Which is better name if Microsoft have plan to release new window phone (surface or Lumia )

I personally think the question is deeper than a name. The smartphone market is saturated with Android taking over 80-percent and iPhone taking pretty much the rest. A **smartphone** from Microsoft with *any* name would still have to contend *as* a smartphone where there would be little chance of success.

I believe a new category of device, running Windows 10, Andromeda, with CSHell on a pocketable PC with Continuum, that can be full PC when docked, phablet-sized handheld perhaps when folded and a tablet when unfolded differentiates the device on a more fundamental basis than what the name would accomplish alone.

With telephony it could still do what a phone does, but would be categoriacally a new type of pocket PC. With that positioning I would suggest the Surface branding so that it falls in line with the Surface family of devices under the Studio, Pro, Laptop and Hub as an ultramobile PC with a strong inking, digital notepad focus.

This is how Microsoft could position ultramobike PCs.

Microsoft needs to leverage partnerships, eSIM and edge computing to position ultramobile PCs:

You are right Jason, I am already using either my SP4 as my desktop using a docking station, I also have a docking station for my 950XL, I am up for a phone sized PC running full blown Windows 10 that then uses Cshell, Continuum or whatever they come up with to make it more touch screen and mobile sized friendly, they will also need to strategize on apps like Phone and Messaging V Skype, I like Skype but I want to use it for Skyping, I want the mobile PC to make calls and send messages using the existing apps and also be able to make calls from my Surface or other devices using the phones connections.

They are so close, yet managing to p*ss of users on a daily basis and losing ground, it takes a lot to get people to come back when the leave.

Bottom Line MS need to take the bull by the horns, get a device into the "Mobile" market and then stick by it for more than 18 months and sell it......

If they don't then the creep is in for the death of Windows and eventually MS itself, certainly within the consumer space.
Lumia 100% It was not only Trademarked but people actually like the look and feel of a lumia device. they should also bring back the design. People used to love my Phones ( Lumia 900, 920 & 1020) either way without the developers support it means nothing.
I will go for Lumia because Lumia is popular than surface in most of countries as a smartphone brand .
what you windows phone fans wants Microsoft to name new window phone if they have a plan to release new windows phone

The Lumia name is done for, unfortunately. It really should be called a Surface. At my husband's job (Microsoft retail), he regularly has customers that ask when MS will come out with a Surface Phone.
The Lumia name is done for, unfortunately. It really should be called a Surface. At my husband's job (Microsoft retail), he regularly has customers that ask when MS will come out with a Surface Phone.
It's good customers is waiting for new window phone from Microsoft

Sent from (iOK)
I'll take the Surface, simply because the phone-route is dead for MS. What I want now is a Windows-powered micro pc which can also make calls. With web apps taking over in a few years, I'd be very pleased with a pocketable Surface device running full Windows 10, which can transform into a fully usable tablet, and can hook up to an external display for a full PC experience being announced next summer and available mid autumn... As long as they don't mix the camera! At least on par with the 950, but faster...!
I'll take the Surface, simply because the phone-route is dead for MS. What I want now is a Windows-powered micro pc which can also make calls. With web apps taking over in a few years, I'd be very pleased with a pocketable Surface device running full Windows 10, which can transform into a fully usable tablet, and can hook up to an external display for a full PC experience being announced next summer and available mid autumn... As long as they don't mix the camera! At least on par with the 950, but faster...!

This is more or less what I want at this point too. Give me a device that is foldable, can be used for calls, has stylus support, and Windows and I'm good to go.
When Microsoft brings another mobile phone/device/ultra mobile device to the table, I won't care what name it has. As long as it is able to get sms/mms phone calls and email via cellular and fits in my pocket, I will check it out either way.
I feel that the Lumia brand has been tarnished to the point where the Surface brand would do better. This is IF AND ONLY IF, they actually create a truly innovative device, change their app development focus to Windows First, iOS & Android after, and actually market the device like it's their last hurrah for being in business. Lumia is associated with failure with two companies. However, Surface is known as the innovative brand that brings new ideas to the table that changes the tech landscape. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what name they choose. If they cannot do what I mentioned, then it doesn't matter. Lumia suffered from lack of hardware, lack of marketing, and lack of first party support. It's Microsoft's fault we got here and the Lumia name got destroyed. From Windows Phone 8.1 - 10, they consistently developed their software and launched first on iOS and Android. I don't care if they did launch a new phone with the Surface name. If that trend continues, it will fail and damage the Surface brand, affecting the entire lineup with negative perception.
I think it should be called the "Microsoft We Really Mean It This Time". For short, Microsoft WRMITT-1 for the first generation.
I want more choice in WP, my current device is an Idol 4S and it is gorgeous. Forget the hardware for a moment but I never found Lumias to be anything more than utilitarian. It never blew you away. The most compliments I had was when I put a brown mozo leather case on my 950. We're never going to convert people to Windows unless the form factor is cool and it really looks like a premium device. At this point with great web browsing on mobile, apps are not always the things you have to have. Just my 2 cents worth.
Doesn't matter what it is called as it will be a business rather than consumer focussed device range. Just give it a name/ecosystem that attracts app developers to the best mobile OS available.

Sent from my Dual SIM, Hello enabled, 256gb card equipped, 3.5mm headphone jack compatible, wireless charging 950XL.

It ain't about the hardware......
Brand Lumia or Surface is not going to be the reason why new line of Windows phone devices will succeed or fail. Any of those two would do just fine, if Microsoft only demonstrates that they know what they are doing and be consistent in their support and development. It's just sad to see inferior android OS based devices all over the market, with hardly any alternative offering from Microsoft. I still use Lumia 950 and will use it for as long it's supported. Hopefully Microsoft or their OEM partners will release new generation of Windows phone devices, because I don't want to spend 1000 USD on iPhone X, which is only iPhone covering most of my Lumia 950's features. Android is not an option! ...Galaxy S8 with Windows 10 would probably be nice. :-)
If it is just going to be another standard Windows Mobile 10 smartphone, then I'd stick w/ the Lumia brand. Otherwise, if it is going to redefine the industry, as the 2 in 1 Surface did, then move to the Surface brand. Simple as that. Don't taint the Surface brand w/ anything only intended to serve as a bridge b/w Windows Mobile 10 phones, as they are now known, and the vision that seems to be gelling up for an ultimate 3 in 1 Surface phone.
I am going to say Surface Mobile just because it's not a phone. The Lumia brand represents a whole different range of devices with different architecture. The Surface Mobile though is going to have Windows on ARM. WoARM is not something that will be usable on your average SoC. It will most likely require a high-end SoC to work properly and even if it doesn't need the power of an expensive SoC, Microsoft will probably never build WoARM for a mid-range SoC (as you may know, every single device configuration requires its own separate build of the OS).

So this may be a perfect proof why a single branding name is really important for a product.

BTW, when Microsoft make the Surface Mobile (if that ever happens), nothing stops them from making mid-range Lumia phones with Windows 10 Mobile. It's all up to them.
MS must have some type of mobile device to stay relevant going forward. However, they cannot afford to enter the smartphone race. That race was lost sadly. I am hoping for the next device and just as Jason outlined, I hope it is a foldable phablet/tablet/dock friendly PC running WoA. Not Lumia, maybe not even Surface. New category of device deserves a new name.
100% agree, Jason. Surface name all the way. Personally I like Daniel's theory of the Surface Pocket name.

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