Which is better name if Microsoft have plan to release new window phone (surface or Lumia )

I will go for Lumia because Lumia is popular than surface in most of countries as a smartphone brand .
what you windows phone fans wants Microsoft to name new window phone if they have a plan to release new windows phone

Couldn't care less. I am never going back to Windows phone. Even if it is given for free. Don't like the way the they ditch plans on the fly.
I will go for Lumia because Lumia is popular than surface in most of countries as a smartphone brand .
what you windows phone fans wants Microsoft to name new window phone if they have a plan to release new windows phone

According to me I would say that Microsoft should keep releasing atleast one phone model atleast one phone every 6 months so that it's fans don't have to switch platform. Microsoft should understand that to grow in a market it should stand in the market or else it will be just a spectator. The surface phone was a craze and now it is not that a surface phone will bring Microsoft back into the race at once. Win customers trust and development in the platform by showing intrest in it will help.
If it will be a classical smartphone with just a few more capabilities, there is no reason to change the Lumia brand to me. They might choose a more creative name instead of those boring codes. I mean both android phones and iphones ARE classical smartphones despite what they say about new screens, 3d touch and so on. If it will be a truly revolutionary mobile device, I think It should have a totally new brand, obviously Microsoft [...]. On the contrary, if it will include several features already present in the Surface line, then go ahead with that brand, very attractive to some bloggers. It depends a lot on what the device will be and appear.
release one last generation of Lumia as a low-end device and make Surface as the high end, just like iphone X.. put out Surface X.
For me, it doesn't matter what they name it. They have lost my trust and the only way to even begin regaining it is to nail the next iteration of their mobile endeavors. The name is the last thing that matters to me.
Lumia under Nokia was known for its very high quality. I own the Lumia 900, 920, and 640. Nokia has been revving up to re-enter the phone business with phones running android, so it would be in Microsoft's best interest to start over with a new branding, and as many have mentioned, the Surface brand has represented high end hardware. Microsoft should have left the Nokia team in place in Finland, after the acquisition, There were some pretty nice phones coming down the pipeline.
I will go for Lumia because Lumia is popular than surface in most of countries as a smartphone brand .
what you windows phone fans wants Microsoft to name new window phone if they have a plan to release new windows phone

At this point I don't really care, but you know what it SHOULD be? Supported.............
I personally think the question is deeper than a name. The smartphone market is saturated with Android taking over 80-percent and iPhone taking pretty much the rest. A **smartphone** from Microsoft with *any* name would still have to contend *as* a smartphone where there would be little chance of success.

I believe a new category of device, running Windows 10, Andromeda, with CSHell on a pocketable PC with Continuum, that can be full PC when docked, phablet-sized handheld perhaps when folded and a tablet when unfolded differentiates the device on a more fundamental basis than what the name would accomplish alone.

With telephony it could still do what a phone does, but would be categoriacally a new type of pocket PC. With that positioning I would suggest the Surface branding so that it falls in line with the Surface family of devices under the Studio, Pro, Laptop and Hub as an ultramobile PC with a strong inking, digital notepad focus.

This is how Microsoft could position ultramobike PCs.

Microsoft needs to leverage partnerships, eSIM and edge computing to position ultramobile PCs:


They should name the device "NEXT" or "BeSet"
Surface Mobile (or similar) for a high end mobility device.

If Microsoft sees success and decides to create a mid-range device again they could leverage the Lumia name. I'm not all that confident they wouldn't mess this up however, their previous 'mid-range' devices like the 650, 830, 735 were all lackluster and overpriced.
The Lumia name and MS should never be said in the same sentence again. Don't get me wrong, I love my 950XL, but i think it's the to move on to something different. Since MS does seem to care very much about it's Surface brand, I would expect them to create something remarkably different and something that will make the consumer market really want to get their hands on one. That would mean, Continuum has to be a beast and work with all UWP apps Surface Pen support,
Using the Lumia name at this point, I feel like MS will not put their all into it and just put something out that will get lost among the Android and iPhones currently on the market.
The Surface concept is to blur the line between a SmartPhone and a functional PC. That said, I would call it "The Bridge.'" New name for a new product.
In terms of a branding aspect and leveraging on hype the term 'Surface phone' is perhaps as popular as it will get.

If Microsoft was planning to kill the Lumia line they could have done it the way Google phased out the Nexus. Let people know that they are hanging around for something better.
Lumia is NOT a failed brand. The software just didn't reach the boiling point it needed to in order to stay competitive. I'm open to the Surface branding but just the same I would also buy a Lumia.

Personally, I like where Windows 10 mobile is now. It works well in my everyday use. I love the UI and its ease of use. Like anything it either grows on you or not. When it fits well in your work and in your life then its good. Of course, I'm not the first to say "Where's the apps?!".
Unless they can release a phone that people would love (I mean without the app gap) they should not compromise Surface Brand. The best hardware / OS are not warrant of success.

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