When You Aren't Volunteering Here, What Else Do You Do For a Hobby?

Love Bundesliga!

Bayern had always been a favorite, though I've been keeping an eye on Dortmund and Pulicic.

Knew nothing about them. Went to Munich and got caught up in the festivities. Kind of adopted them not knowing if they were good or bad. Came home and started watching their games. Now I'm hooked!

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
Hey everyone,

I'm just coming back from vacation. Just spent a couple weeks in the Caribbean and wish I never had to come back. Things move at a much slower pace and that is nice (at times). haha.

Most of my time is spent at work (sad as that is). I have a young child now and if I'm not at work, I am with her. My life revolves around her now. I can't wait until she is older and has some hobbies that I can participate more in. I'm really hoping she likes golf and cycling. I used to play a lot of golf (well, that means once a week for me and only during the available months). Being from Toronto, we only get a few months to play. I know that surprises many of our US members who believe that Canada is the north pole and we live in igloos year round. :) :D

I used to ride my road bike a lot too. However, with the child, this hasn't happened a lot either. Mostly gathering dust now. Probably just need to use indoors on the trainer, but even then, it isn't the same. Part of the fun is being outdoors (although not in the winter time of course) and saying hello to fellow riders and other folks walking in the neighbourhood.

I guess I need to find a new job where I can enjoy my own hobbies and my kids as well. Work seems to get in the way of this, unfortunately.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone else is up to.
I like to read books, listen to music and I also do long distance running. In my spare time, outside of my main IT job, I teach English and I am slowly trying to learn Python too.
Outside of Mobile Nations... Hmm... LOL

I am married to my best friend, really. I have a daughter who just turned two and a boy that could be here any day. I worked in the technology (network and systems administration) field for around 14 years and very recently decided to stay home and take care of my kids. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit so I am not sure how this will work out.

Outside of my time on here I enjoy collecting/repairing old video games and Arcade machines. I also collect BlackBerry swag and devices.

My wife and I enjoy spending time outdoors and traveling. We host a lot of parties at our house and like to be social.
Excellent thread!
Looks like it's my turn.

I'm one of the older members here.

Main activities for me off-line are home chores.
Our place is getting on in years and trying to hold it together by myself is a full time job so a lot of time is spent with that.

We have lots of wonderful pets here including large decorative fish in 2 ponds, large flight cage with 8 budgies, one indoor cat, one outdoor cat and four dawgs that need constant care.

The wife and I try to go places in our RV trailer when possible although that has been difficult lately.

I like to interact with our good neighbors by helping out if they need anything.
Love to tinker and try to fix things if I can.
Always been a gadget lover especially audio and camera items.
The addiction has had a firm grip on me since I was a young boy.

As an avid follower of current events I'm a news media hound and spend hours and hours reading about things in print or on-line.
Also I enjoy biographies of people who have changed the course of history.
We have a collection of books I refer to occasionally just for the sake of remembering.

Big fan of modern jazz here and will listen to my music often in the evenings.

Guess I'm just a homebody that doesn't get out much these days.
Whoa I've slacked off! I started a new job 22 days ago now :) left my cushy, "pick and choose my job" world of independent consulting, into a high paced hectic corporate thrown into fire world so that's my excuse. lol

Before all that, I love hockey, I play beer league hockey with buddies (10 years no on this team), I run a fantasy hockey league, I love yahoo fantasy hockey pools.

Have a very fulfilling family of 4, kids are only 4 and 7 so still a lot of fun but the 7 year old starting to need a firmer hand lately lol. Punk.

I try to keep an active lifestyle with CrossFit, hockey and Yoga.

And I like to bbq and smoke (like bbq smoking) here are my babies!
One thing we might all take interest in this month is over in the Cerulean Mobile Thread. Go show your support as volunteers and as Windows Mobile users/fans! If you are not aware of what Cerulean is about, please visit there and read up on it. They are currently firing up a mid-range device to market, and need our support.

Woah!! I like this thread!
I guess it's the rookies turn! Well this young rookie ain't got much to tell, so I'll try to keep the autobiography short, lol.

Edited: This ISNT SHORT, as I promised, lol.

For hobbies when I'm not on any Mobile Nations forums:

I binge watch Netflix for a while, started watching the old tv series Prison Break last week.

I edit videos and pictures sometimes for my sister a few times a week.

I recently stopped but I develop Android apps using Android Studio. I might get back on that during the summer though.

Recently stopped but I also do some game development here and there for personal use.

I regularly check all of my emails.

Usually go out with some friends Friday and Saturday nights.

Read articles on the latest and greatest everything!

Building PC's (@ My Job)

And enjoying the day with family and or friends.
Okay so I guess I should post here too!

I am still going to school which takes care of my time in the morning and early afternoon.

I don't have any special hobbies, but I like to experiment around the PC and my phone a bit, recently I've built a PC for the first time and the feeling was so good when I attached the last component and the PC started running!

I also enjoy playing videogames (Windows Store is far behind Steam, sorry Microsoft) and watching Netflix.

I do some light programming and I tried to learn about Windows UWP development at Microsoft Virtual Academy, but it didn't really teach me everything I feel I need to understand it properly. Maybe the problem is my lack of knowledge of C#, because I thought that the logic behind all programming languages is the same. Maybe I'll try again in the Summer.

I like listening to music, I used to be "the wannabe 80's kid" but now my taste changes quite often.

When I have time, I also like to read science fiction or criminal thrillers, sometimes history books (yeah I know right, what a combination - computer science and history).

I go out from time to time, but in my country people are still a bit conservative about young generations going out in the late evening, which means I don't go out as often because I wouldn't get much company.

EDIT: forgot to add that I also like to play soccer and other sports with balls when I have time
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Greeting! I'm running around the MobileNations like a Crazy Lady.... My home is on Crackberry and have been a member since 2010. I will be learning as much as possible (with this empty head of mine) with all the different OS's and accessories. It's FUN!!!
I also am a eBay and Amazon Queen of Buying.

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