting websites to look for solutions to problems I had on our PC, laptop and phones.This happened after my son (he was the one who would handle the problems) joined University at the other end of the country. This is how I discovered the WC Forums and later the AC Forums and gradually became a member after posting a guest question.
I do enjoy visiting the forums though I am not able to spend much time on it
Wow! This is a very good topic to read and know a bit more about our users. Great idea :)

Well, apparently there doesn't seem to be many folks on here besides me, who spent most of their time on cars. They are my number one passion, tech follows closely on second place. I really like sport cars, and am currently in the search for something more suitable to use on a track :) Also, I trade with car parts a lot. Buy wrecked, take apart, sell the good bits :D Currently I am getting a proper garage of my own, with all the lifts, tools and other expensive tools :D Great fun, much wow ;)

In the meantime, until the business is fully functional and profitable, I will continue to work for the UN, unless...you know...Trump hah :D

PS: Microsoft all the way, I could literately be a MS Ambassador, converted many people so far. And you have to keep in mind that here in EU, they do even less promoting of their products, and we don't even have a MS Store in my country :/

Love my SP4 :)

Cheers ^^
Ok, working with computers and been doing that for 20 plus years, I confess that this also is one of my hobbies. :-)

I also like the outdoors, running, hiking, music, classic point and click adventure games, classic cars and recently vintage record players.

But having four children limits my free time a bit, but I also love spending time with my famlily and friends.

So a busy life and I like it. :-)
What an amazing bunch of ppl!
Personally, I'm a critical care nurse with a handful of specialities.
I enjoy rock climbing, scuba diving, flying light sports aircraft, jumping out of aircraft, taking the Jeep out into some serious mud, keeping fit.
I'm also in an environmental group, we go on outing in the bush and check the health of the environment, animals, trees etc.. I used to be a drover in the desert country, so my bushcraft comes in handy out there
And I enjoy chatting in the forums and nice shiny new phones 🙃

Working in an ICU were some of my most enjoyable times working in healthcare. Really got to make a difference.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S

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